Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

The story of Adam and Eve is a fairy tale written by Moses to warn the children of Hebrew slaves about the dangers of losing your sanity for life to cults, the talking serpent a direct reference to the pharaoh who wore a serpent on his head, and "the breath of life" that turned Adam into a "living being" is a reference to the the ankh, an Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol meaning "life" or "breath of life" and is associated with life on earth, the afterlife, immortality, eternity, and divinity.

Its not a historical document.

You might as well be trying to convince me that God farts fiery winged angels out of the sky.

My God has no visible shape or material form, never diddled a virgin, and never became a man.

Your God ejaculates and with the the help of the Holy Ghost put his sperm into Mary, a virgin.

Got it.

Where can I sign up to throw my rational mind in the trash to become a believer in the ridiculous?
Is there an initiation ceremony? Candles and bells? How much does it cost, aside from my soul?
You do not know if it is a fairy tale or not. It's simply your opinion because of the lack of faith in God.

You mix up the reason the pharaohs wore serpents on their head. They wore serpents on their head because that was one of their gods they worshipped. The children of Israel did not worship the gods of Egypt.

The breath of life is denoted in the Discourses of Abbaton as our spirits that are placed into our physical clay bodies of the earth. Then, the breath of life is given to us to breathe the air. I accept this as it agrees with our scriptures. There is no reason to say Egypt did not have parts of the truth about God and the creation of the earth and universe. But, Moses did not take his knowledge from Egypt even though he grew up their. He had something called the Urim and Tummim that gave him revelations from God to write down what God had told Adam, Noah, Abraham and then Moses. Heck, much of our laws came from the code of Hammurabi, Moses, Jesus and others. The Constitution had stuff from France in it. Of course Egypt would have information from Abraham, Noah and maybe even Adam.

Your God is made of stone. Can't see or hear like idols. My God can see and hear me. He is a Glorified Man with a Son conceived by a virgin. However the sperm (seed) was taken from the Father, it was done by the Holy Ghost. No need for mankind thinking on how it was done. It was done so that there was no sin involved. Funny how those who really don't believe in God attempt to judge our God. It's downright strange and weird.

If you want to know the truth, then follow God in the scriptures on how to know. Pray, study, read the scriptures, meditate on them with only a desire to know if they are true, and be patient for the answer through the influence of the Holy Ghost. You cannot have a double mind meaning going through the process of trying to prove that God does not exist. You are wanting to know if He exists so focus solely on that and not your double mind. You lack wisdom, ask of God. James Chapter 1, versus 5 through 8.
You do not know if it is a fairy tale or not.

As soon as a crafty talking serpent was introduced I knew immediately that it was a fairy tale, in the second grade. As a child my mother explained to me all about fairy tales and the moral of the story so by then I knew for more than half my life that animals couldn't talk except the human sort

You know, being a fairy tale doesn't discredit the story or your faith in it. Just open your mind and you will learn something of great value, something like hidden treasure buried in an open field.

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it. If you don't look and look you never will.
That you don't believe that worshipping the lifeless work of human hands is a violation of Divine law under penalty of death and won't admit thats what you do and even though your church teaches this and the priest openly says thats what you are doing at mass, and anyone can see thats what you are actually doing at mass, and you have the audacity to condemn others for their sexual preferences says a lot about your defiled and contaminate state of mind desperately clinging to the superstitious religious flotsam of a dying age. Have a good drown! Numbskull.

Says the guy who thinks Leviticus 18:22 is an endorsement of man on man sex.
Says the guy who thinks Leviticus 18:22 is an endorsement of man on man sex.
Listen dingbot, I really don't care how consenting adults express themselves sexually. Its none of my business. I certainly would never bow down to an incorporeal God who did care more about human sexuality than the condition of the only thing that is incorporeal in man, consciousness.

Its a perversion dwelling within your mind that makes you think that God is as fucked up as you.

Its really arrogant and vain. There isn't enough holy water in the world to wash away that stain.

Its been my experience that gays can be more ethical than the most devout Jesus eater out there

And your own words and deeds that have been so generously attested to by you are the proof.
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As soon as a crafty talking serpent was introduced I knew immediately that it was a fairy tale, in the second grade. As a child my mother explained to me all about fairy tales and the moral of the story so by then I knew for more than half my life that animals couldn't talk except the human sort

You know, being a fairy tale doesn't discredit the story or your faith in it. Just open your mind and you will learn something of great value, something like hidden treasure buried in an open field.

