Fox News reporting Trump’s poor performance not sitting well with Republicans

Would CNN and MSNBC ever report this about their party and candidate? No.

As for the Republicans, those pussies are in no position to criticize Trump. Most Republicans are afraid of Democrats and their media think of them. This is why Trump - a lifelong Democrat and Democrat donor - was able to dominate the Republican Party like Democrats have.

Looking forward to Ted Cruz stepping up.
I watch the debate and the fake repubs that Fox allegedly spoke to are full of shit
Inflation is at 2.9 percent
Does that answer your question?

Kamala still supports the bipartisan border bill that Trump killed
Inflation already shot up 20 points and you are bragging that it slowed to less than 3?? Brag when it is declining given the damage that has already been done. What were the specifics of the bipartisan bill that will control border security? Has she mentioned them or does she just keep harping that Trump didn’t like it? Better yet, Trump hasn’t been President since 2021. If the bill is so great, has bipartisan support and Trump is not President, why hasn’t it been passed?
Inflation already shot up 20 points and you are bragging that it slowed to less than 3?? Brag when it is declining given the damage that has already been done. What were the specifics of the bipartisan bill that will control border security? Has she mentioned them or does she just keep harping that Trump didn’t like it? Better yet, Trump hasn’t been President since 2021. If the bill is so great, has bipartisan support and Trump is not President, why hasn’t it been passed?
Inflation shot up globally because of COVID and the Ukraine war.
Biden led the US recovery and has inflation down to 2.9 percent
What were the specifics of the bipartisan bill that will control border security?
Thousands of new border agents
More judges to hear amnesty requests
Enhanced fentanyl screening at the border
Cutting allowable requests for amnesty to 5000
Money for communities affected by migrants

Trump killed it
Inflation shot up globally because of COVID and the Ukraine war.
Biden led the US recovery and has inflation down to 2.9 percent
STFU. Biden caused like 40-50% inflation in the US with EOs on his 1st day in office, you fuckin' shitbird.
Inflation shot up globally because of COVID and the Ukraine war.
Biden led the US recovery and has inflation down to 2.9 percent
Keep telling yourself that. In the face of global inflation, the last thing a government should do is go on a pork-filled spending binge…. It only exacerbates inflation.
Inflation already shot up 20 points
This is not the correct way of looking at inflation.

2% is healthy. 4.5 years of 2% inflation is about 9.3%.

So 9.3% is the healthy flatline, over that timeline. Inflation persisted in our overheated economy. We basically had to outbid the world for things. And we did, while performing better, inflation-wise, than our peers.

So what did we learn, here? The supply lines are paramount.
Thousands of new border agents
More judges to hear amnesty requests
Enhanced fentanyl screening at the border
Cutting allowable requests for amnesty to 5000
Money for communities affected by migrants

Trump killed it
So three plus years have passed since Trump. Why hasn’t it passed?
Thousands of new border agents
More judges to hear amnesty requests
Enhanced fentanyl screening at the border
Cutting allowable requests for amnesty to 5000
Money for communities affected by migrants

Trump killed it
How? He's not in government right now at all.
This is not the correct way of looking at inflation.

2% is healthy. 4.5 years of 2% inflation is about 9.3%.

So 9.3% is the healthy flatline, over that timeline. Inflation persisted in our overheated economy. We basically had to outbid the world for things. And we did, while performing better, inflation-wise, than our peers.

So what did we learn, here? The supply lines are paramount.
And the largest spending bill in history helped that how?

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