To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

They weren't needed because it wasn't an "armed coup" despite how many times the left describes it that way! They weren't overthrowing the government...they were there to stop the certification of the vote. The violent clash between police and protesters occurred at one spot and that clash was spurred by Capital Police using pepper spray. Show me a single act of violence against anyone once those protesters were INSIDE the building and had accomplished what they'd come for? You can't because it didn't happen. Before Ashli Babbitt was assassinated by Byrd the group she was with pleaded with Police to get out of the way because they didn't want them to get hurt and allowed them to leave.

I suppose in your mind shooting an unarmed woman at point blank range is "wonderful restraint"?
I don't care what anyone else thinks . I am not the left. I am speaking , as me , a person and what I witnessed was a terrible disgrace as well as a heinous crimes. You can believe whatever you wish , I don't care I know you're wrong.
For one day? It was a protest by unarmed people. Congress was back in session the next day. Let's be honest here for a change, Konradv...if that was an "insurrection" it was the mildest one EVER!
What you're saying is that we should link wether or not something is an insurrection on the competency of the insurrectionists. Would you do that in any other venue?

Should we link the definition of bank robbery to the success of the heist?

That's not how it works in my opinion. It's the intent of a crime that defines it. Not wether or not you successfully executed the crime.
For one day? It was a protest by unarmed people. Congress was back in session the next day. Let's be honest here for a change, Konradv...if that was an "insurrection" it was the mildest one EVER!
Have you ever heard the term, Bloodless Coup

It was an attempted Bloodless Coup de'tat.

Also an attempted Self Coup.... a form of coup d'état in which a nation's head, having come to power through legal means, stays in power through illegal means.
A "protest doesn't result in over 140 injured leo. Some quite serious.
With all due respect, Forkup? Riots across a multitude of American cities raged for MONTHS and a lot more than 140 law enforcement officers were injured including some that died! So were those riots "insurrections" as well?
Have you ever heard the term, Bloodless Coup

It was an attempted Bloodless Coup de'tat.

Also an attempted Self Coup.... a form of coup d'état in which a nation's head, having come to power through legal means, stays in power through illegal means.
They stopped the certification of an election they believed to be fraudulent for ONE day! I'm sorry but it THAT is a "coup" then it's stretching the definition to the breaking point!

They were not aimed at stopping the legitimate transfer of power.
What were they aimed at, Candy? When rioters are taking over complete blocks of a city and calling it their own sovereign territory run by them and only them...could you possibly come up with a better example of a "transfer of power"? There was no vote for that...that territory was taken by FORCE!
With all due respect, Forkup? Riots across a multitude of American cities raged for MONTHS and a lot more than 140 law enforcement officers were injured including some that died! So were those riots "insurrections" as well?
A protest doesn't always become a riot, and a riot isn't always an insurrection. You seem to conflate them, I'm guessing purposely. You claimed it was a protest. Only the change the wording to riot when pressed. Why use the word protest at all when you mean riot? I'll tell you. It's an attempt to put as benign word on something in order to minimize it. That's why I responded.

Don't get me wrong I understand why you do it. And it works both ways, because in all honesty I don't know if you would characterize Jan 6th as a riot or an insurrection. I could easily defend both arguments.

But to me it misses the point, again, I suspect purposefully. (Not by you necessarily but by those information sources that give context to your beliefs) See, as long as we are squabbling over the precise semantics to describe Jan 6th we aren't talking about the actual stated goal of Jan 6th. You can go round and round but, in the end, what happened on Jan 6th. Was a group of people, who at the behest of the losing candidate of a presidential campaign tried to pressure the Vice-President to reject the certified electoral votes, with votes this candidate knew to be false, on account of his campaign falsifying them.

I don't care if you call what happened on Jan 6th an insurrection, riot, protest, or tourist visit. Those facts aren't in dispute because they happened out in the open.

Can you honestly claim that that is anything but criminal behavior?


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