Asians Now Learn Just How Much Affirmative Action Helped Them


Again, the subject of this thread is "Why are Asians more successful than White Folks if America is so damned racist?"
That's not the subject of this thread white boy.

This is.

Asians Now Learn Just How Much Affirmative Action Helped Them

Now listen to this Asian tell you how wrong your opinion is.

She tells you that Asians are not the highest earners and breaks down why. Whites like you made up a lie and use median income to make a claim that is bogus, all in order to deny the racism you still practice.
That's not the subject of this thread white boy.

This is.

Asians Now Learn Just How Much Affirmative Action Helped Them

Now listen to this Asian tell you how wrong your opinion is.

And if she actually had some life experience beyond "Ranting on tic-toc from her dorm room", I might even take her seriously.

She tells you that Asians are not the highest earners and breaks down why. Whites like you made up a lie and use median income to make a claim that is bogus, all in order to deny the racism you still practice.

Except every Asian Ethnicity has a higher average income than white folks.

I mean, sure Bill Gates is white, and he probably makes more money than the richest Asian-American, but it doesn't take away from the fact that in "Racist" America, an Asian immigrant can work hard, and make pretty darned good money without the government giving him a bag full of money.
There was a white person who said, "Give my no-account sons distributorship and I won't get my stupid followers to boycott you?"
Probably word for word.
Yes, that was a tragedy... but if the guy hadn't run, and then pulled something out of his pocket, he'd probably be alive today.
There is always an excuse, but, but, but, if, if, if. If, if was a fifth we would all be drunk.
More lives were lost in Chicago, though.
6 one way, half a dozen the other.
So you got nothing, then? No one made you drink from the water fountain or sit at the back of the bus.
We just couldn't sit with whites at the movie theater, couldn't go to the public swimming pool we learn to swim in a pond, went to the back door at the restaurant, but hey that isn't that bad, is it?
Probably word for word.
So you'd have no problem quoting that person, then.
There is always an excuse, but, but, but, if, if, if. If, if was a fifth we would all be drunk.

Hey, here's the thing, I'm the first one to criticize the cops when they truly fuck it up (George Floyd, Laquan McDonald, Sonya Massey). But I also recognize that when you put 300 million guns out there with no quality control over who gets them, yes, the cops are going to be a little nervous when they have to chase some clown across the neighborhood, and then he pulls something out of his pocket!

6 one way, half a dozen the other.

I would think lost lives would be a bigger deal than damaged property. Property can be replaced.

We just couldn't sit with whites at the movie theater, couldn't go to the public swimming pool we learn to swim in a pond, went to the back door at the restaurant, but hey that isn't that bad, is it?

"We"? Did this happen to you personally?
So you'd have no problem quoting that person, then.
Take your pick.
Hey, here's the thing, I'm the first one to criticize the cops when they truly fuck it up (George Floyd, Laquan McDonald, Sonya Massey). But I also recognize that when you put 300 million guns out there with no quality control over who gets them, yes, the cops are going to be a little nervous when they have to chase some clown across the neighborhood, and then he pulls something out of his pocket!
Save it, cops have been brutalizing, lying on and killing black folks since this country was taken over.
I would think lost lives would be a bigger deal than damaged property. Property can be replaced.
Black folks suffered both.
"We"? Did this happen to you personally?
Happened to me, my siblings, parents, friends, etc. Who the hell do you think it happened to?
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Well it's not surprising that a white man would say that, when you have never had to deal with racism it's easy to joke about it.

Naw, the joke is burning down stuff in your own community and then wondering why no one comes in to fix it.

Depends on where you were at, racism didn't end in 1964 just because a bill was signed.

No, it didn't. People will always have racist attitudes. This is my whole point. Asians no doubt encounter racists, too.

But they don't let that stop them from working hard and building stuff.
The white racists adopted Asians. They buttered them up calling them the model minority. In any argument about race or racism, the white racist pointed out Asians to use against other people of color. They used Asians as mascots hoping to end equal opportunity policies. White racists and Asians in forums like this argued against Affirmative Action as if Asians were not admitted or hired because of the policy. So now one year after the policy was ended because Asians got used by a white racist named Edward Blum, Asains fucked around and found out that they will never be white.

In first Yale class since the end of affirmative action, Black and Latine enrollment share remains stable, while Asian American decreases

In the class of 2028, the first to be admitted after the fall of affirmative action in college admissions, there was a decrease in the share of Asian American students, while the enrollment of white students rose. Other racial demographic groups remained largely the same.

According to the first-year class profile released by the admissions office, 14 percent of the class of 2028 identifies as African American, 24 percent as Asian American, 19 percent as Hispanic or Latino, 3 percent as Native American and 46 percent as white.

