Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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Exactly. What is it with their slogan “we’re not going back?”
Back to 1.7% inflation? To less than $2 a gallon gas? To no new wars? To the lower-income seeing a real wage gain? To a more secure border? To lower rents? To less crime?
BTW, that mod furthered the FBI’s fraudulent report to make crime look lower than it is, and argued with Trump about it - when Trump was RIGHT. ABC will probably give the Dem a promotion.

I caught part of a re-airing of the debate last night. Trump for the most part did better than I originally thought.
And the guy mod interfered far more than I remembered, several times he fact checked Trump on things Trump had just said, yet claimed that he had already researched them! Is he clairvoyant? Like the eating cats and dogs thing--- he claimed he had contacted the supervisor of the town where cats and dogs were reported eaten, thus admitting it WAS in the news (otherwise how would he know?) yet how did he know Trump would bring this stuff up? And just because the supervisor said he had no knowledge of such events doesn't make it untrue--- if illegal immigrants were wandering your streets stealing pets and eating them, would you want that to get out to the press?
Dogs are eaten in many places.
Depends on your definition of “many”. As a percentage overall, most societies view eating dogs as a strong taboo.

In any event, none of that changes that it was a bizarre thing for Trump to bring up during a national debate and a huge mistake.
Dogs are eaten in many places.

Silly man, who would eat a dog. :smoke: :dunno:

Of course they are, stupid, they work for the democrat party.
The moderators left a lot of Trump's lies untouched. Probably because there were so many of them it would have taken the entire hour and a half to call him out on all of them.

He lied that Biden left $85 billion of military equipment in Afghanistan. $85 billion was the total expenditure over a 20 year period equipping and training the Afghan forces.

He lied that the recent inflation was the highest in history. Trump knows damned well that's a lie because he was in his 30s in the 1970s.

He lied his economy was the greatest in US history. Not even close.

He is 78. But move on? Move on from what? The good times of 2018, 2019? And to what? Four more years of Bidenomics but worse with a cackling wench who hasn't the time to even sit and meet with the Press?
Lowest unemployment in decades.

Plummeting crime rate.

Booming manufacturing construction.

Highest stock market in history.

The CHIPS Act and Inflation Reduction Act to bring back manufacturing in strategic industries.

Export controls on semiconductors and semiconductor manufacturing equipment to keep them out of China.

Moving our outsourced manufacturing out of China and into friendly countries ("friendsourcing").

An infrastructure bill which Trump failed to get done despite his promise to do so.

Medicare drug price negotiation enacted. Another unfulfilled Trump promise.

More people are employed in manufacturing under Biden than under Trump.

What did Trump achieve other than a tax break for himself, record trade deficits, and a million dead Americans?
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After playing dueling clips of Trump and Harris' responses — with Trump saying he gave Americans what they wanted by helping to overturn Roe v. Wade and Harris lamenting that women shouldn't be "bleeding out in the parking lot" — Stewart whispered, "Holy s---! She crushed that!"
You need to stop listening to left wing media
I caught part of a re-airing of the debate last night. Trump for the most part did better than I originally thought.
And the guy mod interfered far more than I remembered, several times he fact checked Trump on things Trump had just said, yet claimed that he had already researched them! Is he clairvoyant? Like the eating cats and dogs thing--- he claimed he had contacted the supervisor of the town where cats and dogs were reported eaten, thus admitting it WAS in the news (otherwise how would he know?) yet how did he know Trump would bring this stuff up? And just because the supervisor said he had no knowledge of such events doesn't make it untrue--- if illegal immigrants were wandering your streets stealing pets and eating them, would you want that to get out to the press?
The guy mod was particularly bad. When Trump rightly referred to the rising crime, the biased mod repeated the skewed FBI’s report designed to hide just how bad it is.

And yes, if illegals were eating pets, I’d want it out. But the libs want to hide just how awful these scofflaws are, so of course they try to deny the story. The story with the swan is true, btw.
See this is what I mean. Even though Trump totally bombs the debate of his own volition, his supporters are gonna be able to claim his poor performance was really just a result of biased moderating.

