Nate Silver Highlights Five 'Huge Mistakes' from Trump Campaign Post Debate


It's your opinions that are most usually wrong and speaking of old -- your views (and the views of many here @ usmb), are stuck in old Cold War ear. It's as if you haven't crossed the Bridge Bill Clinton Built into the 21st Century.

Don't let ignorance stop you!
She had no preposterous lies.

She further spread the lies about 'fine people on both sides' and 'there will be bloodshed' Trump comments.

And I do say 'lie' because these have repeatedly been debunked, even recently, and I have no doubt that Kumalla knew they were debunked.

Don't let ignorance stop you!

And sounds like you're still stuck on his credibility.

As I've tried to point out to you and that obviously has not gotten through, is that A-N-Y-O-N-E, even a retard like you, could have these five opinions, and very intelligent people, like me, could agree with them IN THIS CASE!
1. He's voting for Harris.
2. He is showing Trump with a 60% chance of winning.

I trust his judgement.

I am still liking Vance. He shows he knows and can talk rationally.

But Silver nailed it on Trumps lack of debate prep. I am still angry with Trump.
I don't see any problem with the way Trump talks.
He walked into another Democrat setup and did pretty good.

There's no f*cking way that Kamala could stand up to a 3 on 1 debate.

She'd stomp off the stage in her 4 inch heels steaming mad.
I don't see any problem with the way Trump talks.
He walked into another Democrat setup and did pretty good.

There's no f*cking way that Kamala could stand up to a 3 on 1 debate.

She's stomp off the stage in her 4 inch heels steaming mad.

I get that.

But the point is lost on you.

He could have creamed her, assholes for mods or not.

He, by his own admission, does not prepare.

He sucked in 2016, 2020, and in this last one.

He sucked against Biden as far as I'm concerned.

The old stuttierng Celery Stalk just could not keep up.

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