Chain Rection: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics

Guy, no one thinks you aren't a racist except other racists like Lisa.
In other words you have no definition of racist.

This is my definition of racist:



A word used to suppress a candid discussion of black social pathology, and the likely genetic reasons for it.
In other words you have no definition of racist.

This is my definition of racist:



A word used to suppress a candid discussion of black social pathology, and the likely genetic reasons for it.
Your definition of racist is the definition of noun?

(I think you goofed up the link, "Genius"!)

Actually, my definition of a racist is "A white person who has utterly failed in life, despite living in privilege, and has to take out his resentments on someone. See also Hector12."
Actually, my definition of a racist is "A white person who has utterly failed in life, despite living in privilege, and has to take out his resentments on someone."
That is my definition of someone who hates Jews.
That is my definition of someone who hates Jews.
Jews aren't a race. they are a religion.

So your argument fails.

I don't disdain Jews for their genetic background. I dislike them because they have fucked up beliefs and an oversized sense of entitlement.

I dislike Mormons for much the same reason.

I'm not terribly fond of Catholicism, even though most of my relatives are practicing Catholics.
Jews aren't a race. they are a religion.

So your argument fails.

I don't disdain Jews for their genetic background. I dislike them because they have fucked up beliefs and an oversized sense of entitlement.

I dislike Mormons for much the same reason.

I'm not terribly fond of Catholicism, even though most of my relatives are practicing Catholics.
Jews are the most accomplished 0.2% of the world's population. That is more than racial. It is genetic.

How have Jewish and Mormon beliefs harmed you?

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