The Police Endorse a Convicted Felon

1. We'll see who is right about the 34 "felonies" being overturned after the case gets to a real court system, out of NYS.

2. J6? Nancy Pelosi takes responsibility for not having the National Guard there as requested by Trump and Sund. Jack Smith is done.

Trump never asked Pelosi to have the DCNG there. He never asked anyone. He was in a meeting with his Secretary of Defense and suggested 10K DCNG might be needed to protect his supporters. Miller didn't call to deploy the DCNG because he didn't take Trump seriously.

Not to mention, but I will... why didn't Trump deploy them himself when he saw what his suppporters were doing to the Capitol?
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You didn't read my post. The police are for law and order and it's not law and order when you weaponize the system to make someone a convicted felon for purely political reasons.
I read your post and the police are not for law and order when they support a convicted felon. There was nothing weaponized for political reasons as it pertins to Trump. What happened to Hunter Biden fit that description.
Exactly.. Because Trump is for Restoring Law&Order..
Trump is a convicted felon. He's not trying to do anything but restore his ability to stop the cases against him.
Was it that the police couldn't validate the accusations as a genuine crime. You shouldn't mess around with law enforcers who question using gratuitous politics as the chief witness.
{wa-wah trumpet}
The police have endorsed a man who was legitimately found guilty of 34 counts of crime. And the only person who made this political was trump.
The case was tried in a real court system and it will not be overturned. Nancy Pelosi was not responsible for having the NG at the capital and the fact remains that there should have been no 1-6.
You can keep typing your opinions, but I have credible links to backup my assertions.

1. Click on the video link to hear Pelosi take responsibility for J6. The National Guard would have stopped the J6 riot. Trump and Sund both requested the National Guard.

Nancy Pelosi says ‘I take responsibility’ for not having National Guard at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in video shot by her own daughter​

2. Law professor Turley explains why the 34 "Lawfare" felonies will be overturned.
"Below is my column in the Hill on the most compelling grounds for an appeal in the Trump case after his conviction on 34 counts in Manhattan"
You can keep typing your opinions, but I have credible links to backup my assertions.

1. Click on the video link to hear Pelosi take responsibility for J6. The National Guard would have stopped the J6 riot. Trump and Sund both requested the National Guard.

Nancy Pelosi says ‘I take responsibility’ for not having National Guard at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in video shot by her own daughter​

2. Law professor Turley explains why the 34 "Lawfare" felonies will be overturned.
"Below is my column in the Hill on the most compelling grounds for an appeal in the Trump case after his conviction on 34 counts in Manhattan"
My credible link is the jury decision. Jonathan Turley is not credible.
Trump never asked Pelosi to have the DCNG there. He never asked anyone. He was in a meeting with his Secretary of Defense and suggested 10K DCNG might be needed to protect his supporters. Miller didn't call to deploy the DCNG because he didn't take Trump seriously.

Not to mention, but I will... why didn't Trump deploy them himself when he saw what his supporters were doing to the Capitol?
You can type lies, I have links confirming the truth.

1. Here is a video confirming that Trump requested the NG for J6. Why request the NG if you're planning an "insurrection"?

2. Here is another attendee of that meeting confirming via his testimony.

Gen. Kellogg: Trump did request Nat’l Guard troops on Jan. 6th; asks Congress to release his testimony​

Kellogg, who was serving as Vice President Mike Pence’s National Security Advisor at the time of the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol breach, tweeted last week, “To be clear on 6 Jan/NG. Pg 199 of my book, ‘On 3 Jan the President asked the Def Dept to deploy NG troops’ into DC for J6 contingencies.

3. Here is a separate request for the NG by Capitol Police Chief Sund, that was denied by Pelosi's direct report Sgt. at Arms Irving

Former U.S. House security chief denies ‘optics’ dictated Jan. 6 decisions at Capitol​

"Sund said he had requested National Guard troops be deployed at the Capitol in a conversation with Irving and Stenger two days before the riot, but that Irving had expressed concern about "optics" of using the troops."

4. Trump and Sund BOTH requested the NG before J6, Nancy Pelosi denied his request, she said so on video.

Nancy Pelosi says ‘I take responsibility’ for not having National Guard at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in video shot by her own daughter​

5. There was no "insurrection" on J6, just a bad decision by Nancy Pelosi not to approve the request for the NG.
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I read your post and the police are not for law and order when they support a convicted felon. There was nothing weaponized for political reasons as it pertins to Trump. What happened to Hunter Biden fit that description.
They know the left have made Trump a convicted felon by not following justice and abusing the system for political gain.
No. Trump committed the crimes. The evidence was enough to get a conviction. 34 times.

He is a convicted felon regardless of your thots and feels.
We’ll see if it holds, people outside of your bubble, including most law scholars, see this as an unprecedented abuse. You just want to say the word, but it really doesn’t mean anything given the context

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