Zone1 What Jesus endured, we also must endure or we won't make it to Heaven

Yet you can't answer the question about the meaning of what Jesus spoke. And a "Catholic" who belongs to a church that is "not of the world of Jesus" according to you, is about to teach you the meaning of what Jesus wrote. Oh, the irony.

If you understand and follow Jesus Christ's two most important teachings - both taken from the Old Testament - then you would by default follow the 10 Commandments.

PART 1:"Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength."

PART 2: "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself"

1. Thou shalt not have any
other gods before God. - PART 1

2. Thou shalt not make yourself
an idol. PART 1

3. Thou shalt not take the
Lord's name in vain. PART 1

4. Remember the
Sabbath Day and keep it Holy. PART 1

5. Honor your Father and Mother. PART 1 and PART 2

6. Thou shalt not murder. PART 1 and PART 2

7. Thou shalt not commit
adultery. PART 2

8. Thou shalt not steal. PART 2

9. Thou shalt not testify or
bear false witness against your neighbor. PART 2

10. Thou shalt not
covet. PART 2.

Matthew 22:

"Everything in the Law and the Prophets depends on these two commandments.”

Does that make sense?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill them"

Yet you can't answer the question about the meaning of what Jesus spoke. And a "Catholic" who belongs to a church that is "not of the world of Jesus" according to you, is about to teach you the meaning of what Jesus wrote. Oh, the irony.

If you understand and follow Jesus Christ's two most important teachings - both taken from the Old Testament - then you would by default follow the 10 Commandments.

PART 1:"Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength."

PART 2: "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself"

1. Thou shalt not have any
other gods before God. - PART 1

2. Thou shalt not make yourself
an idol. PART 1

3. Thou shalt not take the
Lord's name in vain. PART 1

4. Remember the
Sabbath Day and keep it Holy. PART 1

5. Honor your Father and Mother. PART 1 and PART 2

6. Thou shalt not murder. PART 1 and PART 2

7. Thou shalt not commit
adultery. PART 2

8. Thou shalt not steal. PART 2

9. Thou shalt not testify or
bear false witness against your neighbor. PART 2

10. Thou shalt not
covet. PART 2.

Matthew 22:

"Everything in the Law and the Prophets depends on these two commandments.”

Does that make sense?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill them"

Catholic theology is unbiblical and often times in contradiction to what Jesus and the apostles preached. I can show you.
No. I prefer a president who isn't a convicted felon.
I prefer a President who has a good track record of being POTUS and has the balls to defy illegal DOJ charges that make felonies out of misdemeanors. You seem to prefer Democrat lies and cover ups.
Right, Because God never gave his people "bread from heaven"? Does Manna ring a bell?
"Manna" is a metaphor for bread from Heaven, Divine instruction, the Word of God.

Is this news to you?

And no, Catholics do not turn to a "lifeless matzo" for "spiritual life".

Anyone can peek inside a church on any given Sunday anywhere in the world and see with their own eyes "believers" fall to their knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo for spiritual life.

You are such a joker!

It is consecrated - as Jesus consecrated the bread during the Last Supper - Gave it to his Apostles and said, "This is my Body".
You might want to notice that the only one given bread during the last supper according to John was Judas as way of identifying his betrayer to the other disciples. Consider yourself identified!

And Holy Communion is only a "part" of "Spiritual Life" for Catholics - as a matter of fact, the "Power" of the Holy Communion is vastly dependent on the faith of the person and how his/her faith translates into their lives.
Sure, the "power" of death consequent to defying the commands of God has no effect on me but some people may become just phony, other become duplicitous, and others become flat out evil.

It really is fascinating!

