Increasing public unrest in Israel

I can hear apologists for the Gaza genocide howling "conspiracy theory" but there are just too many indicators that at least some Israeli officials were instrumental in orchestrating this attack.

How much more blatant can it be when Israel knew a year in advance when, where and how the attack would occur and decided to withdraw troops from the affected areas?

The greatest threat to Israel right now is Netanyahu and his equally myopic henchmen because, as you said, they are creating millions more terrorists / resistance fighters throughout the region that will be relentless in their retaliation for the Gaza genocide for generations.

What those apologists for Zionist genocide don't seem to realize is that there are about 1.7 Billion Muslims in the world and about 17 Million Jews.
Since far more militant "Israel Firsters" prefer "Keyboard duty" over Combat duty, things don't look good for Israel's long term survival.

Many thanks,
Well Israel did employ the Hannibal directive using tanks and Apache choppers with chain guns and hell fire missiles, how else did hundreds of cars get reduced to burning metal? they were buried in the desert that was the destruction of forensic evidence.
Nope. Not breaking a cease-fire to launch the most savage, barbaric terrorist attack against Jews since the Holocaust.

The Gazans should have accepted Israel’s earlier peace offers. THEY and the HAMAS cockroaches they elected didn’t want it because what they want most of all is Israel and all her Jews murdered.
The Jews are not foreign invaders. They have been there for at least 3,500 years.
Yes, Jews like Palestinians and others have been there for thousands of years. But most of the Jews in Israel are either from or are descended from European immigrants who happen to be Jewish, they are from Europe and one can trace their families back generations within Europe. This is where enlightened Jewish culture began with developments in music, art, science and mathematics - none of that happened in the Levant!

Prior to militant Zionism very few Jews outside of the Levant knew anything about it, had never been there, did not know anybody there and had no affinity for the place, it was seen as a poorly developed backwater, they were attracted by the offer of free (stolen) land.

Most of the Jews in Israel are transplants, the goal was since the 1920 to encourage migration of Jews into the Levant in order to swell the numbers are alter the demographics.
Where are your condemnations about countries that obtained land via actual conquest, which has happened throughout history? Why all the focus on the country you called the “Jew supremacy state” in yet another example of your raging antisemitism?
I do condemn colonization, it has destroyed millions and millions of lives around the world. Consider the Belgian Congo, the colonizers there make the Nazis look feeble, its estimated between 10 and 15 million indigenous Africans were exterminated - shmolocaust, holocaust.
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Yes, Jews like Palestinians and others have been there for thousands of years. But most of the Jews in Israel are either from or are descended from European immigrants who happen to be Jewish, they are from Europe and one can trace their families back generations within Europe. This is where enlightened Jewish culture began with developments in music, art, science and mathematics - none of that happened in the Levant!

Prior to militant Zionism very few Jews outside of the Levant knew anything about it, had never been there, did not know anybody there and had no affinity for the place, it was seen as a poorly developed backwater, they were attracted by the offer of free (stolen) land.

Most of the Jews in Israel are transplants, the goal was since the 1920 to encourage migration of Jews into the Levant in order to swell the numbers are alter the demographics.

I do condemn colonization, it has destroyed millions and millions of lives around the world. Consider the Belgian Congo, the colonizers there make the Nazis look feeble, its estimated between 10 and 15 million indigenous Africans were exterminated - shmolocaust, holocaust.
^^^ your last remark about the Holocaust, trying to shrug it off as no big deal, is BLATANTLY antisemitic, and will be reported.
^^^ your last remark about the Holocaust, trying to shrug it off as no big deal, is BLATANTLY antisemitic, and will be reported.
Do you deny what happened in the Congo?

Hochschild bases this assertion on the findings of his award-winning book King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa. The book reconstructs the period from 1884 to 1907 when King Leopold II of Belgium occupied the territory that became Zaire and is known today as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. According to Hochschild, Leopold profited from the Congo's rubber, ivory and other riches -- but at the cost of the lives of some 10 million Congolese. And what is even more appalling, few of us have ever heard of King Leopold, whereas Hitler and Stalin are household names.
Uh oh. Karen's gonna speak to the manager again. :yapyapyapf:

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^^^ your last remark about the Holocaust, trying to shrug it off as no big deal, is BLATANTLY antisemitic, and will be reported.
Every holocaust is a big deal, that's my view on this, sadly they do not all get met with the same degree of outrage and sympathy and I don't think that's right. Zionists deny the Nakba, and now deny the Gaza genocide too, that's holocaust denial to an Arab, that's what you should be reporting.
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Well Israel did employ the Hannibal directive using tanks and Apache choppers with chain guns and hell fire missiles, how else did hundreds of cars get reduced to burning metal? they were buried in the desert that was the destruction of forensic evidence.

You're right again.

That's why IDF shot at everyone who moved knowing that they could blame all the deaths on Hamas because, then, Israel's army of genocidal Zionist propagandists would greatly inflate the number of casualties while dismissing any figures presented by the Palestinians as "grossly exaggerated".

Israel's ruling right wingers have been looking for an excuse to destroy Gaza and murder / expel its existing population for at least 10 years:

"Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters'"

Read more:

EXCERPT "Moshe Feiglin, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, posted the inflammatory message on his Facebook page at the weekend.

