Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

The figures are per capita you utter mong.

You're embarrassing yourself and your fellow countryman. It's clear you're on the forum unsupervised.
Perhaps until you can provide actual fact and a civil demeanor you should be banned from the forum.

Also, YOU said that they were per 100k. This is not per capita, you moron, this is per 100k. Since you claim to be so brilliant, even you should know the difference, which you obviously do not.

But he wants to. Republicans obstruct any gun regulation.

The only difference between other first world nations with little to no gun crime and the US is gun regulation.
So harris has no plan to stop them, yet you expect trump to? Why?
Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?

No! Are we powerless if someone wants to walk into the WH and shoot up the place? What did you fail to understand about hardening security?

No! Are we powerless if someone wants to walk into the WH and shoot up the place? What did you fail to understand about hardening security?

Which he didn’t do during his presidency...right? Why?

Are you going to harden security at 90,000+ public schools? While cutting taxes and paying for IVF treatments?

I’m all for more security btw. Its not going to stop school shooting since the shooters usually have a death wish anyway. But it will likely be a deterrent to many. If someone still wants to open fire, they will; at a bus, at a game, at a play....
Which he didn’t do during his presidency...right? Why?

Are you going to harden security at 90,000+ public schools? While cutting taxes and paying for IVF treatments?

I’m all for more security btw. Its not going to stop school shooting since the shooters usually have a death wish anyway. But it will likely be a deterrent to many. If someone still wants to open fire, they will; at a bus, at a game, at a play....

You seem to be confusing State and federal responsibilities. Try actually reading the Constitution and see if you can figure it out.

You seem to be confusing State and federal responsibilities.
Are you saying Trump has no plan?
Try actually reading the Constitution and see if you can figure it out.

Try actually looking at the dead bodies of kids and figure out that we need solutions... not thoughts and prayers or politicians who just treat the carnage as a “fact of life”.
Are you saying Trump has no plan?

Try actually looking at the dead bodies of kids and figure out that we need solutions... not thoughts and prayers or politicians who just treat the carnage as a “fact of life”.

I'm saying it's not the feds responsibility to enforce State laws, or secure State schools.

See what the father of the Constitution said about it.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

I hope that helps.

Presidents are supposed to have plans to address national problems. This is a nationwide problem.

No it's a criminal problem, and you commies are the ones that are responsible for it, and as usual you claim only you can fix the crap you created. Kids in your government halls of indoctrination haven't been taught to respect authority for more than half a century. They've been told if your parents bust your ass, call the police or tell a teacher. Parents were interfered with when they were disciplining their kids in public or semipublic areas. You teach kids how to treat you and others and you've gotten the kids you've raised for generations now. How do you like your handy work?

No it's a criminal problem, and you commies are the ones that are responsible for it, and as usual you claim only you can fix the crap you created. Kids in your government halls of indoctrination haven't been taught to respect authority for more than half a century. They've been told if your parents bust your ass, call the police or tell a teacher. Parents were interfered with when they were disciplining their kids in public or semipublic areas. You teach kids how to treat you and others and you've gotten the kids you've raised for generations now. How do you like your handy work?

Of course you ignore that other nations have the same sort of issue of kids not respecting authority and they don't have school shootings.

Care to address why we have the shootings and they don't?
Of course you ignore that other nations have the same sort of issue of kids not respecting authority and they don't have school shootings.

Care to address why we have the shootings and they don't?

The fact is they do. And for the same reasons. This was the latest as of the time they went to press.

December 2023 - CZECH REPUBLIC - A Czech student shoots dead his father then kills 14 people at his Prague university. The gunman, killed at the scene possibly by one of his own bullets, is also suspected in the killings of another man and his two-month-old daughter who were found shot dead in woods in a village outside Prague, the week before.


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