BREAKING: Trump Reveals Decision About Future Debates

And you won't go anywhere near an issue. Let's discuss the economy, stupid...
Okay. It blew chunks under Trump. Worst recession since Hoover. Then Trump raised gas prices and bragged about it. High gas prices, Trump did that, and no honest person will try to deny it (so you will).

Biden did a miraculous job cleaning up Trump's mess. Booming economy, incredible job growth, knocked down Trumps skyhigh crime rates, and fixed the inflation without causing a recession, something that has never before been done in US history.

Trump cultists hate Biden for being so good, since they know an economic collapse is necessary for their Stalinist utopia to be achieved.
I know your cult keeps you ignorant, but they're not handcuffing you. You can look at the real world.
There is no cult like the Marxist cult. And you know who Marxists go after first? Their erstwhile biggest supporters. So your sycophancy will do you no good.
He's made the right decision.

Post-debate polls consistently have shown that the undecideds moved toward Trump, since Kamala failed to articulate any real agenda, and they already know his.

Kamala will not get another chance to explain her policies to over 65 million.

I hope you enjoyed the safe space catharsis of crapping all over Trump for 90 minutes Lefties.

"January 6th, Charlottesville, Convicted Felon".

Everyone's heard it a million times.

Ya totally whiffed on discussing policy and how Cackles would be different than Biden.

And it's cost ya the election. :)

what a pussy.
I understand Trump does not want another debate. He is like a dog running away with his tail between his legs.

And there should never be a debate on a Legacy network ever again.

Freakin' Megyn Kelly gets tens of millions more views than all of them combined.

Maybe now they'll finally accelerate their own irrelevant extinction.
Exactly. 6-month old Tucker podcast re-runs get more views than those 2 operatives. There's a reason nobody has ever heard of either one of them and won't remember their names by Monday. Everybody has to ride Pres Trump's coattails to make a buck. Otherwise it's back to reading the crop reports and steel production numbers like a good little commie fuck. :laughing0301:

He's made the right decision.

Post-debate polls consistently have shown that the undecideds moved toward Trump, since Kamala failed to articulate any real agenda, and they already know his.

Kamala will not get another chance to explain her policies to over 65 million.

I hope you enjoyed the safe space catharsis of crapping all over Trump for 90 minutes Lefties.

"January 6th, Charlottesville, Convicted Felon".

Everyone's heard it a million times.

Ya totally whiffed on discussing policy and how Cackles would be different than Biden.

And it's cost ya the election. :)
Trump is a coward.

He might as well concede the election.

Refusing to participate in another debate is worse than losing another debate.

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