Zone1 Jesus Christ is LORD

Hmm, an educated guess? Let's see... humans were around for, let's say, 250,000 years before Christianity even existed...

....carry the one...

Got be in the 10 thousandths area
One would think you might start from when Christianity began or use today's ratios. Maybe you are a little too biased to see reality, eh?
One would think you might start from when Christianity began or use today's ratios.
Oh well, that would seem silly, given that god is allegedly all powerful. It.'s not my fault he waited till the day before the book report to cram. ;)
Oh well, that would seem silly, given that god is allegedly all powerful. It.'s not my fault he waited till the day before the book report to cram. ;)
You have a weird understanding of monotheism. You keep superimosing polytheistic beliefs on monotheists.

Of course that's in keeping with your condemning respect for Christians. That you can't see what that makes you is astonishing.
You have a weird understanding of monotheism. You keep superimosing polytheistic beliefs on monotheists.

Of course that's in keeping with your condemning respect for Christians. That you can't see what that makes you is astonishing.
None of this crybaby babbling about me has any bearing on Jesus not being the lord for the vast majority of humans who have ever lived.

Ding, my fan club is over there ===>
None of this crybaby babbling about me has any bearing on Jesus not being the lord for the vast majority of humans who have ever lives.

Ding, my fan club is over there ===>
I think it does. Your bias is interfering with your reasoning. You want to make it seem like Christianity - one of the major religions - is insignificant, right?

Does that make sense to you? According to YOUR logic all major religions would be insignificant.

The reality is relative to people of faith, atheists are the class that is statistically insignificant. Every civilization since the beginning of man has overwhelmingly believed in a higher power. It's you that is in the "tiny" minority. And unlike YOUR logic, MY logic is sound.
The bible is full of passages about paying lip service to God. If you tell people you believe in honesty and then behave dishonestly, what does that really say about what you said?

So if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and then go about acting like an asshole, what does that really say about what you confessed?

You began behaving like an asshole the moment that I said that Catholic theology is mistaken. You are a brainwashed cultist.
You began behaving like an asshole the moment that I said that Catholic theology is mistaken. You are a brainwashed cultist.
Really? What was it I said that you thought was assholish? Maybe use the quote feature so you ca get it exactly correct.

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