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it. If you don't look and look you never will.
If you believe in a crafty serpent talking, then you are the one introducing fairy tales. It was Satan.
What I do know is that Genesis moves along very quickly without any long explanations and clarifications. I'm sure the people also wanted clarification from Moses directly. He probably explained a lot of what he could. Of course, he probably also had writings from Abraham, Noah and possibly Adam as well. There is pearls of great price that are also not found in the Bible. We have many of them. What I can tell you, stay away from believing any man knows more than God. Trust in the Lord and he will lift you up.
Listen dingbot, I really don't care how consenting adults express themselves sexually. Its none of my business. I certainly would never bow down to an incorporeal God who did care more about human sexuality than the condition of the only thing that is incorporeal in man, consciousness.

Its a perversion dwelling within your mind that makes you think that God is as fucked up as you.

Its really pretty arrogant and vain. There isn't enough holy water in the world to wash that away.

Its been my experience that gays can be more ethical than the most devout Jesus eater out there
I'm just using YOUR religious texts. See?

Leviticus 18:22 states, "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination"

Listen dingbot, I really don't care how consenting adults express themselves sexually. Its none of my business. I certainly would never bow down to an incorporeal God who did care more about human sexuality than the condition of the only thing that is incorporeal in man, consciousness.

Its a perversion dwelling within your mind that makes you think that God is as fucked up as you.

Its really arrogant and vain. There isn't enough holy water in the world to wash away that stain.

Its been my experience that gays can be more ethical than the most devout Jesus eater out there

And your own words and deeds that have been so generously attested to by you are the proof.
These are YOUR religious texts, right?
Leviticus 18:22 states, "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination"
You better hurry up and tell that to YOUR priests who forsake natural relations with women to marry the Pope, a man, for life. Someone might think they are hypocritical condemning gays.

It doesn't really help sells tickets to the solemn Sunday ritual eating of the mangod show.
f you believe in a crafty serpent talking, then you are the one introducing fairy tales. It was Satan.
The Hebrew word for serpent is Nachash which is both a noun and an adjective meaning snake, brazen, shiny one, and/or someone who practices divination, the stars of the ancient world who performed "the magical arts", sorcery, what is now known as mind control, or brainwashing.

Its what happened to you. You have been bitten by a nachash and died from its poison a very very long time ago, "beguiled" by a direct descendant of that ever elusive talking serpent of old. Satan.
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The Hebrew word for serpent is Nachash which is both a noun and an adjective meaning snake, brazen, shiny one, and/or someone who practices divination, the stars of the ancient world who performed "the magical arts", sorcery, what is now known as mind control, or brainwashing.

Its what happened to you. You have been bitten by a nachash and died a very very long time ago.

You have been "beguiled" by a direct descendant of that ever elusive talking serpent of old.
Hahaha!!! You are the serpent and deceiver. I know God lives and Jesus is God the Son.
You better hurry up and tell that to YOUR priests who forsake natural relations with women to marry the Pope, a man, for life. Someone might think they are hypocritical condemning gays.

It doesn't really help sells tickets to the solemn Sunday ritual eating of the mangod show.
I'm pretty used to non-Catholics being ignorant of the Catholic faith.

But how do you reconcile YOUR religious texts calling sex between men an abomination?
I'm pretty used to non-Catholics being ignorant of the Catholic faith.

But how do you reconcile YOUR religious texts calling sex between men an abomination?
You better hurry up and tell that to YOUR priests who forsake natural relations with women to marry the Pope, a man, for life. Someone might think they are hypocritical condemning gays.

It doesn't really help sells tickets to the solemn Sunday ritual eating of the mangod show.
Can you please give your reference that Catholic priests marry the Pope? I don't see any reference to this on Google. And remember, I'm not Catholic. But, I don't like false accusations either.
Can you please give your reference that Catholic priests marry the Pope? I don't see any reference to this on Google. And remember, I'm not Catholic. But, I don't like false accusations either.
There is none because that was Hobelim's hatred and ignorance talking.

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