Ain’t diversity and inclusion wunnerful? South Africa is a failed state

Yes of course, 500 years from now, US and France still getting blamed for the failures in Haiti. Whether blacks can run a country is irrelevant. Let's point fingers and it's all good.
Same old right wing propaganda, get some new material.
Uh, ok

The majority of blacks are no better off and in some cases worse off today than during apartheida

Rather than expanding material wealth for the country the ANC has reduced it
Show us how apartheid is a good thing for anyone other than white racist. That sound like thar boot licking Byron Donalds saying the black family was better off during Jim Crow.

The argument for a meritocracy is stronger than what DEI has to offer

South Africa is a warning sign for America

South Africa remains Africa's wealthiest country and is among the most developed. But whenever a government becomes a government for mostly benefit to those in government instead of for benefit for the people, a country will be in decline. Just as America is.
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