Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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Republicans have to look at last nights performance and ask…..WTF was he thinking?

He knew going in that he was going to hit Harris hard on immigration ….Yet he CHOSE TO lead with his crazy “Migrants are eating pets” story

Has he no sense to actually check the credibility of such a wild claim before he uses it?
Trump is not an original thinker. He has the intelligence of a third grader.

He gets his information from Faux News. They originated the cats and dogs myth and Trump ran with it.

Almost every lie Trump parroted last night came direct from Faux News.

I don't understand why anyone keeps going back to the same propagandists who have been caught time and time again lying their asses off.

True cult behavior.
You're pathetic. You expect mods to let Trump blast his non-stop lies, and if they don't they are biased.

It's way past time for Trump to be called on his bullshit.

What you REALLY are is a sore loser.
We found out after the 2020 great cheat and their January installation. Near 4 years of it now. If the fool's vote her in, then the nation will deserve what it gets. It is just the citizens who did not vote for her, will suffer also if not privileged.
He admitted that he just regurgitated that.
I always try to put myself in the people he's trying to con's shoes. They don't need proof. This story happened. There's always some truth to every story.

Not realizing that Russian trolls are spreading misinfomation all over right wing platforms. We usually find out that's who's behind the lies

Russian disinformation is now hiding in plain sight​

U.S. accuses Russia of sprawling election interference campaign, seizes dozens of fake sites​

Republicans don't care if they get help from their white Russian brothers and sisters. They would love a country like Russia and a leader like Putin. No question about that.
I caught part of a re-airing of the debate last night. Trump for the most part did better than I originally thought.
And the guy mod interfered far more than I remembered, several times he fact checked Trump on things Trump had just said, yet claimed that he had already researched them! Is he clairvoyant? Like the eating cats and dogs thing--- he claimed he had contacted the supervisor of the town where cats and dogs were reported eaten, thus admitting it WAS in the news (otherwise how would he know?) yet how did he know Trump would bring this stuff up? And just because the supervisor said he had no knowledge of such events doesn't make it untrue--- if illegal immigrants were wandering your streets stealing pets and eating them, would you want that to get out to the press?

If anyone was stealing pets and eating them in my neighborhood, I'd make them a spaghetti & meatball dinner. I'd also contact my local town government and church to try to get them some help.

I'd rather have them eat my dog than starve.

But that's a sentiment beyond MAGA comprehension.
Trump still demonstrates he has no clue how tariffs work and who pays them.

His ignorance on this subject is worse than astounding, it is actually costing Americans a lot of money, and this just does not penetrate his thick, stupid skull.

I warned over and over during the 2016 campaign that Trump is and always will be a far left New York Democrat limousine liberal, and these tariffs prove it.

All you have to do is look at how Biden has continued the tariffs to see they are a liberal policy!

Trump thinks China pays the tariffs! What a fucking moron!

We're doing tariffs on other countries. Other countries are going to finally, after 75 years, pay us back for all that we've done for the world. And the tariff will be substantial in some cases. I took in billions and billions of dollars, as you know, from China.

No, dipshit. Those billions and billions of dollars came out of the pockets of our AMERICAN IMPORTERS, and was passed on to the American consumer. And now we are all paying higher prices because of your profound stupidity.

Trump whined he won the 2020 election, and the moderators called him on his bullshit.
Trump should have said it not as he WON the election which he obviously didn't, but as the fact that he /should/ have won the election. No other incumbent in history GAINED 10 million votes over his previous win yet still lost! And he is right, as admitted in the Molly Ball article of Time Magazine published 2/3/21 where in detail the author admits that a huge cabal of shadowy secret organizations she lists spent a year and over 400 million dollars organizing a huge national effort to assure the election would turn out for Joe Biden to "save" the election regardless of how the people voted.

Trump made up a fairy tale about immigrants eating our cats and dogs (hilarious!), and the moderators called him on his bullshit,.
If it was bullshit, how did they already know it was bullshit? Did they read Trump's mind that he would bring it up? How had the mod already known of the story and called the town's supervisor to inquire about the story? And just because the supervisor claimed no knowledge of the story, does that make it false? Or maybe he just doesn't want people knowing about it because it makes him and the town LOOK BAD?

