I’m curious. Why would Trump say Harris is a Marxist while also saying within the same minute she was copying his policies?

Because it worked back when he still had a functional frontal lobe. Trumpy is an old boomer and his target audience is old boomers.
No Trump is a hate driven, bigoted ,women hating asshole and his target audience is other hate driven, bigoted ,women hating ass holes. Even their women are that way , they think they should walk one step behind their men.
She copies him out of a desperate need to appear moderate to voters, but not because she is. She's still a Marxist.
Your God thinks it is ok to grab women by their pussy because the piece of shit literally said they like that kind of stuff. You people are such clowns. We have never had a larger hate group in this country then you people.
Your God thinks it is ok to grab women by their pussy because the piece of shit literally said they like that kind of stuff. You people are such clowns. We have never had a larger hate group in this country then you people.
My God?

My god is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not Trump.

Furthermore, you decry what Trump did to women but can't define one.

Kindly get bent, okay? Okay? Okay.
Your God thinks it is ok to grab women by their pussy because the piece of shit literally said they like that kind of stuff. You people are such clowns. We have never had a larger hate group in this country then you people.

There is no poster on this site with a more toxic combination of vitriolic hate and stupidity than you.

There are more proficient lunatic left wing propagandists.

You believe the crap that you post.
Can any republicans explain that? Thanks. I’ll wait.
What he's basically saying is that Harris is pretending to be a moderate by stealing some of his proposals...like the no tax on tips thing but that's all just bullshit that she's peddling trying to get elected. She was against Fracking when she was a California liberal appealing to the far left. Now she's for Fracking because she needs to win Pennsylvania. Understand?
My God?

My god is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not Trump.

Furthermore, you decry what Trump did to women but can't define one.

Kindly get bent, okay? Okay? Okay.
Furthermore, you decry what Trump did to women but can't define one. what does this even mean. He is a certified by the court as a rapist and sexually assault swomen. How about the pussy grabbing tape , or him saying it is OK to call his daughter a piece of ass , on nation television. you people are idiots. Your Gods case is what has come directly out of his own mouth . So who should get bent microbe.
These people are a joke. They are totally hate based, women hating ,bigoted, dumb fucks. MAGA = hate bigotry and lies and then try to hang it on their God.
What he's basically saying is that Harris is pretending to be a moderate by stealing some of his proposals...like the no tax on tips thing but that's all just bullshit that she's peddling trying to get elected. She was against Fracking when she was a California liberal appealing to the far left. Now she's for Fracking because she needs to win Pennsylvania. Understand?
Ya and Trump was a democrat and supported abortion 100% , why because no one has used it more then he has. You people are stupid.
These people are a joke. They are totally hate based, women hating ,bigoted, dumb fucks. MAGA = hate bigotry and lies and then try to hang it on their God.
I'm an atheist. I'd still like to see my President doing everything he or she can do to make America the great country it used to be. The real "hate" here is coming from people like you, Jbander!
Because her policies are Marxist. But she’s desperate to hide those for the election by copying Trumps more popular message for votes.
Well, it's pretty clear you guys ALL received the Cult Talking Points Memo.

Same exact response within minutes of each other.
Talk about Sheep. Wow.
Because she is a Marxist, and she knows she can't win being a Marxist. So she is parroting Trump's policies in order to fool you idiots into voting for her.

HTH Billy000

Why would Trump say Harris is a Marxist while also saying within the same minute she was copying his policies?​

Because she is a Marxist and wouldn't actually do any of the things she's copying from Trump.
These Trump supporters are the lowest form of humanity , there isn't one reason to support shitpants(Trump) other then you share the same hate ,bigotry, women hating lies as he does.
I'm an atheist. I'd still like to see my President doing everything he or she can do to make America the great country it used to be. The real "hate" here is coming from people like you, Jbander!
Yes you are 100% correct , I hate the enemy's of my country , why, shouldn't I. Most patriots hate their country's biggest threat and enemy's.

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