Zone1 Question about Jesus

There is never a reason to just make things up such Jesus ate joyfully. That is not mentioned any where in scriptures.

There were other people Jesus ate with, but it was just a meal. It was not a secular "LOL" event. Jesus was always serious.

Matthew 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look at him! He is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ Yet wisdom is proved right by her actions.

That's the Gospel of Matthew. If Jesus' critics were calling him a "glutton and a drunkard" - he would have at least had that "rumor" spread about him among his critics. Jesus' entire ministry was about changing the way people thought and acted - and that through faith in God, all things were possible - even for "tax collectors, sinners, gluttons and drunkards".

Jesus attended weddings (wedding at Cana) among other festivals - do you honestly believe he sat in a corner with a frown on his face during those events?

When Jesus taught - did he do it in a serious manner and with authority? Yes.

That does not mean he always taught in an "authoritarian/military" fashion? Not in my opinion. You can teach in a serious manner and with authority without always being "authoritarian". The fact that many of his teachings were spoken in parables essentially shows this, imo.

Jesus had the same emotions as most humans - we read that he went through suffering, pain, anxiety, stress, frustration and so forth - so why would anyone believe that he did not have moments of joy, happiness, laughter, etc?
Comedians are liars. They all get rich thinking of things to lie about.

Kevin Hart got rich with a long winded lie about a "Deerbra" something that has never ever existed. He traveled the world telling that lie of a story and it make him filthy rich. God does not lie.

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