Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

What's the paper about?
Again, it's wildly sleazy and cowardly of you to try to shift the burden of proof. And it fools nobody.

Now, I educate those actually willing to learn for free.

For dishonest trolls, I charge. My tutoring fee is $100/hour. Indicate your willingness to pay ahead to my Paypal account, and then pay, and we'll get started. Given your cluelessness, this will take at least 5 hours.
Again, it's wildly sleazy and cowardly of you to try to shift the burden of proof. And it fools nobody.

Now, I educate those actually willing to learn for free.

For dishonest trolls, I charge. My tutoring fee is $100/hour. Indicate your willingness to pay ahead to my Paypal account, and then pay, and we'll get started. Given your cluelessness, this will take at least 5 hours.
Let's discuss it in the bull ring. Sound good to you? I'll make you my bitch.
Again, it's wildly sleazy and cowardly of you to try to shift the burden of proof. And it fools nobody.

Now, I educate those actually willing to learn for free.

For dishonest trolls, I charge. My tutoring fee is $100/hour. Indicate your willingness to pay ahead to my Paypal account, and then pay, and we'll get started. Given your cluelessness, this will take at least 5 hours.
I get $200/hour as a consultant. :lol:
Again, it's wildly sleazy and cowardly of you to try to shift the burden of proof. And it fools nobody.

Now, I educate those actually willing to learn for free.

For dishonest trolls, I charge. My tutoring fee is $100/hour. Indicate your willingness to pay ahead to my Paypal account, and then pay, and we'll get started. Given your cluelessness, this will take at least 5 hours.
I provided the paper. How am I shifting the burden of proof? You can't even tell me what the paper is about because you are too stupid to understand it. If you told me what the paper was about, you'd have your proof.

mamooth The proof you are looking for is in this graph. But you are too dumb to understand this graph. You are a dummy. An ignorant person. Maybe ask EMH for his help. He won't be able to figure it out but you can both be stupid together.
If they could refute one word of the links, they already would have....
And yet you still can't explain it. You're boring everyone.

Have you used your "Just trust me, bro!" reasoning to overturn the the global consensus in any other fields of science?

We are all so blessed to have your genius among us.
I already did. I even provided the paper. Here's the graph which shows the theoretical temperature at different elevations (graph on the right) and the results for the model he proposes to correct for convective currents. Are you telling me you still can't figure this out?

I even provided the paper.

And it doesn't say what you claim, hence the problem. You just keep repeating "Trust me, bro!".

Well, I can do that too. I have pulled something out of my ass, and by your moron standards, I need not prove it, and you have to accept it.

Checkmate, dumbass.
Are you telling me you still can't figure this out?
I'm pointing out you can't figure it out. That would be why you just cry helplessly when I ask you to explain it.

And yes, everyone is laughing at you.
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And it doesn't say what you claim, hence the problem. You just keep repeating "Trust me, bro!".

Well, I can do that too. I have pulled something out of my ass, and by your moron standards, I need not prove it, and you have to accept it.

Checkmate, dumbass.

I'm pointing out you can't figure it out. That would be why you just cry helplessly when I ask you to explain it.

And yes, everyone is laughing at you.
Are you incapable of identifying the surface elevation in the graph on the right? Have you even looked at the units on the graph?
Everyone can see it in the bull ring. Afraid?
I'm challenging you to debate right now, right here, and you're crapping yourself and running.

If I was as gutless as you, I'd off myself out of shame. Seriously. Just stop crying, stop evading, and back up your loony claim.

Oh wait, you can't. Hence the tears and evasions.
I'm challenging you to debate right now, right here, and you're crapping yourself and running.

If I was as gutless as you, I'd off myself out of shame. Seriously. Just stop crying, stop evading, and back up your loony claim.

Oh wait, you can't. Hence the tears and evasions.
And I'm going to challenge you to a debate in the bull ring.

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