Chain Rection: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics

How has my data about racial differences in average intelligence and crime rates been discredited?

I can tell that I have won an argument with you when you resort to insults, lies, and name calling.

It's your little happy place... you cut and paste shit you saw on AmRen like you had an original idea.

Point was, I took your argument apart and threw it in the dumpster.

in short, white people have always supported Republicans, except those few times Republicans mess up the economy so bad they have no other choice.
It's your little happy place... you cut and paste shit you saw on AmRen like you had an original idea.

Point was, I took your argument apart and threw it in the dumpster.

in short, white people have always supported Republicans, except those few times Republicans mess up the economy so bad they have no other choice.
My sources about lower average intelligence for blacks include The National Longitudinal of Labor Market Experience of Youth, 1980 - 1990 and SAT-ACT.


My sources about the sky high black crime rate include Wikipedia.

The facts that Negroes tend to be considerably less intelligent than whites, and that they have a much higher crime rate is not open to serious dispute.

I access American Renaissance every day, but I do not use it as a source of data.

You have never taken my argument apart, although you seem to get your arguments from dumpsters, and the walls of public rest rooms. You are capable of nothing but obscene words, insults, name calling, and crude sarcasm.

Your polemical shortcomings are why I doubt you have a college education.
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My sources about lower average intelligence for blacks include Th National Longitudinal of Labor Market Experience of Youth, 1980 - 1990 and SAT-ACT.
You have to go back 45 years to find data to support your racism.

In 1980, I was still a teenager. Jim Crow had been gone for less than two decades.

Nothing to do with the point you lied about in the OP, that white people abandoned Democrats because of Civil Rights.

Bullshit. White people were out the door in 1948. Right after FDR saved them from the Great Depression and Fascism, they went right back to being racist shitheads.
You have to go back 45 years to find data to support your racism.

In 1980, I was still a teenager. Jim Crow had been gone for less than two decades.

Nothing to do with the point you lied about in the OP, that white people abandoned Democrats because of Civil Rights.

Bullshit. White people were out the door in 1948. Right after FDR saved them from the Great Depression and Fascism, they went right back to being racist shitheads.
If Negroes have closed the race gap in intelligence during the last 45 years, please post the data to confirm it.

Why is it that most whites continue to avoid blacks as much as possible? Even white liberals avoid sending their children to schools with lots of black in the student bodies.
If Negroes have closed the race gap in intelligence during the last 45 years, please post the data to confirm it.

Why is it that most whites continue to avoid blacks as much as possible? Even white liberals avoid sending their children to schools with lots of black in the student bodies.

I've already posted in the decline of the black poverty rate, but you blame that on affirmative action and welfare, so what's the point?

Most people hang around with people who remind them of themselves, so that's really not an argument. Just because you soil yourself every time you see a black person, that's kind of on you, buddy.
I've already posted in the decline of the black poverty rate, but you blame that on affirmative action and welfare, so what's the point?

Most people hang around with people who remind them of themselves, so that's really not an argument. Just because you soil yourself every time you see a black person, that's kind of on you, buddy.
Beginning with the War on Poverty vast sums of money have been transferred from white tax payers to black welfare recipients. Affirmative action programs continue to advance blacks above better qualified whites.
Beginning with the War on Poverty vast sums of money have been transferred from white tax payers to black welfare recipients. Affirmative action programs continue to advance blacks above better qualified whites.

You mean when you give blacks the same privileges and advantages white people have, they tend to do better.

Imagine that.

But this was about your dubious claim that white people abandoned the Democrats after the Civil Rights movement.

Then how do you explain Republicans winning the white vote in 1948 (if you combine Dewey and Thurmond), 1952, 1956, and 1960?

In fact, the only election where Democrats "won" the White vote after 1944 was 1964, and that's only because Republicans completely shit the bed by nominating Goldwater.

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