Does anyone here actually support these fringe right wing groups

You can blame socialism, social minded policies for

Seat belts
Regulating poisonous substances
Prevention of child workers
Women having the vote
Democratic voting
Guaranteed vacation time
Facilities for disabled workers
Criminalizing sexual abuse at work
etc, etc, etc

None of these emerged from capitalists thinking, in fact unbridled capitalism respecting none of these things, was the norm until the working population fought back.

That's regulation, not socialism.

And women voting was progressivism, old school progressivism not the SJW bullshit we have now.

Universal suffrage came to Europe due to conscription and national armies.
Capitalism can't even produce affordable housing. Or health care. The goal of capitalism is monopoly. Profits. Ever seen an ape who hoards millions of bananas all for itself? Nope.

It's produced the high standards of living found in the west.

How is Venezuela's play with socialism working out for them?
yes I am against the DOJ that jails the political opponents of the leftist party,,

local police is controlled by the people not the governemnt,,
My local police is controlled by the chief of police Mark Goodman.

Tell me, why should my tax dollars be spent on other people's safety?

Why not force people to pay for law enforcement insurance just we as do for health insurance? Why not make police privatized just as we have hospitals and doctors? you some kind of commie?
It made the news when the Proud Boys joined with the BLM people but the news mostly kept you from knowing it happened under Biden.
BLM protests involved millions in over 500 places nation wide.
Capitalism is unable to mitigate global climate change and that's the reason it won't survive.
That and many other human failings work against US.
My local police is controlled by the chief of police Mark Goodman.

Tell me, why should my tax dollars be spent on other people's safety?

Why not force people to pay for law enforcement insurance just we as do for health insurance? Why not make police privatized just as we have hospitals and doctors? you some kind of commie?
cops dont provide safety you stupid fuck,,

they arrest people that committ crimes,,
My local police is controlled by the chief of police Mark Goodman.

Tell me, why should my tax dollars be spent on other people's safety?

Why not force people to pay for law enforcement insurance just we as do for health insurance? Why not make police privatized just as we have hospitals and doctors? you some kind of commie?
dude your money is being used to protect people in different countries while ours is being invade by people that are earing peoples cats and dogs,,
It's produced the high standards of living found in the west.

How is Venezuela's play with socialism working out for them?
And now the bill comes due for all that high standard of living. Like getting swept away in a flood, blown to pieces by a storm and crop failures that raise food prices.

Venezuela has every right to "play with socialism" if that's what the people of Venezuela want. The US is scared of an alternative to capitalism
That's regulation, not socialism.
Their products of a socialist ideology, this is what socialism actually is all about, but the retards in the USA can only see Stalin when you try to talk to them about socialism.
And women voting was progressivism, old school progressivism not the SJW bullshit we have now.

Universal suffrage came to Europe due to conscription and national armies.
Very few people here know what "socialism" is they get all hysterical and start panicking and shouting "the commies are coming" and all the usual McCarthy era hysterics that the US is known for.

Read George Orwell's Road to Wigan Pier if you want to get some real insight.
cops dont provide safety you stupid fuck,,

they arrest people that committ crimes,,
Scared to answer the question son? don't be scared, just stand up and answer, be brave, we'll all support you here.

Why not force people to pay for law enforcement insurance just we as do for health insurance? Why not make police privatized just as we have hospitals and doctors? you some kind of commie?
And now the bill comes due for all that high standard of living. Like getting swept away in a flood, blown to pieces by a storm and crop failures that raise food prices.

Venezuela has every right to "play with socialism" if that's what the people of Venezuela want. The US is scared of an alternative to capitalism

Humans have survived far worse, we don't need to succumb to you watermelons in your goal for the socialist utopia/actual dystopia.

Actually they don't want it anymore, and like a good socialist, Maduro isn't letting them get what they want.

Socialists can be voted in, but they seem to need to be carried out.
Scared to answer the question son?

Why not force people to pay for law enforcement insurance just we as do for health insurance? Why not make police privatized just as we have hospitals and doctors? you some kind of commie?
I did answer it,,

youre just mad it wasnt the answer you wanted,,

get over it,,
Their products of a socialist ideology, this is what socialism actually is all about, but the retards in the USA can only see Stalin when you try to talk to them about socialism.

Very few people here know what "socialism" is they get all hysterical and start panicking and shouting "the commies are coming" and all the usual McCarthy era hysterics that the US is known for.

Read George Orwell's Road to Wigan Pier if you want to get some real insight.

No, it isn't. You want to see socialism go read the platform of the Democratic socialists.

I've read plenty of Orwell, and he knew the system's flaw was the power hunger of the people running it. I haven't seen anything to change that viewpoint.
Humans have survived far worse, we don't need to succumb to you watermelons in your goal for the socialist utopia/actual dystopia.

Actually they don't want it anymore, and like a good socialist, Maduro isn't letting them get what they want.

Socialists can be voted in, but they seem to need to be carried out.
Watermelons? I bet you're about Trump's age. Stuff like that happens.
No you didn't, but this isn't the first time I've encountered cowardice in this country, Trump is a master at it.
yes I did,,

this isnt the first time I have encountered a braindead moron like you that didnt like the answer he got and ranted for hrs about it,,


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