Increasing public unrest in Israel

Trump is deranged, as are many of the MAGA cult followers. That he has a chance of being elected only proves to me that the society in the US has morally decayed past a critical point. A clown like Trump could never have been elected here until very recently. There is nothing similar anywhere in the Western world - Europe, Canada, Australia. Trump could never get elected except in places like Brazil or Argentina, the USA has descended to a point that I think it can never really recover from.
Actually there is something similar in my Country, Bozo the Clown Johnson he persuaded millions of people to vote against their own best interests, quite unbelievable, it was more like a following of Charles Manson some were that fanatical.
The massacre of Israeli citizens on Oct 7 is the reason that Bibi was force to seek and destroy Hamas inside Gaza
Why "destroy Hamas" if in so doing one creates so much hatred that the next Hamas will make this one look like a bunch of girl scouts? doesn't sound very intelligent to me, Israel might be right now - unwittingly - creating the basis for a future Oct 7th but ten times worse.

Of course you'd never blame Netanyahu or the Knesset for this, you'll still continue to bang your head against the wall an insist it is all the fault of "the Arabs".

Israel does not know how to live in peace with its neighbors and it never did even before 1948, it says it wants peace but acts in such a way to guarantee it will never get peace, curiously Zionists just cannot see it that way, the only way they know to interpret everything is by the narrative that the Jews are victims, the Jews are always victims, never the victimizer, that's always the starting point that every Zionist starts from.

Any reaction to Israeli violence is always seen as the initiator of violence, the ideology is so far gone that the entire nation almost, have lost their minds, the place is doomed and the sooner its gone the better.

The Zionists need to start listening to proper Jews and put an end to their worship of violence:


You keep persecuting and abusing people you keep getting attacked, you wanna argue with Einstein?
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Why "destroy Hamas" if in so doing one creates so much hatred that the next Hamas will make this one look like a bunch of girl scouts? doesn't sound very intelligent to me, Israel might be right now - unwittingly - creating the basis for a future Oct 7th but ten times worse.

All Netanyahood is doing is creating a new generation of Anti-Israel Terrorists. But he hates Palestinians and does not care killing innocent civilians.
Why "destroy Hamas" if in so doing one creates so much hatred that the next Hamas will make this one look like a bunch of girl scouts? doesn't sound very intelligent to me, Israel might be right now - unwittingly - creating the basis for a future Oct 7th but ten times worse.

This is such a bizarre inversion of reality. But I understand the psychology of it, as this type of reversal is often used by perpetrators of violence. As in: I wouldn't have to beat you if you would just give in to my demands and as in: if you respond to my violence in ways other than giving me what I want, it will be worse for you next time.

This shifts the accountability and responsibility for committing violence away from the perpetrator and gives him a sense of righteousness that the use of violence is deserved. The purpose is to create a system of appeasement, where the perpetrator uses violence and the threat of violence, to have his demands met. This typically increases in frequency and intensity over time, with the perpetrator feeling comfortable using higher levels of violence more often to maintain his control.

It is beyond insane that the international community believes that the violence would end if we just give the terrorists what they want. That's not how any of this works. If you give an abuser/terrorist what he wants, it just feeds into his perception of justification for the use of violence. The correct response to terror is that you will NEVER get what you want using violence.
This is such a bizarre inversion of reality. But I understand the psychology of it, as this type of reversal is often used by perpetrators of violence. As in: I wouldn't have to beat you if you would just give in to my demands and as in: if you respond to my violence in ways other than giving me what I want, it will be worse for you next time.

This shifts the accountability and responsibility for committing violence away from the perpetrator and gives him a sense of righteousness that the use of violence is deserved. The purpose is to create a system of appeasement, where the perpetrator uses violence and the threat of violence, to have his demands met. This typically increases in frequency and intensity over time, with the perpetrator feeling comfortable using higher levels of violence more often to maintain his control.
Be that as it may, it doesn't alter the reality - the more Arabs they kill and mutilate the more likely they are to see future terrorist attacks, this is true, a fact. Therefore how does killing 40,000+ when only 1,000+ Israelis were killed help to reduce the risk of terrorism? Tell me at what point the Arabs/Palestinians will stop their terrorism? what would Israel do to make that happen?

The only option in Zionism is to exterminate all Palestinians, they are a problem and there's nothing else a racist state like Israel can do but seek to destroy every Palestinian, they just refuse to admit this.
It is beyond insane that the international community believes that the violence would end if we just give the terrorists what they want.
What's insane is how Zionist Israel being out of touch with 99.8% of the human race, expresses that as 99.8% of the human race is out of touch with Israel ! and I know why, it's because of the racial supremacy which permeates Zionism and even Israeli society itself.
That's not how any of this works. If you give an abuser/terrorist what he wants, it just feeds into his perception of justification for the use of violence. The correct response to terror is that you will NEVER get what you want using violence.
No, the correct response is to take actions that reduce the probability of further terror; this is easy in Israel's case, just abide by the umpteen UN resolutions, arrest and incarcerate Jewish settler thugs, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc....
Be that as it may, it doesn't alter the reality - the more Arabs they kill and mutilate the more likely they are to see future terrorist attacks, this is true, a fact. Therefore how does killing 40,000+ when only 1,000+ Israelis were killed help to reduce the risk of terrorism? Tell me at what point the Arabs/Palestinians will stop their terrorism? what would Israel do to make that happen?

The only option in Zionism is to exterminate all Palestinians, they are a problem and there's nothing else a racist state like Israel can do but seek to destroy every Palestinian, they just refuse to admit this.

What's insane is how Zionist Israel being out of touch with 99.8% of the human race, expresses that as 99.8% of the human race is out of touch with Israel ! and I know why, it's because of the racial supremacy which permeates Zionism and even Israeli society itself.

No, the correct response is to take actions that reduce the probability of further terror; this is easy in Israel's case, just abide by the umpteen UN resolutions, arrest and incarcerate Jewish settler thugs, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc....

Easier said than done when the Prime Minister has his version of "Final Solution" for Palestinians.
I guess we just have to take that chance

Anyway I dont think the pals can get much worse
Perhaps, but the Israelis can:


Israel, what a wonderful place (for Jews) to live and raise a family, free land, free farms, great life.
Anyway I dont think the pals can get much worse
If you actually believe that there are no plans being made for a huge retaliatory attack on Israel, after the slaughter they have been doing then you're even more brainwashed than I thought.

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