He lays out a detailed plan for the destruction of Gaza - which includes shipping its residents across the world - in a letter he addressed to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the letter he expresses his desire for the IDF to find areas on the Sinai border to establish 'tent encampments...until relevant emigration destinations are determined.'

He says that the supply of electricity and water to the Gaza would be disconnected before being 'shelled with maximum fire power.' " CONTINUED


The tragic events of 7 October was no "surprise" attack as the Israeli government had multiple specific and credible warnings (1).

At least some elements in the Israeli government ensured that an otherwise impossible breach of the Wall was made possible and the Zionist expansionists had their excuse to carry out the Gaza genocide they had been planning since the beginning of the Nakba.


(1). "New York Times report says Israel knew about Hamas attack over a year in advance"

EXCERPT "The attack was planned in plain sight. A month before the assault, Hamas posted a video to social media showing fighters using explosives to blast through a replica of the border gate, sweep in on pickup trucks and then move building by building through a full-scale reconstruction of an Israeli town, firing automatic weapons at human-silhouetted paper targets.

In the video, the militants destroyed mock-ups of the wall’s concrete towers and a communications antenna, just as they would do for real on Oct. 7.

Adding to public outrage over the military’s apparent negligence, the Israeli media has reported that military officials dismissed warnings from female border spotters who warned that they were witnessing Hamas’ preparations for the attack. According to the media reports, the young women reported seeing Hamas drones and attempts to knock out Israeli border cameras in the months leading up to the attack." CONTINUED
Every holocaust is a big deal, that's my view on this, sadly they do not all get met with the same degree of outrage and sympathy and I don't think that's right. Zionists deny the Nakba, and now deny the Gaza genocide too, that's holocaust denial to an Arab, that's what you should be reporting.
Lying about “genocide” when 99.5% of Gazans are alive in an antisemitic blood libel. Also reported.
Do you deny what happened in the Congo?

Hochschild bases this assertion on the findings of his award-winning book King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa. The book reconstructs the period from 1884 to 1907 when King Leopold II of Belgium occupied the territory that became Zaire and is known today as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. According to Hochschild, Leopold profited from the Congo's rubber, ivory and other riches -- but at the cost of the lives of some 10 million Congolese. And what is even more appalling, few of us have ever heard of King Leopold, whereas Hitler and Stalin are household names.
I have known about the Genocidal Leopold for many years, in Belgium they still have monuments to the scumbag.
Oh please…..stop with the blood libel.

They would ALL be alive if not for the HAMAS savages you side with.
Good excuse for murdering babies thousands of them, what would yoy clowns do without HAMAS? there are IDF pogroms going on every day in the West Bank they have nothing to do with HAMAS thousands have been arrested and hundreds murdered since October 7th, you really need to look in the mirror of what you support, there are many Jews who don't support it so you have a choice.
In which case you've got a lot of reporting to do and emails to write because the world doesn't agree with you, here's Wikipedia:

View attachment 1009747
Yup….lots of antidemites lying about what a genocide is.

The Palestinians are the ones who are threatening a genocide. Their leader said they would keep doing Oct 7th over and over until Israel is destroyed and all her Jews dead. THAT is a genocide.

Thank Gd they don’t have the capability to do it. They don’t have the same morals, obviously, as Israel. If Israel really wanted a genocide, they would have all been dead before Halloween, 2023.
Good excuse for murdering babies thousands of them, what would yoy clowns do without HAMAS? there are IDF pogroms going on every day in the West Bank they have nothing to do with HAMAS thousands have been arrested and hundreds murdered since October 7th, you really need to look in the mirror of what you support, there are many Jews who don't support it so you have a choice.
What we Jews do without HAMAS? We wouldn’t have our heads cut off and set on fire, while being raped, shot up the vagina with a gun, and having other body parts cut off.

This is all HAMAS’ fault. I won’t let you liberal antisemites advance your propaganda without pushback. I know you want Jews to shut up and accept abuse and lies about us, but we learned that doesn’t work.
Yup….lots of antidemites lying about what a genocide is.

The Palestinians are the ones who are threatening a genocide. Their leader said they would keep doing Oct 7th over and over until Israel is destroyed and all her Jews dead. THAT is a genocide.

Thank Gd they don’t have the capability to do it. They don’t have the same morals, obviously, as Israel. If Israel really wanted a genocide, they would have all been dead before Halloween, 2023.
You have made another Oct 7th more likely with your Genocide.
I wonder at what point a Zionist would say, the Nazi holocaust became actualized? Would they have called it a genocide after 100,000 victims? or does it need to be higher, say 500,000 victims?

If we go back in history to the first 10,000 victims murdered in gas chambers, would that - at that point - technically be genocide?

I ask this because I want to understand the Zionists use of numbers, what are the actual numeric criteria they use to designate the Holocaust as genocide because they seem to have one set of criteria for the Nazi genocide and another set for the Gaza genocide and that's not right.
What we Jews do without HAMAS? We wouldn’t have our heads cut off and set on fire, while being raped, shot up the vagina with a gun, and having other body parts cut off.

This is all HAMAS’ fault. I won’t let you liberal antisemites advance your propaganda without pushback. I know you want Jews to shut up and accept abuse and lies about us, but we learned that doesn’t work.
Any evidence HAMAS have done any of that? just asking.

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