Increasing public unrest in Israel

Great. In future, perhaps, if I request primary source documentation for a legal point of IHL, and you are merely presenting your opinion, then you could just, say so.
And my question?

You've misunderstood. If you were a soldier with the responsibility for firing a tank shell at a school that had children inside the building, then tell me - what evidence would you personally require before firing the tank shell?

Do you even know?

There are, indeed, legal constraints for protected places, including the very important one of not placing military objectives in protected places.
How do you know if a school contains a military objective?
Say, do the world a favor and go stand in front of an IDF D-9.

Then say "hello" to Rachel Corrie while you're at it.
I'll do that if necessary and I'll say hello to Pat Tillman while I'm at it.

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All you'll do is sadly drink vodka in the "great Satan"
and cheer Muslim men beating women
at the Olympics as victory.

Speaking of wife beating, you guys were at it before Mohamed was a twinkle in his dad's eye

The most useful source to study wifebeating is responsa literature, which includese a variety of attitudes towards the phenomenon. While some sources declare wifebeating unlawful, others justify it under certain circumstances. Some Ashkenazi rabbis considered battering as grounds for forcing a man to give a get. In fifteenth-century Europe, more rabbis approved of wifebeating for the purpose of education.

Source: JWA Wifebeating in Jewish Tradition

I always wondered where the Muslims picked up this idea, now I know, it wasn't just circumcision they copied from Jews.
Speaking of wife beating, you guys were at it before Mohamed was a twinkle in his dad's eye

Source: JWA Wifebeating in Jewish Tradition

I always wondered where the Muslims picked up this idea, now I know, it wasn't just circumcision they copied from Jews.

Oh that skirt is showing Mahmoud...

Who was talking about wife beating?
One thing is an Arab triggered to blaming Jews
for beating his wife, but why make it into a sport?

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