Trump tried to push Harris into more debates. Now he's not sure he'll do another.

Talk about bad losers.

You loved the debate between Biden and Trump because Trump won.

Trump and his MAGA minions cannot handle losing. They lie, cheat and fight to overturn his losses.

Besides that, Trump continues to lose and will be facing many more losses going forward.

He will go down as the biggest loser in US presidential hstory
Trump supporters are likewise cowards.
The Left is obviously FAR smarter than the Right. They keep laying the rules, and the Right keeps abiding while they yank the rug out.

They ALWAYS have presidential debates on THEIR platforms under THEIR control.
I see it as a failure on the part of the Right and a HUGE win for the Left.

Unlike Conservatives and the Right, maybe the Left isn't stupid?
KNOWING full well how the Left operates, the debate should have been held in a truly neutral setting.
But since the Right has willfully allowed the Left to own and control ALL the media the Right has itself in a corner.


Or maybe...just maybe....there is no real Right in Washington....just the illusion so the debates will always be at their whim and control regardless.
Donald Trump, who tried to push Kamala Harris into debating him by publicly accepting multiple invitations while her campaign insisted on first negotiating the terms, is now casting doubt on whether he will agree to another face-to-face meeting with his Democratic opponent.

Within moments of leaving the debate stage Tuesday night with a performance that some Republicans were quick to pan, Trump began dismissing the idea he would participate in another debate — a reversal from his previous talking point that he was willing to do several debates and that it was Harris who was hiding.

Trump viewed his first debate of the season against Joe Biden as a resounding success — not only did Republicans say he demonstrated restraint, but Biden's performance ultimately led to him stepping aside. Pushing Harris into several debates seemed like a strategic goal for Trump, fresh off the perceived win, and Harris rebuffed a request for one on Fox News in early September.

But Tuesday night's debate did not go like the earlier faceoff.

“She was exquisitely well-prepared. She laid traps, and he chased every rabbit down every hole instead of talking about the things that he should have been talking about," former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Trump ally-turned-critic, said in an interview with ABC News. how the worm has turned! Trump wanted multiple debates after his victory over Biden. But now? The guy doesn't think he needs more than one. I wonder what changed? LOL
She lost that debate. She didn't answer a single question. No wonder she didn't want another debate, but now she finds she needs one. Trump is like "Nope. You had your chance and blew it".
The Left is obviously FAR smarter than the Right. They keep laying the rules, and the Right keeps abiding while they yank the rug out.

They ALWAYS have presidential debates on THEIR platforms under THEIR control.
I see it as a failure on the part of the Right and a HUGE win for the Left.

Unlike Conservatives and the Right, maybe the Left isn't stupid?
KNOWING full well how the Left operates, the debate should have been held in a truly neutral setting.
But since the Right has willfully allowed the Left to own and control ALL the media the Right has itself in a corner.


Or maybe...just maybe....there is no real Right in Washington....just the illusion so the debates will always be at their whim and control regardless.
MAGA is not conservative. It is an angry movement that wants revenge on an economy and a society that has passed them by.
She lost that debate. She didn't answer a single question. No wonder she didn't want another debate, but now she finds she needs one. Trump is like "Nope. You had your chance and blew it".
:itsok: Does that help you sleep at night?
Donald Trump, who tried to push Kamala Harris into debating him by publicly accepting multiple invitations while her campaign insisted on first negotiating the terms, is now casting doubt on whether he will agree to another face-to-face meeting with his Democratic opponent.

Within moments of leaving the debate stage Tuesday night with a performance that some Republicans were quick to pan, Trump began dismissing the idea he would participate in another debate — a reversal from his previous talking point that he was willing to do several debates and that it was Harris who was hiding.

Trump viewed his first debate of the season against Joe Biden as a resounding success — not only did Republicans say he demonstrated restraint, but Biden's performance ultimately led to him stepping aside. Pushing Harris into several debates seemed like a strategic goal for Trump, fresh off the perceived win, and Harris rebuffed a request for one on Fox News in early September.

But Tuesday night's debate did not go like the earlier faceoff.

“She was exquisitely well-prepared. She laid traps, and he chased every rabbit down every hole instead of talking about the things that he should have been talking about," former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Trump ally-turned-critic, said in an interview with ABC News. how the worm has turned! Trump wanted multiple debates after his victory over Biden. But now? The guy doesn't think he needs more than one. I wonder what changed? LOL
She chickened out of all the debates Trump offered and now she wants only a rigged debate.
Not true but hey, if that helps you sleep at night, go for it. Thoughts & prayers. :itsok:
Trump agreed to debate on Fox News but Harris refused. Now she wants a debate with her own friendly media (again) after Trump went through with a debate on both unfriendly CNN and ABC.
I don't think he'll do another ... even if his handlers tell him it'd be the only way to possibly win.

He should win a debate if he could stick to immigration and the economy. But he seems unable to stay away from his failures.
Donald Trump, who tried to push Kamala Harris into debating him by publicly accepting multiple invitations while her campaign insisted on first negotiating the terms, is now casting doubt on whether he will agree to another face-to-face meeting with his Democratic opponent.

Within moments of leaving the debate stage Tuesday night with a performance that some Republicans were quick to pan, Trump began dismissing the idea he would participate in another debate — a reversal from his previous talking point that he was willing to do several debates and that it was Harris who was hiding.

Trump viewed his first debate of the season against Joe Biden as a resounding success — not only did Republicans say he demonstrated restraint, but Biden's performance ultimately led to him stepping aside. Pushing Harris into several debates seemed like a strategic goal for Trump, fresh off the perceived win, and Harris rebuffed a request for one on Fox News in early September.

But Tuesday night's debate did not go like the earlier faceoff.

“She was exquisitely well-prepared. She laid traps, and he chased every rabbit down every hole instead of talking about the things that he should have been talking about," former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Trump ally-turned-critic, said in an interview with ABC News. how the worm has turned! Trump wanted multiple debates after his victory over Biden. But now? The guy doesn't think he needs more than one. I wonder what changed? LOL
The winners never want a rematch. You’ve been gaslit into thinking vapid Harris won that debate. :itsok:

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