Former top Clinton adviser calls on ABC to launch internal probe into whether debate was rigged

You must be down for the struggle commie

I had a similar experience with a business owner of a Restaurant yesterday. She treated me as stupid. Here is my response to that, I no longer support her dying business. There is a reason that any business that wanted to remain open shut off the Foxnews channel from their TV. My response back to her was, "Have you ever been to a Communist Country?". Her answer was no along with some gibberish. I aske her if she had ever been to a Fascist country. Her response was no (more gibberish). My response was, "I have. Poland in 1971 and Spain in 1972. And I realized that Poland was one of the mildest of the Warsaw Pact or USSR. And Spain was the last existing Fascist country on the face of the Earth. She was rude, uneducated and spoke the MAGAt Gibberish when faced with facts.

Now you should ask how I got to those places? I am a 20+ Air Force Retiree. And She is a failing restaurant owner who doesn't know when to shut her mouth and just serve the food.
Harris didn't win against tRump. tRump lost against tRump as usual.
However it happened, it has Trump supporters scurrying around like cockroaches trying to mitigate the damage.
However it happened, it has Trump supporters scurrying around like cockroaches trying to mitigate the damage.

It's like they shined a flashlight into a dark corner and the cockroaches are scurrying to get out of the light.
The questions were normal questions, that a 10th grader could have anticipated and prepared for being asked....Trump chose not to...his debate team were crappy or he just didn't listen to them....
Get off your partisan feelings and admit the debate was rigged against Trump.
Even a Clinotonista knows that ABC News was a rotten set up. Yet Trump won in many polls, that is how bad Harris and ABC News were.

This will reverberate across ABC News, where the news head is a Harris booster.

Mark Penn, a former top adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, called Thursday for ABC to launch a formal internal investigation into its news division's planning and execution of this week's presidential debate to determine if there was some effort at "rigging the outcome of this debate."
ABC News came under significant bipartisan criticism because its moderators fact-checked some of Donald Trump's statements but not a single pushback at any made by Kamala Harris.
Trump said Thursday that the debate was three-on-one and declined to participate in another one before the election.
Anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis moderated the first debate between Harris and Trump, which drew 67.1 million viewers, making it the most watched presidential debate since 2008. But it has drawn scorn from both Republicans and Democrats for giving the appearance of bias.
"I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don't know how much of this was planned in advance," Penn told the "John Solomon Reports" podcast.
"I don't know what they told the Harris campaign. I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate. I think the situation demands nothing less than that," he added.
"It's a 50-50, race. He's [Trump] got more obvious tools to get across the finish line than she does and part of the thing here is that if the referees have their finger on the scale, it's harder to, you know, break through and overcome. And certainly, general media coverage has been fairly laughable," he said.
Penn, president and managing partner of The Stagwell Group, suggested the Trump campaign mail out to every voter the ACLU questionnaire that then-Sen. Harris, D-Calif., filled out and indicated she supports gender surgery for illegal immigrants and defunding Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Other publications have disclosed a questionable coziness between Harris and Dana Walden, co-chairman of Disney and who oversees ABC News. The New York Times quoted Harris as calling their relationship "extraordinary friends,” and disclosed that Walden and Harris are neighbors in Brentwood, a wealthy Los Angeles enclave where Ms. Harris and her husband also own a residence. The Times also pointed out that The Waldens have donated money to Ms. Harris’s political campaigns since at least 2003, when she ran for district attorney in San Francisco.
PJMedia's Victoria Taft published yet more information about Harris' connections with ABC News undisclosed by the network. ABC moderator Linsey Davis bragged in 2021 on ABC's live coverage of the Biden Inauguration about being sorority sisters with Harris.
Mark Penn is not the only veteran Democratic pollster and advisor to criticize the lopsided moderation. In an editorial, Doug Schoen, an advisor to President Clinton and N.Y.C. Mayor Mike Bloomberg, lamented that Harris "was aided and abetted by two ABC News moderators who seemingly felt the need to fact-check virtually everything the former president said."

