Scoop: Generals Come To Harris' Defense On Afghanistan.

For any active duty officer to criticize the National Command Authority (The President) is a direct violation of both The Uniform Code of Military Justice AND The U.S. Manual for Courts Martial.

Gen. Milley laughs.

Biden simply honored the Trump surrender agreement. Part of cleaning up the orange slob's mess was to honor his agreements. To show the world that Trump getting into office and tearing up all of our agreements was not the dumbfuck behavior the world should expect, from other presidents.
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Ten generals and admirals are mobilizing to defend Vice President Kamala Harris from Republican attempts to tie her to the chaotic 2021 U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Why it matters: The withdrawal has emerged as a major campaign issue in the lead-up to Tuesday's presidential debate, with Harris coming under fire from former President Trump, House Republicans and parents of victims of the Abbey Gate suicide attack, which killed 13 American service members.

  • The push to defend Harris comes from retired military brass, including three with four-stars: Admiral Steve Abbot, who served as deputy homeland security advisor to George W. Bush, Gen. Lloyd W. Newton and Gen. Larry R. Ellis, who has never previously endorsed a political candidate.
At least Republicans are consistent at being dishonest and reprehensible.
Different kind of politics.


General McCrystal Resigns After Controversial Statements About Obama.

President Barack Obama on Wednesday accepted Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s resignation from his position as head commander of the war in Afghanistan and named Gen. David Petraeus will replace him.

Today I accepted General Stanley McChrystal’s resignation as commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan,” Obama said Wednesday afternoon at a news conference in the Rose Garden. “I did so with considerable regret, but also with certainty that it is the right thing for our mission in Afghanistan, for our military, and for our country.

I’m also pleased to nominate General David Petraeus to take command in Afghanistan, which will allow us to maintain the momentum and leadership that we need to succeed.”

McCrystal crossed a line he knew he should not have crossed.
Trump didn't care when he left a mere 2500 troops their after releasing 5000 terrorists.

That should be in a military manual.

Rule 1:

Never release two times as many terrorists as you have soldiers to do a pullout.
“Left 2500 troops”? He never abandoned any troops in Afghanistan you lying sack of shit.
“Left 2500 troops”? He never abandoned any troops in Afghanistan you lying sack of shit.
I didn't say he abandoned them.

I'm saying he left a meager force to accomplish an impossible task in an impossible timeline...then blamed Biden.
So why didn’t Biden send back more troops?
That was an option.

He could have spent billions to redeploy the troops Trump had just brought home but then we would be in trumper threads titled ...

Biden trashed Trump's greatest deal ever. Redeploys troops. Deal reneged. More death because Biden ruined Trump's perfect deal. Blah blah blah.

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