Ukranian's view of American presidential debate

People around the world wonder what has happened to us, and why we would choose someone like Trump to be President.

It's not about the issues, or about policy. It's about temperament, decency, maturity.

He reflects on us. They looked up to us before 2016.

The Trumpsters have to deny it, but I suspect they know it's true.
Move to Europe
I don't care what you are interested in. You started a thread to make some point.

Yes dummy and that point is not about Denis's persona, it's about how Trump's foreign policy is viewed.
Yes dummy and that point is not about Denis's persona, it's about how Trump's foreign policy is viewed.
Viewed by whom? A no name, politically biased, and who belongs to Ukraine only nominally.

You could have pasted your own video with the same success.
Yes dummy and that point is not about Denis's persona, it's about how Trump's foreign policy is viewed.
Stop posting about the war in Ukraine. You obviously know nothing. You probably think Russia was unprovoked, proving you’re an ignoramus.

How many dead and wounded Ukrainians will satisfy your bloodlust?
Because they have the front row to the conflict Trump is talking about and election of Trump has consequences for them. Americans ought to know how stupid and dangerous Trump's ideas on foreign policy are.

That doesnt answer the question "why should voters in the US give a shit what Ukraine thinks about Harris or Trump"? I get that Ukraine still wants the barrels of money the US has been sending them. If everything about Trump and Harris were exactly the same but they swapped their take on the Ukraine/Russia war who do you think Ukraine be supporting?
Millions of Ukrainian men dodged the draft because they don’t want to fight a dumb pointless war for land in eastern Ukraine that has historically belonged to Russia for centuries.

Thank you for posting Russian propaganda yet again, Hawk. Every day, in every way, you support those who hate the USA and you promote the lies they tell.

Why is that Hawk?
That doesnt answer the question "why should voters in the US give a shit what Ukraine thinks about Harris or Trump"? I get that Ukraine still wants the barrels of money the US has been sending them. If everything about Trump and Harris were exactly the same but they swapped their take on the Ukraine/Russia war who do you think Ukraine be supporting?

This post makes no sense whatsoever. Of course the Ukrainians are going to support those who support the Ukraine.

Trump withheld weapons from the Ukraine and promoted the idea that they should “settle with Putin”.

Trump wants to save Russian lives. If Trump wants to save Russian lives, the quickest way possible would be for Russia to withdraw all of its troops from the Ukraine. Problem solved.
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I get that Ukraine still wants the barrels of money the US has been sending them.

"Barells of money" does not stop Russian invaders and you ought to stop saying ignorant shit like that.

First and foremost Ukraine needs the weapons, logistical, intelligence and diplomatic support to defeat the Russian invasion. THAT is what we've been primarily providing.
"Barells of money" does not stop Russian invaders and you ought to stop saying ignorant shit like that.

First and foremost Ukraine needs the weapons, logistical, intelligence and diplomatic support to defeat the Russian invasion. THAT is what we've been primarily providing.

Again I get that Ukraine wants the weapons and money and I understand why they want those things. I dont understand why you think people in the US should give a shit what the Ukrainians want.

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