Compared to the class of 2027, admitted in the last race-conscious admissions cycle, the class of 2028 saw a 4 percent increase in the share of white students and a 6 percent decrease in the share of Asian American students. The percentage of both Black or African American students and Native American students remained the same.

Here is song dedicated to the Asians in this forum who have run their mouths like white racists.

Well..down at Harvard..up at Brown. Blacks and Hispanics increased at one school, decreased at another.
The ones that really got screwed..of any race..were those with potential who are considered 'marginal' prospects.

BTW..the vast number of my Asian friends scoff at the idea of being White, considering it a bit of an insult.
In fact, I get complimented on the perceived 'Asian' traits in my persona.

Luckily I'm White, so I can't really be the victim of racism in the U.S..
Best stay out of Tokyo though...LOL!

Brown University saw an increase in the number of new Asian students enrolled at its school following the Supreme Court striking down affirmative action, according to new data.

The high court ruled in 2023 that colleges and universities could no longer take race into account when conducting admissions. That practice, known as affirmative action, had previously been enforced to ensure a diverse student body.

Brown on Friday released the racial diversity profile of its incoming freshman class. The data revealed Asian students make up 33% of the student body, compared to 29% the year prior.

Students who identify as white, Black and Hispanic each saw a decrease in their share of the incoming class.

The class is also the school’s most globally diverse group, with 14% being international students, according to the data. Brown noted, however, that the makeup of the class saw a decline from 27% to 18% in “groups historically underrepresented in higher education.”

Associate Provost for Enrollment and Dean of Undergraduate Admission Logan Powell attributed these shifts to the SCOTUS decision.
Well..down at Harvard..up at Brown. Blacks and Hispanics increased at one school, decreased at another.
The ones that really got screwed..of any race..were those with potential who are considered 'marginal' prospects.

BTW..the vast number of my Asian friends scoff at the idea of being White, considering it a bit of an insult.
In fact, I get complimented on the perceived 'Asian' traits in my persona.

Luckily I'm White, so I can't really be the victim of racism in the U.S..
Best stay out of Tokyo though...LOL!

Brown University saw an increase in the number of new Asian students enrolled at its school following the Supreme Court striking down affirmative action, according to new data.

The high court ruled in 2023 that colleges and universities could no longer take race into account when conducting admissions. That practice, known as affirmative action, had previously been enforced to ensure a diverse student body.

Brown on Friday released the racial diversity profile of its incoming freshman class. The data revealed Asian students make up 33% of the student body, compared to 29% the year prior.

Students who identify as white, Black and Hispanic each saw a decrease in their share of the incoming class.

The class is also the school’s most globally diverse group, with 14% being international students, according to the data. Brown noted, however, that the makeup of the class saw a decline from 27% to 18% in “groups historically underrepresented in higher education.”

Associate Provost for Enrollment and Dean of Undergraduate Admission Logan Powell attributed these shifts to the SCOTUS decision.
I now plenty of Asians who are not sellouts. But they don't seem to be members of this forum. Secondly, whites have consistently used Asians to deny the racism that exists in this country. So in this thread I am posting the opinion of an actual Asian.

And while whites used Asians to make racist claims this was the reality:


Don't stay out. So much good food there!
I was there when I was in the USN--1966--I was very impressed with the beer vending machines..I bought a role of quarters and started walking.
My buds, who hauled me back to the ship, said I was passed out, with quarters scattered all around.
Ahhh...18----so very, very dumb...LOL!
Take your pick.

Save it, cops have been brutalizing, lying on and killing black folks since this country was taken over.

Black folks suffered both.

Happened to me, my siblings, parents, friends, etc. Who the hell do you think it happened to?
Lol.... yeah as if you have the interest to find whities in the theater and sit next to them.
I now plenty of Asians who are not sellouts. But they don't seem to be members of this forum. Secondly, whites have consistently used Asians to deny the racism that exists in this country. So in this thread I am posting the opinion of an actual Asian.

And while whites used Asians to make racist claims this was the reality:

View attachment 1008977

Lol ..what???
Asians don't need whites to give them the boost. Asians have strong work ethics and work hard. Those are few reasons Asians are the highest earners in the nation.

You tell me if it's not racist of these institutions insisting that Asians must score a lot higher than blacks and Hispanics to receive half the chance as blacks and Hispanics to get admitted into Yale, MIT , or Harvard.
Naw, the joke is burning down stuff in your own community and then wondering why no one comes in to fix it.
Notice though, they don't own a damn thing in that community.
No, it didn't. People will always have racist attitudes. This is my whole point. Asians no doubt encounter racists, too.

But they don't let that stop them from working hard and building stuff.

Yea black folks have always worked hard as well and many of the things that we built were either taken or burned down. Black Wall Street, Wilmington, NC, just to name a few.

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