A convicted felon / President?

Yeah shoot the messenger. Typical leftist crap. I gave you data proving most jurors get their news from Trump hating, leftist, biased news media. It is certainly NOT 'irrelevant.'
All jurors get their facts from the trial. Trump's lawyer had every opportunity to challenge the jurors. Seems to me you're quite ignorant, but then you're a MAGA. 😂
So 61 judges at random and now this one judging Trump's election fraud trial are all corrupt but your guy is not. That's a big call. You must be deep cult pal
Regardless, the cases had merit. They were dismissed for 'lack of standing' which has nothing to do with lack of merit. I suggest you do some reading on it because you seem pretty ignorant and are parroting Democrat talking points.

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.
Nope, misdemeanor

All jurors get their facts from the trial. Trump's lawyer had every opportunity to challenge the jurors. Seems to me you're quite ignorant, but then you're a MAGA. 😂
But they had nothing that was a felony to consider
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Regardless, the cases had merit. They were dismissed for 'lack of standing' which has nothing to do with lack of merit. I suggest you do some reading on it because you seem pretty ignorant and are parroting Democrat talking points.
What all 61 cases had merit in your dreams and in the 3 years since them not one of them has progressed to a court. Not a single one. You can see why rational patriots see you MAGA as nutters.
The jury who actually were there and heard all the evidence unanimously found your guy guilty of all 34. What do you know that they don't? 😂
None that were felonies and nothing that was an actual active misdemeanor. They just confirmed the sky was blue and agreed on that
Yeah shoot the messenger. Typical leftist crap. I gave you data proving most jurors get their news from Trump hating, leftist, biased news media. It is certainly NOT 'irrelevant.'
No you didn't. You showed me some statistics about how people from New York tend to read the new York times.

You have no idea what the jurors read. You have no idea who they support.

All you know is they were approved by Trump's defense team in accordance with the law and they subsequently found Trump guilty.

And getting past all your speculation, it is not a cause to dismiss jury members lol.

Is there any precedent in our history that allows a case to be dismissed because the jury was chosen from a pool of majority Dem or Republicans news viewers?

That is a ludicrous contention.

All jurors get their facts from the trial. Trump's lawyer had every opportunity to challenge the jurors. Seems to me you're quite ignorant, but then you're a MAGA. 😂
It is obvious that the jury was tainted because half of the prospective jurors were cut due to bias against Trump. The trial should have been moved to another jurisdiction with a judge that (unlike Merchan who donated to Joe Biden and groups such as 'Progressive Turnout Project' as well as 'Stop Republicans)' would not have all the anti Trump and anti Republican history baggage. He also should have recused himself. His daughter is president of 'Authentic Campaigns' a firm that worked on fund raising for the Democrats. When Trump objected, Merchan slapped him with a gag order.
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No you didn't. You showed me some statistics about how people from New York tend to read the new York times.

You have no idea what the jurors read. You have no idea who they support.

All you know is they were approved by Trump's defense team in accordance with the law and they subsequently found Trump guilty.

And getting past all your speculation, it is not a cause to dismiss jury members lol.

Is there any precedent in our history that allows a case to be dismissed because the jury was chosen from a pool of majority Dem or Republicans news viewers?

That is a ludicrous contention.
I know that half the prospective jurors were dismissed due to anti Trump bias. I posted the media that the jurors read. Mostly the left wing NYT. The jurors were approved because of what they said. That doesn't mean they were not biased. Usually the trial gets moved to a more objective venue when they have to go through this many prospective jurors and usually a judge biased against the defendant has the integrity to recuse themself. You look but don't really see what's really going on here. Frankly these charges should never have been brought in the first place. Ditto for 'record gate' and 'loan gate.' All very weak cases with biased Soros funded prosecutors and biased judges. The Democrat party controls our legal system.
I know that half the prospective jurors were dismissed due to anti Trump bias.

Dismissed because they didn't think.they could fair or impartial.

I posted the media that the jurors read. Mostly the left wing NYT

No you did not. You posted what they most likely to read.

The jurors were approved because of what they said. That doesn't mean they were not biased.

Yep. Same with every case in America since forever.