For some, it truly becomes the Body of Christ - for others it may not be as effective - because their faith (and works) do not represent someone who is in "communion" with God. Understand?
Anyone who professes to believe that a matzo becomes the body of Christ, the body of his teaching that consists of Words from God, is not in communion with either Jesus or God.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

You know - you were baptized Catholic and received the sacraments, correct? It isn't too late to come back...then you too then can receive the Eucharist and be in communion with God.
No, I'll take a pass. I'd rather be drawn and quartered. But thanks for asking me to join you in hell.

What a guy!
I prefer a President who has a good track record of being POTUS and has the balls to defy illegal DOJ charges that make felonies out of misdemeanors. You seem to prefer Democrat lies and cover ups.
I don't care what you prefer. You'll take what you get and you're gonna love it. Or else
"Manna" is a metaphor for bread from Heaven, Divine instruction, the Word of God.

Is this news to you?


Anyone can peek inside a church on any given Sunday anywhere in the world and see with their own eyes "believers" fall to their knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo for spiritual life.

You are such a joker!

You might want to notice that the only one given bread during the last supper according to John was Judas as way of identifying his betrayer to the other disciples. Consider yourself identified!

Sure, the "power" of death consequent to defying the commands of God has no effect on me but some people may become just phony, other become duplicitous, and others become flat out evil.

It really is fascinating!

Anyone who professes to believe that a matzo becomes the body of Christ, the body of his teaching that consists of Words from God, is not in communion with either Jesus or God.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

No, I'll take a pass. I'd rather be drawn and quartered. But thanks for asking me to join you in hell.

What a guy!
Parsing posts? Tsk, tsk. That's a sign of a small mind. And haven't we established that Leviticus 18:22 is proof of your selective interpretations?
Isn't that life for everyone though? Even you? Don't most experience the "or else?"
No. Most do not experience the "or else". I wouldn't have the time to give everyone that needs it my treatment. I would make time for that Leo fella, he rubs me the wrong way
No. Most do not experience the "or else". I wouldn't have the time to give everyone that needs it my treatment. I would make time for that Leo fella, he rubs me the wrong way
I think most people suffer impositions with complaint. To me that's the "or else."

Remember... it was you who said love it or else, not me. It just so happens that those really are the only two choices when life throws you a curve.
I think most people suffer impositions with complaint. To me that's the "or else."

Remember... it was you who said love it or else, not me. It just so happens that those really are the only two choices when life throws you a curve.
People are gonna do more than complain if some convicted felon wants to pass himself off as president.
"Manna" is a metaphor for bread from Heaven, Divine instruction, the Word of God.

Is this news to you?


Anyone can peek inside a church on any given Sunday anywhere in the world and see with their own eyes "believers" fall to their knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo for spiritual life.

You are such a joker!

You might want to notice that the only one given bread during the last supper according to John was Judas as way of identifying his betrayer to the other disciples. Consider yourself identified!

Sure, the "power" of death consequent to defying the commands of God has no effect on me but some people may become just phony, other become duplicitous, and others become flat out evil.

It really is fascinating!

Anyone who professes to believe that a matzo becomes the body of Christ, the body of his teaching that consists of Words from God, is not in communion with either Jesus or God.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

No, I'll take a pass. I'd rather be drawn and quartered. But thanks for asking me to join you in hell.

What a guy!

If this is "hell" then Hades has gotten a bad rap over the years - either that, or it's come a long way.

Your level of anger on these boards is concerning though - although anger and frustration are emotions we all have - living your life while carrying the cross of all the anger you hold in, must be quite the challenge - that is version of "hell" imo. If you ever need a hand with that cross, I'll do my best to alleviate the weight of it for you. Just knock on the door - I will answer.

Oh, you person of little faith - if you had a mustard seed of faith you would understand that THROUGH FAITH God can make all things possible. Is this not a foundation of all Abrahamic Religions?

As far as who was given bread at the Last Supper - you may want read the the Gospels again, for your own sake - you seem like a relatively "well read" person.

Read THE ENTIRETY OF: MARK 14, MATTHEW 26 and LUKE 22. If you understand, no need to respond.

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