Trump lied about the crime rate going up, and the moderators called him on his bullshit.
But crime is up, everyone sees it. And Trump pointed out that the DOJ fudged the figures just as they wrongly claimed 800,000 new jobs that never happened.

That's the thing with you Trumptards. Facts and the truth are "liberal".
Yep. You sure got me there on so much you know as usual that simply isn't true.
Yes bitch.
You wanna fuck me up the ass?

Unions won big last year. They're winning this year. We are making things right.
Yep, unions will fix everything! :dunno: Funny that they already haven't though in 100 years.

Compared to Trump who made things worse.
By giving us world peace and prosperity, affordable energy, housing and food? Oh yeah, and Joe "saved" us with his $7.00 a gallon gasoline and 40% inflation, right, boob?

Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax plan
HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY. Keeping money in the hands of those who earn it just means more and better jobs, investment and innovation, instead of giving it to big federal government who gives it all away to Iran, Ukraine and elsewhere, asswipe.
You wanna fuck me up the ass?

Yep, unions will fix everything! :dunno: Funny that they already haven't though in 100 years.

By giving us world peace and prosperity, affordable energy, housing and food? Oh yeah, and Joe "saved" us with his $7.00 a gallon gasoline and 40% inflation, right, boob?

HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY. Keeping money in the hands of those who earn it just means more and better jobs, investment and innovation, instead of giving it to big federal government who gives it all away to Iran, Ukraine and elsewhere, asswipe.
Unions won't fix everything. You also need a liberal government. Trump is just conning you. He has some good ideas but he won't implement them in a meaningful way. Sorry
Trump should have said it not as he WON the election which he obviously didn't, but as the fact that he /should/ have won the election. No other incumbent in history GAINED 10 million votes over his previous win yet still lost! And he is right, as admitted in the Molly Ball article of Time Magazine published 2/3/21 where in detail the author admits that a huge cabal of shadowy secret organizations she lists spent a year and over 400 million dollars organizing a huge national effort to assure the election would turn out for Joe Biden to "save" the election regardless of how the people voted.
Trump kept bragging about how many votes he got while deliberately ignoring he was defeated by 81 million votes.

It's a very strange blindness this guy is trying to induce in the cult.

If it was bullshit, how did they already know it was bullshit? Did they read Trump's mind that he would bring it up? How had the mod already known of the story and called the town's supervisor to inquire about the story?
Dude. The cat story has been on this forum long before the debate. Fox News has been pedaling this bullshit. So like I said, it does not take a psychic to anticipate this hoax and fact check it in case Trump, who EVERYONE knows gets his talking points from Fox, brought it up during the debate.

I'm sure the mods had a big stack of bullshit hoaxes Trump peddles which they fact-checked ahead of time.

And just because the supervisor claimed no knowledge of the story, does that make it false? Or maybe he just doesn't want people knowing about it because it makes him and the town LOOK BAD?

But crime is up, everyone sees it.
No, it is down. Significantly.

What you "see" is what your propagandists feed you. It's called confirmation bias. Trump and Fox are real big on that shit.

You are easily manipulated to bleev what they want you cult members to bleev.

That's why I like to make fun of topics on here about black crime. I post, "Welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly".

he claimed he had contacted the supervisor of the town where cats and dogs were reported eaten, thus admitting it WAS in the news (otherwise how would he know?) yet how did he know Trump would bring this stuff up? And just because the supervisor said he had no knowledge of such events doesn't make it untrue--- if illegal immigrants were wandering your streets stealing pets and eating them, would you want that to get out to the press?

To have any credibility, you need to stop covering for Trump and try to spin Trumps bizarre statements as somehow true.

Like Trumps claims of thousands of Arabs dancing in the streets of Jersey City……There are NO CREDIBLE sources supporting Trumps claims.

Yes, the media loves a big story and if migrants are actually eating peoples pets….that is a BIG STORY

But there is not even a shred of truth to the claim
He lied that Biden left $85 billion of military equipment in Afghanistan. $85 billion was the total expenditure over a 20 year period equipping and training the Afghan forces.

Look jackass, the 85 billion was ALL left behind there, lost, including the Bagram airforce base we built strategically located next to China which now China took over and got for free. All thanks to that festering dipshit Joe Biden who decided he wanted to pull all of the military assets out first, leave all the hardware behind, THEN worry about all the civilians left there with no one there anymore to protect them.

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