Don't even need an investigation to show that the moderators fact checked Trump four times and Harris zero, that Linsey Davis is a member of Kamala Harris's sorority, and that one of the top heads of ABC is close friends with Kamala Harris.
I had a similar experience with a business owner of a Restaurant yesterday. She treated me as stupid. Here is my response to that, I no longer support her dying business. There is a reason that any business that wanted to remain open shut off the Foxnews channel from their TV. My response back to her was, "Have you ever been to a Communist Country?". Her answer was no along with some gibberish. I aske her if she had ever been to a Fascist country. Her response was no (more gibberish). My response was, "I have. Poland in 1971 and Spain in 1972. And I realized that Poland was one of the mildest of the Warsaw Pact or USSR. And Spain was the last existing Fascist country on the face of the Earth. She was rude, uneducated and spoke the MAGAt Gibberish when faced with facts.

Now you should ask how I got to those places? I am a 20+ Air Force Retiree. And She is a failing restaurant owner who doesn't know when to shut her mouth and just serve the food.
You got a point?
Why he wiped the floor with the HO, only the maggots on the left, and in the left wing commie media outlets think otherwise
Lol. Sure.

You forgot to post that Twitter poll that's hows how independents moved during the debate.

Even a Clinotonista knows that ABC News was a rotten set up. Yet Trump won in many polls, that is how bad Harris and ABC News were.

This will reverberate across ABC News, where the news head is a Harris booster.

Mark Penn, a former top adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, called Thursday for ABC to launch a formal internal investigation into its news division's planning and execution of this week's presidential debate to determine if there was some effort at "rigging the outcome of this debate."
ABC News came under significant bipartisan criticism because its moderators fact-checked some of Donald Trump's statements but not a single pushback at any made by Kamala Harris.
Trump said Thursday that the debate was three-on-one and declined to participate in another one before the election.
Anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis moderated the first debate between Harris and Trump, which drew 67.1 million viewers, making it the most watched presidential debate since 2008. But it has drawn scorn from both Republicans and Democrats for giving the appearance of bias.
"I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don't know how much of this was planned in advance," Penn told the "John Solomon Reports" podcast.
"I don't know what they told the Harris campaign. I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate. I think the situation demands nothing less than that," he added.
"It's a 50-50, race. He's [Trump] got more obvious tools to get across the finish line than she does and part of the thing here is that if the referees have their finger on the scale, it's harder to, you know, break through and overcome. And certainly, general media coverage has been fairly laughable," he said.
Penn, president and managing partner of The Stagwell Group, suggested the Trump campaign mail out to every voter the ACLU questionnaire that then-Sen. Harris, D-Calif., filled out and indicated she supports gender surgery for illegal immigrants and defunding Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Other publications have disclosed a questionable coziness between Harris and Dana Walden, co-chairman of Disney and who oversees ABC News. The New York Times quoted Harris as calling their relationship "extraordinary friends,” and disclosed that Walden and Harris are neighbors in Brentwood, a wealthy Los Angeles enclave where Ms. Harris and her husband also own a residence. The Times also pointed out that The Waldens have donated money to Ms. Harris’s political campaigns since at least 2003, when she ran for district attorney in San Francisco.
PJMedia's Victoria Taft published yet more information about Harris' connections with ABC News undisclosed by the network. ABC moderator Linsey Davis bragged in 2021 on ABC's live coverage of the Biden Inauguration about being sorority sisters with Harris.
Mark Penn is not the only veteran Democratic pollster and advisor to criticize the lopsided moderation. In an editorial, Doug Schoen, an advisor to President Clinton and N.Y.C. Mayor Mike Bloomberg, lamented that Harris "was aided and abetted by two ABC News moderators who seemingly felt the need to fact-check virtually everything the former president said."

Here you go Harpy Eagle & Slade3200

I am just showing you it is real.
Clearly that is the "DNC Talking point" since it has already been posted over and over....

Good little parrot, you are...
What questions were asked that a candidate would not have anticipated being asked by the moderators, and prepared an answer?

These debates are taken seriously by all presidential candidates(except Trump) and they prepare for them with teams of experts, anticipated questions, practiced political jargon they want to get in to their talking points, where to look, when to smile or shake a hand....

I can see how a complaint could be made on Harris not getting a fact check moment by the moderators and Trump getting 4, but those questions were absolutely on the radar of what would be asked during the debate by the Moderators.

