Why Trump won the Debate

Yeah, she's all that. NOT.

She's an empty suit.

He was pathetic.

She was empty.

If she was so good, why did she need support animal to do a 19 minute softball interview ? After waiting 39 days post her annointing ?

And then needing two pathetic assholes posing as moderators to run interference for her while she made personal attacks and never sharing an substantial policy information.

Not to mention lying her ass off.
Take out an ad, but I doubt it will help. 67,000,000 watched old Don go down.
I was on vacation for the past four days, and missed the actual debate. But by most serious accounts, Trump won it pretty handily as I thought he would. I saw on poll where 6 of 10 undecided voters are now going for Trump.

The reason Trump won is because he bears the mantle of someone who has given their heart and soul, and almost his life in order to serve the American people. He sacrificed billions of dollars to serve the American people when he could be enjoying an easy retirement. But retirement and ease are not what Trump is about. Serving America is. When he speaks, he carries the gravitas of all he has endured; the nine years of relentless paid attacks from the left. kangaroo-court show trials by the Biden JD, and even an assassination attempt. In the debate, all this came out for the American people to see. Trump was authentic while Harris was prepped and sounded like her responses were wrote and memorized. She also avoided answering all of the few tough questions. She simply has not paid the price. She's never done anything and doesn't have the cred. Honest and real beats slick and packaged every time. So that's how Trump won.
Cat eaters aside, with so many women, younger, and better-educated Americans being joined by an increasing number of independents and patriotic Republicans, the cult of Trumpery is becoming an increasingly disturbed tribe of fantasists, the threat of yet another sore-loser tantrum assailing our democratic process increasingly likely.

We'll be prepared in January, 2025, and let's hope that Republican Senator Graham's stern injunction is not requited.

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that questionnaire from 2019 doesnt say anything about transgender surgeries.

Harris was asked if, as president, she would use “executive authority to ensure that transgender and non-binary people who rely on the state for medical care – including those in prison and immigration detention – will have access to comprehensive treatment associated with gender transition, including all necessary surgical care.”

Harris replied, “Yes.”

“It is important that transgender individuals who rely on the state for care receive the treatment they need, which includes access to treatment associated with gender transition,” Harris wrote in a reply expanding on her answer

And another thing, are you aware that in the Haitian Voodoo religion, an animal sacrifice ritual is expected at every religious service?

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Harris was asked if, as president, she would use “executive authority to ensure that transgender and non-binary people who rely on the state for medical care – including those in prison and immigration detention – will have access to comprehensive treatment associated with gender transition, including all necessary surgical care.”

Harris replied, “Yes.”

“It is important that transgender individuals who rely on the state for care receive the treatment they need, which includes access to treatment associated with gender transition,” Harris wrote in a reply expanding on her answer

And another thing, are you aware that in the Haitian Voodoo religion, an animal sacrifice ritual is expected at every religious service?

she wanted to block it prior to that.

she is actually very weak on that topic. She is for providing care for inmates, and some transgender care might overlap into that. Its a trivial point considering how poorly Trump did in the debate.
and they claim they are not a cult!
So true. We all saw the debate. And what we are seeing here is really dangerous. Trump can make these fools believe anything he tells them.
People are saying she failed in what she needed to do... and that's a win for Trump... because he nailed her on it being 3.5 years for her as VP and she did nothing...
"People are saying?"
Which people?
That's right up there with Trump's "everybody knows" for bullshit, gaslighting, misinformation.
"People are saying?"
Which people?
That's right up there with Trump's "everybody knows" for bullshit, gaslighting, misinformation.
They have to create something. Becuse their god got his ass handed to them and they can't cope. They seem to forget that TRUMP WAS THE PRESIDENT 4 YEARS AGO.

So why didn't he do all the things he's ragging Harris about when she has never been president?
Nobody is saying that. And Trump was president this time 4 years ago, so his argument about her being VP and doing nothing has no merit.
So all they would have to do then is simply ask if they were better off after 4 years of TRUMP! or 4 years of Kamala (what have I been doing for 4 years) Harris.
They have to create something. Becuse their god got his ass handed to them and they can't cope. They seem to forget that TRUMP WAS THE PRESIDENT 4 YEARS AGO.

So why didn't he do all the things he's ragging Harris about when she has never been president?
He was simply pointing out her laughable assertion that she's going to fix everything she ignored for the last 4 years.

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