Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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Trump is not an original thinker. He has the intelligence of a third grader.

He gets his information from Faux News. They originated the cats and dogs myth and Trump ran with it.

Almost every lie Trump parroted last night came direct from Faux News.

I don't understand why anyone keeps going back to the same propagandists who have been caught time and time again lying their asses off.

True cult behavior.

I don’t know if is the onset of dementia or just plain stupidity.

But Trump had to drill for weeks on what he was going to hit Harris with on immigration……..Rising crime, burden on cities, impact on employment…..

But he chose to lead with….Migrants are eating our dogs
Neither were impressive
Harris answered just one question that the moderators posed , the one on fracking. The rest she diverted to her “a new tomorrow “ theme.
Trump was too gruff but he did get the point across that it’s nasty business out there that he can handle while she dwelt on girly fluff
The problem is near half of Americans are driven by emotional appearances so we will see if that’s 60% or 49%
Harris should have been told immediately to stop the gesticulations and other carrying ons
The black mod started off biased but got a bit better but both spent too much in correcting Trump or lofting set up questions. The question using Harris as a resource was insane. Do you think she is black just ridiculous.
Look jackass, the 85 billion was ALL left behind there, lost, including the Bagram airforce base we built strategically located next to China which now China took over and got for free. All thanks to that festering dipshit Joe Biden who decided he wanted to pull all of the military assets out first, leave all the hardware behind, THEN worry about all the civilians left there with no one there anymore to protect them.
There was no 85 billion
It’s critical that we retain the House and win the Senate to soundly block her socialist policies, massive redistribution plans, invites to illegals for free everything, denial of full aid to Israel unless they meet “conditions” (like allowing HAMAS to regroup), amd whatever else Obama orders her.
The Prog Party cannot stay half pro-Israel and half Pro Islam. The protests we see that are riots will get worse and worse and the Progs that control the cities will have to make their decisions. For they caused this.
Neither were impressive
Harris answered just one question that the moderators posed , the one on fracking. The rest she diverted to her “a new tomorrow “ theme.
Trump was too gruff but he did get the point across that it’s nasty business out there that he can handle while she dwelt on girly fluff
The problem is near half of Americans are driven by emotional appearances so we will see if that’s 60% or 49%
Harris should have been told immediately to stop the gesticulations and other carrying ons
The black mod started off biased but got a bit better but both spent too much in correcting Trump or lofting set up questions. The question using Harris as a resource was insane. Do you think she is black just ridiculous.

Harris maintained her calm demeanor
Trump lost control and ranted, raged and gave bizarre responses
When VIetnamese boat people came here in the 60s, they thought the county animal shelters were meat markets.
And we’re still contending with Vietnamese immigrants raiding animal shelters for meat to this very day.

Thank you for being so in touch with the trials and tribulations facing real Americans every day.
Harris maintained her calm demeanor
Trump lost control and ranted, raged and gave bizarre responses
Harris was not calm. She was unprofessional for the situation carrying on, laughing, mimicking, and stayed turned sideways the entire time
Trump stared straight ahead and was stoic even if not as appealing
At the end if the day, being a nice lady selling a bright new tomorrow is minor league drivel
Neither were impressive
Harris answered just one question that the moderators posed , the one on fracking. The rest she diverted to her “a new tomorrow “ theme.
Trump was too gruff but he did get the point across that it’s nasty business out there that he can handle while she dwelt on girly fluff
The problem is near half of Americans are driven by emotional appearances so we will see if that’s 60% or 49%
Harris should have been told immediately to stop the gesticulations and other carrying ons
The black mod started off biased but got a bit better but both spent too much in correcting Trump or lofting set up questions. The question using Harris as a resource was insane. Do you think she is black just ridiculous.
Hopefully, the ridiculous “bait” questions combined with her nasty attitude turned off enough independents.

He was understandingly angry, and she was a nasty bitch. I’ve dealt with both types in my life, and I would much prefer angry to nasty.
Biden won all the US Democratic Party primaries, but Kamala, who didn't even participate in them, is going to the polls. That's all you need to know about American democracy.
Trump kept bragging about how many votes he got while deliberately ignoring he was defeated by 81 million votes.

Without even looking at the rest of your nonsense, it isn't the 81 million votes, it is the question of HOW they were arrived at. Even Obama who was popular beyond believe never got more than around 68 million votes! And Joe Biden was just THROWN OUT OF OFFICE for being unpopular!!! So how do you imagine he got 81 million votes? What are you going to say when Harris doesn't get anywhere near 81 million votes?

Trump already got 75 million legitimately. He will probably get even more this time. How do you imagine democrat election tallies are going up by millions and millions in just one election cycle when there aren't that many new voters and everything Biden and Harris have been doing are so disliked and so bad for most everyone?

Dogs are so loyal and loving, on a level a cow or sheep could never be, that it boggles my mind anyone could butcher and eat a pet dog in anything less than an existential starvation scenario
Peruvians and Ecuadorians eat guinea pigs. We experiment on guinea pigs and also keep them as pets.

Some of the same people who have pet fish also eat fish! ZOMG!

I'm sure the Muslim world is disgusted by the fact we eat pigs, and the Hindu world's stomach turns at the thought of us eating cows.

Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean. For if your brother is grieved by what you eat, you are no longer walking in love. By what you eat, do not destroy the one for whom Christ died. So do not let what you regard as good be spoken of as evil. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding. - Romans 14:13-19
Trump has a super hero strength to gaslight himself and those who are in his cult. I bet in a month most of his followers will be like.. yea, he killed it. He totally won that debate.

And we’re still contending with Vietnamese immigrants raiding animal shelters for meat to this very day.

Thank you for being so in touch with the trials and tribulations facing real Americans every day.
No. We don't. They were prosecuted. They went to prison. They paid family crippling fines. They were refused adoptions. Not one person, at least in California said it wasn't happening.

We should just put up with Haitians killing pets right? It's just until they become civilized, right? Round up all of them, stuff planes to the gills, sitting in one another's laps and send them back to the hell hole that spawned them.

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