Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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The Korean race is a tiny fragment of the overall human race.

That is a gross pic though
When I was stationed there, I saw a couple of dogs killed. One was bludgeoned, the other strangled. The irony is that they are pets before they are dinner.
Look jackass, the 85 billion was ALL left behind there, lost, including the Bagram airforce base we built strategically located next to China which now China took over and got for free. All thanks to that festering dipshit Joe Biden who decided he wanted to pull all of the military assets out first, leave all the hardware behind, THEN worry about all the civilians left there with no one there anymore to protect them.
Because the trump surrender agreement allowed the Taliban to take it.
Not true?

It may be true, I don't think it's been absolutely confirmed one way or another. The problem is, instead of simply explaining the real issues towns are dealing with that have been swamped by migrants, he goes with a story that has now been turned into a meme. Why not stick with the absolutely real problems?
It may be true, I don't think it's been absolutely confirmed one way or another. The problem is, instead of simply explaining the real issues towns are dealing with that have been swamped by migrants, he goes with a story that has now been turned into a meme. Why not stick with the absolutely real problems?
Because he assumes his base is unserious and stupid .

It got him 74 million votes, in 2020.
Look jackass, the 85 billion was ALL left behind there, lost, including the Bagram airforce base we built strategically located next to China which now China took over and got for free. All thanks to that festering dipshit Joe Biden who decided he wanted to pull all of the military assets out first, leave all the hardware behind, THEN worry about all the civilians left there with no one there anymore to protect them.

Um...retard? The Taliban did not seize $85 billion worth of hardware.

It's a flat-out lie.

When I was stationed there, I saw a couple of dogs killed. One was bludgeoned, the other strangled. The irony is that they are pets before they are dinner.
Dogs are so loyal and loving, on a level a cow or sheep could never be, that it boggles my mind anyone could butcher and eat a pet dog in anything less than an existential starvation scenario
Despite being fact checked, Trump continues to restates his lies.

He has no shame, and trusts his cult will bleev whatever he tells them.

And instead of being 'fact checked' Kumalla was allowed to lie about the debunked stories of the 'bloodbath' and 'fine people on both sides'.
The guy mod was particularly bad. When Trump rightly referred to the rising crime, the biased mod repeated the skewed FBI’s report designed to hide just how bad it is.
And yes, if illegals were eating pets, I’d want it out. But the libs want to hide just how awful these scofflaws are, so of course they try to deny the story. The story with the swan is true, btw.

Seriously, Biden/Harris left in something like 21 million undocumented people from all over the world, more than the population of 40 states, with no jobs, no education, no homes, no where to go but on the streets, some put up in hotels by the government, and we are supposed to believe that CRIME HAS NOT GONE UP?????
Harris won, easily.

Trump's people are telling him that he won bigly so he won't debate her again and lose the campaign right there.
Dogs are so loyal and loving, on a level a cow or sheep could never be, that it boggles my mind anyone could butcher and eat a pet dog in anything less than an existential starvation scenario
Get used to seeing more stories in the future, as this country continually allows various cultures around the world to flood in that eat dogs.
It may be true, I don't think it's been absolutely confirmed one way or another. The problem is, instead of simply explaining the real issues towns are dealing with that have been swamped by migrants, he goes with a story that has now been turned into a meme. Why not stick with the absolutely real problems?
To the people losing pets, to communities losing wildlife from the municipal ponds and lakes, it is real. This minimizing crimes by criminal aliens is getting into twilight zone territory.

To the people being terrorized in Aurora and El Paso, gangs breaking down doors and demanding rent it is real, even though people just like you (it might be you) say it's not happening. It's not confirmed. The police have absolutely no reports.

The citizens, the Americans, undergoing these travesties have got to be pulling their hair out by now.
Get used to seeing more stories in the future, as this country continually allows various cultures around the world to flood in that eat dogs.
A) there aren’t many that do

B) Koreans have been here for generations and they’re hardly roving around kidnapping dogs to eat

C) what an absurd thing to be worried about
We found out after the 2020 great cheat and their January installation. Near 4 years of it now. If the fool's vote her in, then the nation will deserve what it gets. It is just the citizens who did not vote for her, will suffer also if not privileged.
It’s critical that we retain the House and win the Senate to soundly block her socialist policies, massive redistribution plans, invites to illegals for free everything, denial of full aid to Israel unless they meet “conditions” (like allowing HAMAS to regroup), amd whatever else Obama orders her.
Trump lies incessantly
And Harris doesn't right?

about the same shit over and over at his rallies where no one is there to challenge him.
Name them. So you actually follow his every rally verbatim? Interesting.

Therefore, it does not take a psychic to be prepared to respond to those lies during a debate.
Right. The debate mod has time to chase down every fucking story in the country, and every comment Trump ever mentions and was prepared to call Trump out on any and every one of them, yet didn't call Harris out on a single line of BS she said? Thanks for just PROVING once again the ABC debate was a fraud, set up to help Harris and try to make Trump look bad.
Depends on your definition of “many”. As a percentage overall, most societies view eating dogs as a strong taboo.

In any event, none of that changes that it was a bizarre thing for Trump to bring up during a national debate and a huge mistake.
15 is more than a few.

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