Will Trump and Kamala shake hands at the debate? (Poll)

Will Trump offer to shake hands with Kamala at the debate ?

  • Yes, at the start and end of the debate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, at the start of the debate

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 90.0%

  • Total voters
Before the dems went bat-shit crazy (say after Bubba Clinton) there was at least some common ground both parties stood upon. That's not the case anymore.

In a just world the DNC would be declared a criminal .org and their registered members enemies of the Republic.
I missed the shitting on allies by Trump. Link please.

Biden shit on allies, so much so that the Brits hold him in CONTEMPT, and France pulled their ambassador over Biden's abandonment of AFG.

America's allies despise Trump — and that's a threat to NATO​

Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › ... › Global Opinions

Dec 6, 2019 — A camera caught several national leaders joking about the antics of President Trump. Many commentators drew unflattering comparisons with ...

Trump says he'd 'encourage' Russia 'to do whatever the hell ...​

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
https://abcnews.go.com › Politics › story

Feb 11, 2024 — Former President Donald Trump said Saturday that he wouldn't protect a NATO nation that didn't contribute enough defense funds.

America's allies despise Trump — and that's a threat to NATO

View attachment 1008262
Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › ... › Global Opinions
Dec 6, 2019 — A camera caught several national leaders joking about the antics of President Trump. Many commentators drew unflattering comparisons with ...

Trump says he'd 'encourage' Russia 'to do whatever the hell ...

View attachment 1008268
ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
https://abcnews.go.com › Politics › story
Feb 11, 2024 — Former President Donald Trump said Saturday that he wouldn't protect a NATO nation that didn't contribute enough defense funds.
1. NATO deadbeats are NOT U.S. allies, they are parasites living off US taxpayers for defense. No one cares if they hate Trump for making them pay the fuck up for their NATO commitments.

2. See #1. Trump would NOT defend NATO members who did not meet their NATO commitments. Pay up or get fed to Putin.

3. NATO said that TRUMP STRENGTHENED NATO, by at least $100b. dumbass.

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NATO​

Mr. Stoltenberg highlighted rising defence investment across European Allies and Canada, amounting to more than $100 billion extra in recent years. (Thanks to president Trump)

The Secretary General also pointed to the Alliance's important role in fighting international terrorism, including with training missions in Afghanistan and Iraq, and congratulated the President on the recent operation against ISIS leader al-Baghdadi.
1. NATO deadbeats are NOT U.S. allies, they are parasites living off US taxpayers for defense. No one cares if they hate Trump for making them pay the fuck up for their NATO commitments.
So, let's cowboy up, the US don't need anyone.
Even though we haven't won a war in 80 years, and it took allies to do that.
2. See #1. Trump would NOT defend NATO members who did not meet their NATO commitments. Pay up or get fed to Putin.
Of course, his buddy is waiting in the wings.
3. NATO said that TRUMP STRENGTHENED NATO, by at least $100b. dumbass.

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NATO​

Mr. Stoltenberg highlighted rising defence investment across European Allies and Canada, amounting to more than $100 billion extra in recent years. (Thanks to president Trump)

The Secretary General also pointed to the Alliance's important role in fighting international terrorism, including with training missions in Afghanistan and Iraq, and congratulated the President on the recent operation against ISIS leader al-Baghdadi.

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