Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

Thanks for helping me to show the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate and for so generously demonstration for all to see the terrifying and deeply disturbing death, a curse, for failing to comply with Divine instruction.

Well done!

Now run along. Oinker.
You show your true colors by dismissing the rest and not acknowledging the truth of the most important parts of my post. Why not discuss the concepts presented? Much was in response to your concept that Christ was only human.
You show your true colors by dismissing the rest and not acknowledging the truth of the most important parts of my post. Why not discuss the concepts presented? Much was in response to your concept that Christ was only human.
OK, fair enough. Is this what you would like to discuss?

"My conclusion is that a body was prepared for Jehovah with the egg of Mary (human) and the seed of the Father (god through en vitro fertilization by the Holy Ghost) to form a spiritual sinless human being that would be the final atonement or sacrifice so that if we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior and redeemer, our sins can be washed away and forgiven forever."

Are you really sure you want me to discuss this with you and carve it up like a Christmas ham?

I stand in the sanctuary of God with a sharp knife. If you do, I will be as kind as humanly possible.
"Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."
Luke 12:52,53

This quote of Jesus is a reference to the creation story where God creates light, spoken into existence, to divide the day from the night. The light being his revelation about the figurative language and consequently the deeper implications of the Law given as a "light to the nations."

What you do at mass is a brazen defiance of both the literal and figurative meanings of the Law.

Now is the parting of the sheep from the goats. The difference between good and evil is clear.

Pick a side already. There is no longer any excuse for you being paralyzed by memorial bondage.
You can't even interpret Leviticus 18:22 correctly. This is way over your head.
The Spirit of Kosher law is to stand guard over the purity of your own mind by choosing between clean and unclean teaching of people who by their attributes resemble every creature in nature.
Oh, you mean like men having sex with men like they would a woman? Yeah, that's pretty unclean and animalistic alright.
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I have not condemned anyone. I have openly revealed the way that both Jesus and Moses originally taught to follow the Law that fulfills the promise of eternal life here and now on earth.

So kill me... lol

God never became a man. Jesus, a man, was killed for sedition by teaching the right way to follow the Law which condemns narcissists, (Gen 3:14), swine THAT DO NOT RUMINATE, dogs, worms, vultures, teeming vermin that go down on all fours, etc, not to atone for anyone else's sins but to show the only right way to slaughter fat beasts in compliance with the Laws of ritual slaughter.

Lost the meaning of animal sacrifice? WTF! There never was any meaning to animal sacrifice. Its about as meaningful and effective as praying to the moon, or seeking spiritual life from a matzo.

It was and still is just a con. Kill a goat, for a price, and your sins are forgiven? How stupid is that?

So if animal sacrifice is wrong, "But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” how much more wrong is it to participate in celebrating the crucifixion of Jesus, a human, whether symbolic or otherwise? Its reprehensible.

So, think! How much even more fucked up is it to celebrate the sacrificial death of your God if you believe that he became a man, Jesus, so that you can avoid accountability for your own sins?

How satanic is that, to believe that God died so you can sin with impunity for life?? What a rube!
Didn't you ever learn the lessons taught in the fairy tale of A&E and the talking serpent in Eden?

Not for nothing sweetie, but you really need to go back to the drawing board, if you hope to live.

24,000 written manuscripts say God did choose to be born into this world to testify to the truth, suffer death and reconcile justice with mercy. ;)
Thanks for helping me to show the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate and for so generously demonstration for all to see the terrifying and deeply disturbing death, a curse, for failing to comply with Divine instruction.

Well done!

Now run along. Oinker.
You mean like Leviticus 18:22?
I stand in the sanctuary of God...

Simon Magus, is that you? It's been a while. Not sure why you keep doubting the power of God through Christ - the last time you did, it didn't work out so well, did it?

And for what it's worth, from everything I've read about Simon Magus - was he a "heretic" to Christianity at the time? Likely, yes.

Was he "The son of perdition" and/or the "Anti- Christ" - as early Christians labeled him - and specifically referenced in the "Book of Revelation" as the "False Prophet of Babylon"? If you were a Christian at the time, he would likely fit the role.

But over the course of the past 2000 years I could think of hundreds - maybe thousands - of people who have done much worse and caused far more damage to God's people and to this world. Just my opinion.

The reality is that much of what he wrote/accomplished was destroyed by early Christians so there isn't enough "evidence" to judge him as the Anti-Christ and/or "False Prophet" of Babylon - not 2000 years later, anyway, (In my humble opinion).

See, folks, THIS IS WHY YOU NEVER DESTROY History Books/Scrolls/monuments/, etc BOTH THE "GOOD" and "THE BAD" in history should always be preserved and regarded as "what they are" . This is what makes a civilization WISE.

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