Kid Charged With A Felony For Firing A Finger Gun

In middle school I done the expression mind blown and one of the teachers cried out "Bomb threat!" a minute before I used finger guns and the same teacher cried out "shooting threat!" I was suspended that day. That was in 2012. God those teachers were the woke and snowflake kind of their day.
Woke? Snow flake? Maybe, maybe not. After Columbine zero tolerance policy spread throughout the nation like wild fire. If you note the law passed that allowed this situation was passed by a republican state government. These policies ran rampant across states governed by both parties. Those teachers you faced may not have had a choice. The policies in place may have threatened their jobs and livelihoods. I , if I were a teacher would not want to follow such policies. I feel common sense and judgment calls should be made. I grew up in a different time. Long before Columbine. The finger trigger and m7nd blown thing was not an issue. I did however get a wack for not bringing gym shorts once and got a wack for chewing gum once. I felt that was an over reach. On the other hand I got caught in the mat room going to town with a young lady bent over. The teacher did not turn me in. I absolutely should have been at least suspended.
Well I did finger guns in Elementary School, but the teachers didn't care as they knew I was acting like a normal kid, even after Sandy Hook, the teachers didn't care. Nor did the teachers in my second middle school. My second middle school didn't care if I did mind blown or finger guns as they knew I was a kid being a kid.
Speaking of police officers in schools. In middle school, I was on the verge of pissing my pants. She said "you can't go to the bathroom" I said "Kiss my ass you dumb cop, I am going to bathroom lest you want me to piss on you" the police officer gave in and let me go. Even when the cop was ordered by the principal to keep me out. Road Runner didn't know the whole story. I was 11 at the time.
When I was in the 4th grade after getting permission from my teacher to go to the bathroom, another teacher stopped me on the way back and beat the shit out of me. I mean a Mike Tyson beat down. I was out of school for a year. Her name was Jewel Bromley. I will never forget her. Nothing happened to her. When I did come back to school it was a whole different world.
double barrel finger gun

When I was in the 4th grade after getting permission from my teacher to go to the bathroom, another teacher stopped me on the way back and beat the shit out of me. I mean a Mike Tyson beat down. I was out of school for a year. Her name was Jewel Bromley. I will never forget her. Nothing happened to her. When I did come back to school it was a whole different world.
When I was in school, we didn't get whippings.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Maybe he should still get a detention or even suspended for this but jail time? Give me a break!!

Wow. What a stupid law. Don't these jackasses who write these laws ever think through the permutations of what they write? It was never intended to apply to someone just making a common, meaningless, harmless hand gesture which no one felt threatened by. It is just a gesture that is seen a hundred times a day on TV that kids copy meaning to just end some annoying behavior in others!

Worse, it tramples all over the kid's own freedom of expression. I hate "zero tolerance," ---that is just a way of saying "zero thought and responsibility." That way, people carry out these policies with no thought by just saying: "I'm just doing my job, I don't write the rules."

But the real damage is what this does to the kid himself. It could ruin the kid's life leaving him with a permanent felony record. It could limit his jobs and career. "Son, I see you were arrested at 12 years old for pointing your finger! Sorry, but we just cannot use a madcap like you in our organization!"

It is this kind of mindless bullshit which comes back to have the EXACT OPPOSITE effect as that intended. I believe it is crap like this that festers in school kids with the application of unjust, absolute autocratic authority over children that eventually causes some of them to lash out by becoming school shooters.
Wow. What a stupid law. Don't these jackasses who write these laws ever think through the permutations of what they write? It was never intended to apply to someone just making a common, meaningless, harmless hand gesture which no one felt threatened by. It is just a gesture that is seen a hundred times a day on TV that kids copy meaning to just end some annoying behavior in others!

Worse, it tramples all over the kid's own freedom of expression. I hate "zero tolerance," ---that is just a way of saying "zero thought and responsibility." That way, people carry out these policies with no thought by just saying: "I'm just doing my job, I don't write the rules."

But the real damage is what this does to the kid himself. It could ruin the kid's life leaving him with a permanent felony record. It could limit his jobs and career. "Son, I see you were arrested at 12 years old for pointing your finger! Sorry, but we just cannot use a madcap like you in our organization!"

It is this kind of mindless bullshit which comes back to have the EXACT OPPOSITE effect as that intended. I believe it is crap like this that festers in school kids with the application of unjust, absolute autocratic authority over children that eventually causes some of them to lash out by becoming school shooters.
Finger guns are protected by the first amendment.
In elementary school we used to make guns out of paper, pistols. One kid knew how to make holsters. We would walk around school with our paper pistols on our hips and shoot the girls at recess.

What great fun.

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