Increasing public unrest in Israel

No, the correct response is to take actions that reduce the probability of further terror; this is easy in Israel's case, just abide by the umpteen UN resolutions, arrest and incarcerate Jewish settler thugs, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc....

Do you know what actually reduces the probability of terror? Having terror never work to get what you want.
You missed the whole point. There is nothing Israel can do to stop the perpetrators of violence from planning to use violence as a method of control over Israel. That is the perpetrator's responsibility. The people of Gaza must stop planning to use violence to control Israel.
But nothing else will work, they tried everything else, what's coming is coming.
Do you know what actually reduces the probability of terror? Having terror never work to get what you want.
The militant Zionists were terrorists from the outset, even a cursory review of the history of Zionism in the Levant prior to 1948 makes that crystal clear. It's the only means of influence the entitled racial supremacists know, then they get all uppity when their victims resort the same tactics.


The Zionist regime is the same, its always been a bunch of primitive maniacal throwbacks, the sooner its crushed and sanity prevails the better.
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The only option in Zionism is to exterminate all Palestinians, they are a problem and there's nothing else a racist state like Israel can do but seek to destroy every Palestinian, they just refuse to admit this.

You are creating a false premise in order to demonize Israel. There are many things Israel can (and has) done to mitigate the violence. Things like: complete and total withdrawal from Gaza, Iron Dome, security barriers, blockades, civilian shelters, sirens, peace treaties, military action, occupation, economic trade and development, surveillance and intelligence. The list goes on and on and on.
You are creating a false premise in order to demonize Israel.
Oh, sorry, I forgot, Israel is always the victim here - silly me.
There are many things Israel can (and has) done to mitigate the violence. Things like: complete and total withdrawal from Gaza, Iron Dome, security barriers, blockades, civilian shelters, sirens, peace treaties, military action, occupation, economic trade and development, surveillance and intelligence. The list goes on and on and on.
They shouldn't have BEEN in Gaza in the first place! Should a squatter be taking credit for leaving one's home? This is the proof of Jew supremacy, actually pretending they are always doing good and never admitting the wrong.
It's a maniacal regime, maniacal ideology and the sooner it's destroyed the better. Europe's better off without a Nazi Germany and Palestine will be better off without a Zionist Israel.

Many Americans here know little of Nazi Germany, they were never attacked by the Luftwaffe, their houses weren't bombed by ballistic missiles, the British know, we were bombed by a the Nazi regime, we know what it's like that's why we can sympathize with the Palestinians who face a reincarnation of a racial supremacist regime.

In the end the German people paid the price of living under a racial supremacist ideology, the major industrial centers were obliterated by the RAF and the same fate should befall Israel, its industrial war making centers should be subject to the same fate, only this time there's a way out - sanctions, only if sanctions do not reign in the maniacs, should military action be taken as it was when Iraq illegally occupied Kuwait in 1990.
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You missed the whole point. There is nothing Israel can do to stop the perpetrators of violence from planning to use violence as a method of control over Israel. That is the perpetrator's responsibility. The people of Gaza must stop planning to use violence to control Israel.

Israel can stop ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. What Israel is doing is nothing more and nothing less than a Palestinian Holocaust. It is wanted slaughter of innocent Men, Women and Children.

Attacking Hospitals and Schools is a War Crime. Netanyhood is War Criminal. He knows as long as Palestinian Slaughter continues, as long his revenge war goes on he will be in office. The moment it ends, he will tossed out.
They shouldn't have BEEN in Gaza in the first place! Should a squatter be taking credit for leaving one's home? This is the proof of Jew supremacy, actually pretending they are always doing good and never admitting the wrong.

They shouldn't have been in Gaza when? Look, you are all pissy pants trying to claim that actions have consequences, then whine when those consequences are delivered on Arabs. If you don't like what happens when Arabs start an intifada, here's an idea -- don't start an intidafa.
They shouldn't have been in Gaza when?
Ever, just like the Romans should never have been in Britain.
Look, you are all pissy pants trying to claim that actions have consequences, then whine when those consequences are delivered on Arabs. If you don't like what happens when Arabs start an intifada, here's an idea -- don't start an intidafa.
The Arabs have a right - in law, in the UN charter - to resist foreign invaders. If the invaders leave the illegally occupied lands then they'll see less resistance to that occupation.
Israel can stop ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. What Israel is doing is nothing more and nothing less than a Palestinian Holocaust. It is wanted slaughter of innocent Men, Women and Children.
Israel is not committing ethnic cleansing of any territory and comparing a war as a consequence of belligerent invasion of a sovereign State and committing atrocities upon her citizens with genocidal intent to the Holocaust is vile.
Attacking Hospitals and Schools is a War Crime.
Sigh. Once again. Jeez, I only typed this last night. No. This is patently and verifiably false. Protected places only remain protected when they are not used for military purposes and are free from military objectives. If a military objective is within a protected place, that protected place loses its protected status. The war crime is committed by those who use a protected place for military purposes. That's the law.
Why "destroy Hamas" if in so doing one creates so much hatred that the next Hamas will make this one look like a bunch of girl scouts? doesn't sound very intelligent to me, Israel might be right now - unwittingly - creating the basis for a future Oct 7th but ten times worse.

