Asians Now Learn Just How Much Affirmative Action Helped Them

Okay. Slavery and Jim Crow were systematic. They were also a long time ago, and on one alive today remembers them.
Anyone 60yrs and older remembers Jim Crow, if you weren't on the receiving end of it you probably don't.
No, most cops are not out there beating people. The police make 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops a year, and they handle the vast majority of them professionally. Sure, we need to get rid of the bad apples like Chauvin and Van Dyke and Loehmann, or keep them from ever getting badges to start with.
You ever been a police?
How much interaction have you experienced with the police when they are interacting with minorities?
Any Hispanic who gets beaten up by a Jew should be ashamed. Nobody ever says, "The Jew is going to kick my ass."
Jewish is not a race, Hispanic is.
Anyone 60yrs and older remembers Jim Crow, if you weren't on the receiving end of it you probably don't.
I'm 62. I don't remember it at all.

What I do remember was that in 1968, my father showed my mother how to use a gun. I didn't learn until years later it was because Jesse Jackson started waving around a bloody shirt in Chicago and instigated a riot.

You ever been a police?
How much interaction have you experienced with the police when they are interacting with minorities?

My niece's husband is a cop. I know a lot of cops, and most of them are very professional in dealing with minorities, even the nastiest hood rats.

Jewish is not a race, Hispanic is., that was meaningless.
I'm 62. I don't remember it at all.
Of course you don't, you weren't on the receiving end of it.
What I do remember was that in 1968, my father showed my mother how to use a gun. I didn't learn until years later it was because Jesse Jackson started waving around a bloody shirt in Chicago and instigated a riot.
You mean after Dr King was murdered.
My niece's husband is a cop. I know a lot of cops, and most of them are very professional in dealing with minorities, even the nastiest hood rats., that was meaningless.
So the correct answer is no to both.

How about the nastiest rednecks, do they deal with them?
Of course you don't, you weren't on the receiving end of it.

And unless you were in your 80s, you weren't either.

You mean after Dr King was murdered.
Nobody in Chicago murdered him, so why did we deserve to have a riot?

Good new. Jesse is on his death bed. Bad news. No one will talk about all the shitty stuff he did.

So the correct answer is no to both.

How about the nastiest rednecks, do they deal with them?
About the same, usually professionally.
And unless you were in your 80s, you weren't either.
It ended in 1964 not 1946.
Nobody in Chicago murdered him, so why did we deserve to have a riot?]/quote]
The folks were hurt that Dr King was murdered, it was uprising across America. Jesse didn't start the fire, the murdering of Dr King did.
Good new. Jesse is on his death bed. Bad news. No one will talk about all the shitty stuff he did.
Like what? Do what white preachers are doing.
About the same, usually professionally.
Never been one and never been around any interacting with black folks.
It ended in 1964 not 1946.

So two years after I was born... I don't recall much from when I was two and most people don't.

The folks were hurt that Dr King was murdered, it was uprising across America. Jesse didn't start the fire, the murdering of Dr King did.

Running up here with a bloody shirt made things worse.

Like what? Do what white preachers are doing.

I don't recall any white preachers shaking down Budweiser to get distributorship for their sons or bragging about spitting in people's soup and serving it with a smile. Being kind of a beligerant atheist, I'm usually happy to point out the bad behavior of the clergy.

Never been one and never been around any interacting with black folks.

Okay, here's how you prevent getting beaten up by police.


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