Kamala finally adds policies to her web page, do you support her new agenda? (Poll)

Do you support Kamala's or Trump's policy agenda?

  • Kamala's

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Trump's

    Votes: 17 56.7%
  • Neither

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters
Life is always easier and more satisfactory when you deal in actual facts instead of propaganda.

This from the guy that just linked to the Trump propaganda page...

More government spending .. exactly what the economy needs. Brilliant plan to print more free money for that middle class! Good thing we didn't have a problem with record high inflation recently.

Actually it does help stimulate the economy

Austerity never helped anyone
What tax incentives for home buyers?
Making sure the tax code promotes home ownership instead of discouraging it. Making sure the tax code promotes more affordable building and maintenance of homes.

Throwing money at problems as Harris says she wants to do is a temporary solution at best and invariably results in much wasted money and/or counter productive behavior. Government housing is a really sorry solution for most of those who have no choice but to endure it.

Government policy that encourages the best situation for the private sector to improve quality and enjoyment of life is always the best route to go and almost always produces the best and most long lasting results.
Here is Kamala's recently updated web page with her POLICIES

Its primarily a leftist view of Federal government policies, except there are no new taxes to pay for the new benefits.

Democrat economic system

The Harris policies are just a reiteration of her Sanders/ Biden tax and spend nightmare.
Here is Kamala's recently updated web page with her POLICIES

Its primarily a leftist view of Federal government policies, except there are no new taxes to pay for the new benefits.

Harris has already said she's raising corporate taxes to 28% from the current 22%. Since the corporations spent their last tax cuts on stock buybacks, this is a better use of the money, that doesn't further concentrate wealth at the top.

She has also said she'll raise taxes on those making $1million or more.

The current rate of "trickle up" is unsustainable, and has to end. You have no problem with federal transfers which takes tax money from blue states and gives it to the poorest of the red states. Why don't you tell the deadbeat states to pay their own way?????

Stop complaining about "liberal shitholes" when all the southern "taker" states wouldn't survive without blue state taxes.
That's the length and the depth of your understanding of business and economics.

The economy and the American people are more successful under Democrats than they are under Republicans.
The depth of your gullibility is remarkable. The American people are clearly less successful under the leftist / Marxist policies of Democrats.
The Harris policies are just a reiteration of her Sanders/ Biden tax and spend nightmare.
I know

Things like much needed infrastructure, healthcare, fighting COVID, semiconductors …..

Why do that when you can cut taxes on Billionaires?
The depth of your gullibility is remarkable. The American people are clearly less successful under the leftist / Marxist policies of Democrats.
Hilarious grandma hollie

How is it that almost every Democratic US president from FDR has performed better than republic ones?

Since World War II, the United States economy has performed significantly better on average under the administration of Democratic presidents than Republican presidents. The reasons for this are debated, and the observation applies to economic variables including job creation, GDP growth, stock market returns, personal income growth and corporate profits. The unemployment rate has risen on average under Republican presidents, while it has fallen on average under Democratic presidents. Budget deficits relative to the size of the economy were lower on average for Democratic presidents. Ten of the eleven U.S. recessions between 1953 and 2020 began under Republican presidents.

Prove me wrong.
Here is Kamala's recently updated web page with her POLICIES

Its primarily a leftist view of Federal government policies, except there are no new taxes to pay for the new benefits.

Typical far left progressive democrat bullshit that promises every freakin' thing under the sun but no way to pay for it. And don't give me the 'make the rich pay their fair share' crap, there's no way the gov't can pay for all these policies by raising taxes.
The depth of your gullibility is remarkable. The American people are clearly less successful under the leftist / Marxist policies of Democrats.

In what way Hollie?

Every Republican President since Reagan has crashed the economy except George H. W. Bush. More jobs are created under Democrats. Low wage workers get more raises under Democrats - 9 during Dem. Admins. since Reagan, 1 under the GOP.

The stock market does way better under Dems because they don't crash the economy.

What exactly is better about the US economy when Republicans are office. Please be specific.
In what way Hollie?

Every Republican President since Reagan has crashed the economy except George H. W. Bush. More jobs are created under Democrats. Low wage workers get more raises under Democrats - 9 during Dem. Admins. since Reagan, 1 under the GOP.

The stock market does way better under Dems because they don't crash the economy.

What exactly is better about the US economy when Republicans are office. Please be specific.
What is better about Biden-Harris inflation hitting 40 year highs and interest rates making housing unaffordable,?
In what way Hollie?

Every Republican President since Reagan has crashed the economy except George H. W. Bush. More jobs are created under Democrats. Low wage workers get more raises under Democrats - 9 during Dem. Admins. since Reagan, 1 under the GOP.

The stock market does way better under Dems because they don't crash the economy.

What exactly is better about the US economy when Republicans are office. Please be specific.

Shut it stupid.

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