Usually the trial gets moved to a more objective venue when they have to go through this many prospective jurors

Precedent please.

and usually a judge biased against the defendant has the integrity to recuse themself.

He had no need to refuse himself. The judges supervisors were aware of merchans minor donations.

His daughter is irrelevant. Never heard of a judge recusing themselves because their kids do political fundraising.

You look but don't really see what's really going on here.

I see reality. You see one orange man who is nothing but a poor victim and the whole world is out to get him. Trump's life is so unfair. Adjudicated sexual assaulters and fraudsters should have better luck... oh, were those decisions unfair too?

Frankly these charges should never have been brought in the first place.

Why? He broke the law. Why wouldn't someone bring charges?

Ditto for 'record gate' and 'loan gate.'

Is it because you want a banana Republic where political candidates are above the law?

All very weak cases with biased Soros funded prosecutors and biased judges. The Democrat party controls our legal system.
I can't speak to the docs case since it's still in process but the "loans" (nice gaslighting lol) case he was found guilty does not imply a weak case....oh but Soros! They are all against Trump. Soros, Disney, bud light, the judges, the lawyers, Congress, the deep state, Hollywood, the media, windmills, weather maps, doctors, scientists, our global allies, etc etc...they are all after Trump and Trump is a victim.

You really got to be out there to believe this crap. I miss the good days of simple child eating pedos in pizza basements and operation jade helm.

Now we have an entire globe of deep state conspirators plotting for years in tandem to take down the most innocent man in history...and he's orange. Lol.

Could a more unbelievable story be contrived? Only time will tell.
Dismissed because they didn't think.they could fair or impartial.

No you did not. You posted what they most likely to read.

Yep. Same with every case in America since forever.

Precedent please.

He had no need to refuse himself. The judges supervisors were aware of merchans minor donations.

His daughter is irrelevant. Never heard of a judge recusing themselves because their kids do political fundraising.

I see reality. You see one orange man who is nothing but a poor victim and the whole world is out to get him. Trump's life is so unfair. Adjudicated sexual assaulters and fraudsters should have better luck... oh, were those decisions unfair too?

Why? He broke the law. Why wouldn't someone bring charges?

Is it because you want a banana Republic where political candidates are above the law?

I can't speak to the docs case since it's still in process but the "loans" (nice gaslighting lol) case he was found guilty does not imply a weak case....oh but Soros! They are all against Trump. Soros, Disney, bud light, the judges, the lawyers, Congress, the deep state, Hollywood, the media, windmills, weather maps, doctors, scientists, our global allies, etc etc...they are all after Trump and Trump is a victim.

You really got to be out there to believe this crap. I miss the good days of simple child eating pedos in pizza basements and operation jade helm.

Now we have an entire globe of deep state conspirators plotting for years in tandem to take down the most innocent man in history...and he's orange. Lol.

Could a more unbelievable story be contrived? Only time will tell.
They are the DC elite tyrants. Trump is not of their ilk and that’s why they hate him. They promote war and have cut our fuel supply. They want to see our country overrun by illegal aliens they want our children to to question their own natal sex. Now they’re dissing Israel and carrying Palestine flags!!!! If you go along with this shit, then you’re crazy I’m sorry
As an individual tax payer too? Why did trump make 9 or 10 payments out of his personal checking account?

And WHERE did the trump team on their business records DISCLOSE they had an NDA to deduct on their taxes? They didnt. They FALSIFIED their records! BOOM!
Your obsession with Trump is entirely unhealthy.

You're missing the forest for a single tree.
It is obvious that the jury was tainted because half of the prospective jurors were cut due to bias against Trump. The trial should have been moved to another jurisdiction with a judge that (unlike Merchan who donated to Joe Biden and groups such as 'Progressive Turnout Project' as well as 'Stop Republicans)' would not have all the anti Trump and anti Republican history baggage. He also should have recused himself. His daughter is president of 'Authentic Campaigns' a firm that worked on fund raising for the Democrats. When Trump objected, Merchan slapped him with a gag order.
So the jury heard weeks of evidence, even Pecker testifing under oath that Trump through Cohen paid him to bury the story and print BS articles about Trumps political opponent. What part of this testimony was bias and lies do you think?

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