ABC Harris-Trump Debate

Is there a doctor in the house ?

Poor little DEI airhead gets a week of scripted lines, goes into what is supposed to be a debate, totally rigged by ABC (headed by a personal friend of Harris), and then repeats lines she memorized.

Never once did the rigged "moderators" fact check or question her (despite doing that to Trump repeatedly).

In a nutshell, it was a 3 against 1 gang up on Trump, another unfair charade. When are Republicans going to stop agreeing to subject themselves to this kind of calculated attack from biased, leftwing, BAMN media ? (when Harris got off scot-free refusing to debate on NewsMax or Fox)
Trump never should have agreed to a debate moderated by two Trump-haters from an anti-Trump media without also insisting on another debate by FOX to be moderated by people who prefer him.

How about another debate with a conservative and a liberal moderator, and each questions the candidate they want to lose? The redhead lib from the View (Joy something) can question Trump, and Hannity can question Harris.

Now THAT would be must-see TV, and Harris would be shown to be the radical left Marxist phony she is.

Trump never should have agreed to a debate moderated by two Trump-haters from an anti-Trump media without also insisting on another debate by FOX to be moderated by people who prefer him.

How about another debate with a conservative and a liberal moderator, and each questions the candidate they want to lose? The redhead lib from the View (Joy something) can question Trump, and Hannity can question Harris.

Now THAT would be must-see TV, and Harris would be shown to be the radical left Marxist phony she is.
HOW about one with 2 conservative mods, since Harris thought it was OK to have 2 liberal mods. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
HOW about one with 2 conservative mods, since Harris thought it was OK to have 2 liberal mods. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
That would be better, but she’d never agree to it.

Trump could handle Joy Redhead no problem, and Hannity would make mince meat of Kamala.
She lied about Trump enacting Project 2025, about “fine people on both sides “ that Trump was responsible for inciting a riot, that she was never for gun confiscation, that she was never opposed to fracking, that he loves dictators, that he has weaponized the government (oh, the irony…..)

The only thing she forgot to lie about is Russia, Russia, Russia!
You do know that Trump's MO is to never be in a position to be blamed or directly related to anything that could get him in trouble but he has always been the actual person behind things.

Here is a FACT that you cannot ignore (if you are a reasonable person)

Trump claims not to know who is behind Project 2025. A CNN review found at least 140 people who worked for him are involved

Trump did say that "there were very fine people on both sides" but the one of the sides he was referring to were White Supremacists.

Trump was the one that called his supporters to come and listen to him, then pushed his followers to go to the Capitol and protest. If he had not done that, no protest would have occurred.

Kamala did NOT say that she never against fracking. She said she decided to go with the necessity of fracking for now.

Trump does love dictators and I can prove it without a shadow of a doubt. He loves Putin, has announced that he and Kim Jong-un are having a love affair, has clearly stated that he respects Xi and helped Erdogan. All of the above are dictators. He has yet to laud any Democratic president in the world, and last but not least he specifically picked 3 Supreme Court justices that had stated in the past that they were against Roe vs Wade (that is weaponizing the government.

As such, she did not lie one single time.

Trump lied 33 times. They were clear lies.
You do know that Trump's MO is to never be in a position to be blamed or directly related to anything that could get him in trouble but he has always been the actual person behind things.

Here is a FACT that you cannot ignore (if you are a reasonable person)

Trump claims not to know who is behind Project 2025. A CNN review found at least 140 people who worked for him are involved

Trump did say that "there were very fine people on both sides" but the one of the sides he was referring to were White Supremacists.

Trump was the one that called his supporters to come and listen to him, then pushed his followers to go to the Capitol and protest. If he had not done that, no protest would have occurred.

Kamala did NOT say that she never against fracking. She said she decided to go with the necessity of fracking for now.

Trump does love dictators and I can prove it without a shadow of a doubt. He loves Putin, has announced that he and Kim Jong-un are having a love affair, has clearly stated that he respects Xi and helped Erdogan. All of the above are dictators. He has yet to laud any Democratic president in the world, and last but not least he specifically picked 3 Supreme Court justices that had stated in the past that they were against Roe vs Wade (that is weaponizing the government.

As such, she did not lie one single time.

Trump lied 33 times. They were clear lies.
She lied CONSTANTLY. Trump didnt lie at all.

PS -so what if 140 people who had worked for him, were involved in Project 2025 ? That doesn't mean he knows anything about them being there. I once had 100+ people working for me. I have no idea where they are now, or what they're doing.

Trump was tougher on Putin than any president ever.

1. the Trump administration imposed sanctions on Russia — including on 7 of Russia’s richest individuals, and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections.
2. The sanctions directly penalized Putin’s inner circle, by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again. He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf.
3. During his first month in office ,Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia. These punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.
4. Mnuchin stated that there would be no easing of the sanctions until Russia meets its obligations under the 2015 Minsk agreement — the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine.
5. Trump closed off Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City, that appeared to be a threat to American security
6. Trump led the world in expelling Russian diplomats after the nerve agent attack in the UK. Expelled 60 Russian diplomats from U.S. soil.
7. Trump lambasted Russia for using oil to hold NATO’s Eastern European countries hostage. Trump underscored the dangers of those countries’ dependence on Russian oil, leading to their inability to criticize Russia the rest of the year
8. By ramping up US oil production, Trump made America #1 in the world in energy production, and our exports to Europe relieved them of being dependent on Russian oil.
9. Trump sold Patriot missle defense system to Poland. Obama capitulated to Russia in 2010 by removing missile launchers in Poland
10. No Red line in Syria..........they were actually hit by Trump
11. Trump pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016
12. Trump sanctioned Nord Stream 2
13. Trump sold anti-tank weapons to Ukraine (Obama gave them blankets)
14. Trump withdrew from INF treaty

Putin allegedly being a friend of Trump, is nothing but a propaganda BS line, pushed by Democrats, and a pretty ridiculous one. Trump was tough on Putin, and a lot tougher than weakling Biden, who doesn't know how to be tough.

Now, that all being said >>

Biden is loyal to the Palestinians.
Biden is loyal to Iran.
Biden is loyal to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Biden is loyal to illegal aliens,
Biden discriminates against white people
Biden uses LAWFARE
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