Does anyone here actually support these fringe right wing groups

I'm interested in hearing from real people who actually align themselves with these far right groups, to the point they'd consider joining one:
  • Proud Boys
  • Boogaloo Bois
  • Oath Keepers
  • Patriot Front
Are they still relevant? do they actually amount to anything since Trump lost the 2020 election? or have they more or less faded away?

More boogeymen to keep the left sheep scared.

Meanwhile the free Gaza fucktards are back on campuses with their jew hate.
No, and I'm sure it's all some "ME WUV SOCIALISM HURR DURR DURR" bullshit.
Judging a book by it's title, oh well, so much for the advanced United States, its full of scared dimwitts worried about bogeymen, actually a very frightened society, has been for many years.
yes I did,,

this isnt the first time I have encountered a braindead moron like you that didnt like the answer he got and ranted for hrs about it,

More boogeymen to keep the left sheep scared.

Meanwhile the free Gaza fucktards are back on campuses with their jew hate.
It IS a bit ironic when there is massive antisemitism being spread on college campuses, with calls to genocide the Jews, spreading anti-Jew blood libel, assaulting and spitting on Jewish kids, ALL coming from the Left, and a leftwinger starts a thread on obscure right wing groups that don’t even register a blip.
I'll just wait here to see who the next intelligent poster will be...that being somebody who actually reads the OP.
I'm interested in hearing from real people who actually align themselves with these far right groups, to the point they'd consider joining one:
  • Proud Boys
  • Boogaloo Bois
  • Oath Keepers
  • Patriot Front
Are they still relevant? do they actually amount to anything since Trump lost the 2020 election? or have they more or less faded away?
No one supports them proudly which makes the name ironic or aspirational but not really reflective of where their culture is at. Think of them more as LARPing communities.
BLM protests involved millions in over 500 places nation wide.

That and many other human failings work against US.
I laugh at the ideas of the Democrats that man is in charge of Global climate.

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