Increasing public unrest in Israel

Things have moved on since that was in the Hams charter, also Hamas do not represent all Palestinians but since the Gaza genocide you can bet many more do now, we are at the stage now where the Zionist state has to go into the dustbin of History along with the Colonial agenda and those Colonialist settlers because they will never live in peace on stolen land, in fact thousands have already run for the hills.
Propaganda terms like genocide and colonial aside, in 2017, Hamas issued an amended character that said even if a peace agreement were reached between Israel and the PA, Hamas would continue its war against Israel until Israel was destroyed: endless war. Nothing has changed.
So, you have no problem with deliberate murdering Men, Women and Children. The deliberate destruction schools and hospitals (a war crime)?
Of course I do, and I condemn Hamas' attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure both in Israel and in Gaza.
Hamas has been quite clear that its goal and purpose is to destroy Israel
and? there was once a goal to destroy the Third Reich, how many Jews were saved form the gas chambers as a result?
and that it will continue to attack Israel and Israelis until it succeeds: endless war. Everyone understands that; the question is do you approve of waging endless war against Israel until it is destroyed?
Yes, they've tried everything else, everything else, nothing works, the US blocks every resolution, Israel refuses to stop its occupation and expansion, so what else can the victims of such a racist system do? perhaps a mass suicide would make the Zionists happy.

The hatred from Jews toward Palestinians runs deeper and more personal than the hatred shown by the Nazis toward Jews.
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and? there was once a goal to destroy the Third Reich, how many Jews were saved form the gas chambers as a result?

Yes, they've tried everything else, everything else, nothing works, the US blocks every resolution, Israel refuses to stop its occupation and expansion, so what else can the victims of such a racist system do? perhaps a mass suicide would make the Zionists happy.

The hatred from Jews toward Palestinians runs deeper and more personal than the hatred shown by the Nazis toward Jews.
Again you share your fantasy life with us.
Here's some more unpalatable truth for you toomuchtime_


Excerpts from that 2013 interview:



Netanyahood wanted an excuse for his ethnic cleansing and got it.

I can hear apologists for the Gaza genocide howling "conspiracy theory" but there are just too many indicators that at least some Israeli officials were instrumental in orchestrating this attack.

How much more blatant can it be when Israel knew a year in advance when, where and how the attack would occur and decided to withdraw troops from the affected areas?

The greatest threat to Israel right now is Netanyahu and his equally myopic henchmen because, as you said, they are creating millions more terrorists / resistance fighters throughout the region that will be relentless in their retaliation for the Gaza genocide for generations.

What those apologists for Zionist genocide don't seem to realize is that there are about 1.7 Billion Muslims in the world and about 17 Million Jews.
Since far more militant "Israel Firsters" prefer "Keyboard duty" over Combat duty, things don't look good for Israel's long term survival.

Many thanks,
The word you are looking for is resistance, resistance to Israeli occupation and aggression, why is that so hard to understand?

Yes, I am well aware that "resistance" is code for committing brutal atrocities on innocent civilians. The insanity is what the Arabs in Gaza think they are "resisting".

Gee, if we smuggle in tons of weapons, build 700km of tunnels, lob rockets on a regular basis, crash the border and kill everyone we can find, rinse repeat, rinse repeat, Israel will be SO much more likely to sign a peace treaty and enter into trade agreements. It is an insane way of thinking.

Ah, but that is not what the Arabs in Gaza are resisting. What they are actually resisting is the existence of the State of Israel.

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