Asians Now Learn Just How Much Affirmative Action Helped Them

It's that entitlement mentality that some whites have. They can cite a small number of blacks and it means all blacks, but if we cite a small number of whites, they tell us how we shoudn't broadbrush whites because not all whites are like that. It's trifling.

And then you pretend to speak for all black people (even other people!). :rolleyes:
And here we see an Asian dropping a bomb on the white racist argument about black on black violence


Let's see, now you speak for all black people, all Asian people, all white people, anyone else? You're so busy speaking for everyone.
It's that entitlement mentality that some whites have. They can cite a small number of blacks and it means all blacks, but if we cite a small number of whites, they tell us how we shoudn't broadbrush whites because not all whites are like that. It's trifling.

Not at all. I've called Black Conservatives kind of pathetic.

Just like this stupid girls is kind of pathetic, that she went to college, heard a lot of CRT knowledge, and then gets offended that Asians bust up the whole "America is racist" narrative.
And here we see an Asian dropping a bomb on the white racist argument about black on black violence

Yeah, okay, keep whining about the three or four black people killed by cops without justifiable cause and ignore the thousands of blacks killed by gangbangers every year. Keep whining about shit that happened 100 years ago instead of dealing with the problems now.

That makes fucking sense.

You know, talking about shit that happened 50 or 100 years ago is kind of silly. Asians get off the boat (70% of Asian-American adults were born in their home countries) and lo and behold, they work hard, don't whine about racism, and make more than white people do.

And before you repeat your DEMENTED LIE about how it's just Indian H1B holders, um, no, EVERY Asian ethinc group does better than whites, even ones from impoverished countries. And they often do this with the additional handicap of not having a grasp on the English language.


(Please note, IM2WHINY will not address this chart, he'll just keep pretending he didn't see it.)

So instead of finding the one sad Asian girl who has had her head filled with shit on a college campus, how about looking at what other Asians (including probably her parents, who are so embarrassed right about now) have done right.

1) Intact families and a low out of wedlock birth rate.
2) Putting a strong emphasis on studies.
3) Not breaking the law.
4) Stop giving oxygen to race pimps like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.


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