Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

I don't play questions games. You do, so you can evade answering a very simple question.
I can't explain it to you unless you are able to read this graph. Do you see where to read the surface elevation on the graph on the right? Yes or no?
It looks like you can't explain it to anyone, becuase you keep refusing to do so.

Again, stop with the cowardly question games. I'm not your dancing monkey, little control freak. Find your gonads, act like a liberal, and just clearly and directly explain your point.
Do you see where to read the surface elevation on the graph on the right?
Just to answer the silly OP thread headline:


It certainly isn’t falsifiable.
It is falsifiable though because their PROJECTIONS are falsifiable. They are adding feedbacks equal to 3.5 times the GHG effect of CO2 in their projections. That's falsifiable. If that were correct the planet wouldn't have cooled for millions of years with atmospheric CO2 1.5 times greater than today. The supposed feedbacks would have been to strong.
At this point, rather then repeat what you've run from before, I'll just give you a well-deserved "Fuck off, troll."
I'm trying to explain it to you. Do you see where to read the surface elevation on the graph on the right? Do you see the word "altitude?" Do you realize the altitude of the surface would be 0 on that curve? Do you understand these things? Do you realize the atmosphere has a temperature profile based upon altitude?

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