Of course you'd never blame Netanyahu or the Knesset for this, you'll still continue to bang your head against the wall an insist it is all the fault of "the Arabs".

Israel does not know how to live in peace with its neighbors and it never did even before 1948, it says it wants peace but acts in such a way to guarantee it will never get peace, curiously Zionists just cannot see it that way, the only way they know to interpret everything is by the narrative that the Jews are victims, the Jews are always victims, never the victimizer, that's always the starting point that every Zionist starts from.

Any reaction to Israeli violence is always seen as the initiator of violence, the ideology is so far gone that the entire nation almost, have lost their minds, the place is doomed and the sooner its gone the better.

The Zionists need to start listening to proper Jews and put an end to their worship of violence:

View attachment 1008816

You keep persecuting and abusing people you keep getting attacked, you wanna argue with Einstein?

"Because Islamist degeneracy is always someone else fault"

by that the free world have submitted to Germany.

Don't you know where your filth all end up?
Israel is not committing ethnic cleansing of any territory and comparing a war as a consequence of belligerent invasion of a sovereign State and committing atrocities upon her citizens with genocidal intent to the Holocaust is vile.

Sigh. Once again. Jeez, I only typed this last night. No. This is patently and verifiably false. Protected places only remain protected when they are not used for military purposes and are free from military objectives. If a military objective is within a protected place, that protected place loses its protected status. The war crime is committed by those who use a protected place for military purposes. That's the law.
Yes but there must be evidence that this was the case and there never is, Israel doesn't care about that. There's no evidence whatsoever that any of these places were being used in such a way that military force becomes authorized under international law, its a very high bar if you care to look.

In the real world a claim by the IDF or Nazinyahu or Beelzebub Snotrich isn't credible evidence.

Israel is not subject to the law, that's the problem.
The Arabs have a right - in law, in the UN charter - to resist foreign invaders. If the invaders leave the illegally occupied lands then they'll see less resistance to that occupation.
Where do you come up with this stuff? No, they don't. And even if they did, the Jewish people are neither foreigners nor invaders. They are indigenous people.
Where do you come up with this stuff? No, they don't. And even if they did, the Jewish people are neither foreigners nor invaders. They are indigenous people.
They are at least 50% now, Europeans or descendants of Europeans. Most of them came from Europe their families have centuries of European culture, language, music, science and art, they were invited and encouraged to swarm into Israel years before any Holocaust in order to swell the numbers and alter the demographics.

This is what colonizers do, just like in the US thousands and thousands of people migrated there as the natives were being massacred and herded into "reservations" the US did what Israel is doing.

They cannot prove they are in any way indigenous, a man saying "I'm a Jew" does not automatically get a right to evict an Arab family and steal their land, not in the real world anyway.
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What is your primary source document for this?
Here print a copy and send it to Nazinyahu, although he'll probably just wipe his @ss with it.

Children and armed conflict.

I'm fully expecting the usual bleatings and apologetics and excuses and claims that Israel's situation is special and so on and so forth. But forget that, I won't respond or argue, leave that to the Judges and prosecutors.
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Here print a copy and send it to Nazinyahu, although he'll probably just wipe his @ss with it.

Children and armed conflict.

I'm fully expecting the usual bleatings and apologetics and excuses and claims that Israel's situation is special and so on and so forth. But forget that, I won't respond or argue, leave that to the Judges and prosecutors.
Do you know what a primary source document is?
They are at least 50% now, Europeans or descendants of Europeans. Most of them came from Europe their families have centuries of European culture, language, music, science and art, ...

This is what colonizers do, just like in the US thousands and thousands of people migrated there as the natives were being massacred and herded into "reservations" the US did what Israel is doing.

They cannot prove they are in any way indigenous,...

You have a poor understanding of what it means to be indigenous. The Jewish people have a distinct and recognizable culture that has been carried with them in the diaspora. They are descendants of the Jewish people, regardless of where in the world they found themselves. The Jewish culture is easily recognizable in our language, legal system, rituals, holidays, life celebrations, style of dress, social conventions and all of these cultural realities are directly reflected in the history of the land of Israel.

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