The one major citizen issue that could have defined differences between the two candidates that was NOT brought up, that should have been brought up imo, was mass shootings, Ar15s and the likes, gun control, protecting our kids in schools, etc etc etc....
Even a Clinotonista knows that ABC News was a rotten set up. Yet Trump won in many polls, that is how bad Harris and ABC News were.

This will reverberate across ABC News, where the news head is a Harris booster.

Mark Penn, a former top adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, called Thursday for ABC to launch a formal internal investigation into its news division's planning and execution of this week's presidential debate to determine if there was some effort at "rigging the outcome of this debate."
ABC News came under significant bipartisan criticism because its moderators fact-checked some of Donald Trump's statements but not a single pushback at any made by Kamala Harris.
Trump said Thursday that the debate was three-on-one and declined to participate in another one before the election.
Anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis moderated the first debate between Harris and Trump, which drew 67.1 million viewers, making it the most watched presidential debate since 2008. But it has drawn scorn from both Republicans and Democrats for giving the appearance of bias.
"I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don't know how much of this was planned in advance," Penn told the "John Solomon Reports" podcast.
"I don't know what they told the Harris campaign. I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate. I think the situation demands nothing less than that," he added.
"It's a 50-50, race. He's [Trump] got more obvious tools to get across the finish line than she does and part of the thing here is that if the referees have their finger on the scale, it's harder to, you know, break through and overcome. And certainly, general media coverage has been fairly laughable," he said.
Penn, president and managing partner of The Stagwell Group, suggested the Trump campaign mail out to every voter the ACLU questionnaire that then-Sen. Harris, D-Calif., filled out and indicated she supports gender surgery for illegal immigrants and defunding Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Other publications have disclosed a questionable coziness between Harris and Dana Walden, co-chairman of Disney and who oversees ABC News. The New York Times quoted Harris as calling their relationship "extraordinary friends,” and disclosed that Walden and Harris are neighbors in Brentwood, a wealthy Los Angeles enclave where Ms. Harris and her husband also own a residence. The Times also pointed out that The Waldens have donated money to Ms. Harris’s political campaigns since at least 2003, when she ran for district attorney in San Francisco.
PJMedia's Victoria Taft published yet more information about Harris' connections with ABC News undisclosed by the network. ABC moderator Linsey Davis bragged in 2021 on ABC's live coverage of the Biden Inauguration about being sorority sisters with Harris.
Mark Penn is not the only veteran Democratic pollster and advisor to criticize the lopsided moderation. In an editorial, Doug Schoen, an advisor to President Clinton and N.Y.C. Mayor Mike Bloomberg, lamented that Harris "was aided and abetted by two ABC News moderators who seemingly felt the need to fact-check virtually everything the former president said."

Why would ABC conduct a formal investigation if they indeed rolled that old idiot?
Get off your partisan feelings and admit the debate was rigged against Trump.
The questions were basic...ones that would be anticipated by any candidate and his or her prep team. That's a fact.

There is no need for Trumpers to fabricate and LIE about ABC giving Kamala the questions ahead of time cuz she's friends with the editor and all that absolute crap....

It's what always discredits you whiny little bitches....your damn lies mixed in with few facts to make your constant conspiracies. You're damaged goods! Sadly, the man you love, seems to have destroyed your minds and capability to just speak the truth, and be honest....

Where the moderators seemed to have a problem is on Trump being fact checked and Kamala not....stick with that....

INSTEAD of all this added made up bull shit of Kamala cheating and getting the questions ahead of time, made up crapola!!

Trump was not prepared for this debate. And he showed his true colors and incapability of running this country....he's unfocused, and unserious, and just plain old and demented....imo.
You put two assholes in as pretend moderators.

And let them attack one of the debaters.

You give the other debater the questions in advance...

And have the assholes (pretend moderators) lay off of her.

The first did happen.

Can't prove the second.

But that is how would rig a debate.

You are welcome.
The first didn’t happen either.
My philosophy is that if a person sits in on a card game that they know is stacked against them, they get what they deserve. I figure the same goes for political debates; I also have no sympathy for those who watch.

If things were up to me the moderator's role would be limited to introductions and timekeeping. I'd have the first half consists of candidates posing the questions to each other. The second half would consist of candidates speaking of topics of their own choosing and allowing the other to respond. Seems rather simple to me.
The most dishonest media outlet in the country is ABC Radio news... a local station just dumped ABC for FOX news breaks...

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