If anything, the mods’ failure to fact check Harris has saved Trump’s butt
You're pathetic. You expect mods to let Trump blast his non-stop lies, and if they don't they are biased.

It's way past time for Trump to be called on his bullshit.

What you REALLY are is a sore loser.
You’re pathetic. You’re fine with biased mods letting Kamala lie her way through the debate.
I caught part of a re-airing of the debate last night. Trump for the most part did better than I originally thought.
And the guy mod interfered far more than I remembered, several times he fact checked Trump on things Trump had just said, yet claimed that he had already researched them! Is he clairvoyant? Like the eating cats and dogs thing--- he claimed he had contacted the supervisor of the town where cats and dogs were reported eaten, thus admitting it WAS in the news (otherwise how would he know?) yet how did he know Trump would bring this stuff up? And just because the supervisor said he had no knowledge of such events doesn't make it untrue--- if illegal immigrants were wandering your streets stealing pets and eating them, would you want that to get out to the press?
Trump lies incessantly about the same shit over and over at his rallies where no one is there to challenge him.

Therefore, it does not take a psychic to be prepared to respond to those lies during a debate.
Awwwwww. Poor baby. Trump whined he won the 2020 election, and the moderators called him on his bullshit.

Trump made up a fairy tale about immigrants eating our cats and dogs (hilarious!), and the moderators called him on his bullshit,.

Trump lied about the crime rate going up, and the moderators called him on his bullshit.

That's the thing with you Trumptards. Facts and the truth are "liberal". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Remember Trump said no president has ever been better to blacks than him?

Biden, not Trump, has the record lows for Black unemployment and poverty​

Trump’s claims about having achieved the lowest Black unemployment rate and poverty rate ever recorded were true when he made them before Biden took office, but they are not true today. Both of the record lows set during Trump’s presidency were surpassed by new record lows during Biden’s presidency.
Harris didn't beat Trump.

Trump beat himself (as usual). His nonstop parade of blatant lies, gross exaggerations and plain delusional BULLSHIT made him look like an angry moron (nothing new).

Meanwhile, Harris came off as a highly intelligent, well intentioned, person who is qualified and ready to be President.

The only unfortunate thing was that there were several points in the debate that Harris should have really attacked Trump but didn't. She should have moved in 'for the kill'.

Harris tried to focus on her vision for America, when it would have served her better to focus on what a total jackass Trump is.

Of course, the MAGA IDIOTS won't admit that Trump lost until he runs off stage crying like a little girl. Even then most MAGA IDIOTS will say that he won.

Lying Bags of Shit will be lying Bags of Shit!

Republicans have to look at last nights performance and ask…..WTF was he thinking?

He knew going in that he was going to hit Harris hard on immigration ….Yet he CHOSE TO lead with his crazy “Migrants are eating pets” story

Has he no sense to actually check the credibility of such a wild claim before he uses it?
The guy mod was particularly bad. When Trump rightly referred to the rising crime, the biased mod repeated the skewed FBI’s report designed to hide just how bad it is.
Wrong. That's a lie.

The FBI uses the same data sources they used during Trump.

Trump was parroting shit he heard from the liars at Faux News.
Republicans have to look at last nights performance and ask…..WTF was he thinking?

He knew going in that he was going to hit Harris hard on immigration ….Yet he CHOSE TO lead with his crazy “Migrants are eating pets” story

Has he no sense to actually check the credibility of such a wild claim before he uses it.
He admitted that he just regurgitated that.
You're pathetic. You expect mods to let Trump blast his non-stop lies, and if they don't they are biased.

It's way past time for Trump to be called on his bullshit.

What you REALLY are is a sore loser.
You guys keep saying this but never elaborate. I only watched a few minutes and heard all kinds of REAL lies And deceptions from the Giggler

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