Everything Old Is New Again- part 2

Wrong forum! Belongs in ‘History’.


The origin of the current Democrat Party isn't political???????????

Or does the truth hurt you too much???

1. "When Students Become Terrorists

The Weather Underground railed against the establishment. Today’s campus protesters are supported by it. Call them the Weather Overground.​

2. Between 1969 and 1974, this small gang of violent, far-left intellectuals bombed Congress, police stations, courthouses, and the Pentagon. They changed their identities to avoid detection, dyed their hair, and lived off-grid, while working to destroy the “imperialist” country they detested.

America needed a second revolution, by any means necessary.

3. The leaders of the Weathermen, also known as the Weather Underground, did not rise from poverty or want. Most came from good families and attended the best schools: Columbia, Cornell, Michigan, the University of Chicago. In fact, the Weathermen are mocked in Radical Chic, Tom Wolfe’s iconic send-up of elites besotted with radicals who want to destroy the social order they sit atop. "

When Students Become Terrorists

The Weather Underground railed against the establishment. Today’s campus protesters are supported by it. Call them the Weather Overground.

4. One member gave this prescription: “four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110

5. These are the people, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, communists, socialists,. Bolsheviks, Maoists for whom you have been coddled into voting for. This Democrat Party began with student terrorists and became Kamala's Party.

Think carefully before you throw in with folks who hated your country.

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