Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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Even the mainstream news is saying she got to him.
Of course they are, stupid, they work for the democrat party.

Trump looked old. And she's right. We're ready to move on.
He is 78. But move on? Move on from what? The good times of 2018, 2019? And to what? Four more years of Bidenomics but worse with a cackling wench who hasn't the time to even sit and meet with the Press?
I believe Fox would avoid certain topics that Trump does not want to discuss…….Jan 6, his convictions, Putin

But Harris will certainly bring them up and Trump keeps taking the bait.
But FOX will bring up her failure at the border more extensively, her ridiculous policy to tell grocers how to price their goods, and her flip-flopping on fracking and the wall.

They will also ask where the money will come from for the house down payments, the extra $6,000 welfare, and giving illegals all the benefits available to honest people - full health care and even the house down payments.

They will not let her off the hook as far as the disastrous Afghanistan trial, call her out on her lies about Jan 6 and Charlottesville, her flip-flopping, and her withholding exculpatory evidence that could have freed an innocent man.
The stockholders have spoken:


Trump's shitty debate performance just cost him hundreds of millions of dollars.

Harris was very articulate. She policies and platform not only make sense, but they are proven successful in multiple western democracies.
The only thing Harris articulated was numbers, no details, specifically how her programs would be funded, or how she would deal with the eventual fraud in those giveaway programs. Also, when would those programs end.

"The nearest thing to eternal life is a government program." -R. Reagan
Not true?
Woman, that was ONE instance

What in earth makes you think this is some
sort of epidemic?
Of course they are, stupid, they work for the democrat party.

He is 78. But move on? Move on from what? The good times of 2018, 2019? And to what? Four more years of Bidenomics but worse with a cackling wench who hasn't the time to even sit and meet with the Press?
Exactly. What is it with their slogan “we’re not going back?”

Back to 1.7% inflation? To less than $2 a gallon gas? To no new wars? To the lower-income seeing a real wage gain? To a more secure border? To lower rents? To less crime?

BTW, that mod furthered the FBI’s fraudulent report to make crime look lower than it is, and argued with Trump about it - when Trump was RIGHT. ABC will probably give the Dem a promotion.
But FOX will bring up her failure at the border more extensively, her ridiculous policy to tell grocers how to price their goods, and her flip-flopping on fracking and the wall.

They will also ask where the money will come from for the house down payments, the extra $6,000 welfare, and giving illegals all the benefits available to honest people - full health care and even the house down payments.

They will not let her off the hook as far as the disastrous Afghanistan trial, call her out on her lies about Jan 6 and Charlottesville, her flip-flopping, and her withholding exculpatory evidence that could have freed an innocent man.
Faux News lies. This is a proven fact.

Why didn't Trump make all those points last night instead of whining about the 2020 election and crowd sizes?

Oh, that's right. Because he's an elderly egomaniac who is easily distracted.

And you want him back running our government so he can kill off another million Americans with his stupidity and incompetence.
She mocked him for stuff like his rally crowds and he took the bait and wasted his allotted time talking about that instead of about the actual debate topics.

You can argue that was dirty pool on her part, but it wasn’t technically against any rules and the moderators had no role in that whatsoever
On that point….but the mods weighted it very heavy in her favor in general. Very unfair debate with an objective to elevate Harris.

The Dems are now so comfortable in their bias that they make no attempt to ramp it down, or even hide it.
"Repeal and replace Obamacare." "Build the wall." "Lock her up." "Bring back coal jobs." "Pay off the debt." "Reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico." "Remove illegal aliens."

Anyone gullible enough to support Trump at this late stage should have a FOOL ME TWICE bumper sticker.
At heart Trump is a conspiracy theorist and provocateur. He lives in a convoluted bubble fed by QAnon whackos and he fuels that kind of stuff. That’s fine for a tabloid character but not for a US President.
Seemed to work just fine the four years he was in office.

Kamala showed that she can stand up to Trump.
She showed that she can show up on a super friendly debate stage once after habbling over the details for weeks on end, only to get repeatedly punched in the gut.

She absolutely schooled him on the abortion issue.
The fact remains that there has been late term abortions done where the baby survived and was born alive and the doctors were not allowed to provide it any medical care. Trump may not be a statesman of public speaking, but he was essentially right.

We have starving refugees because enemy democrats brought them here to starve..

If refugees are starving, feed them with other starving refugees and leave our animals alone.

Guess it makes sense to MAGA
Starving refugees eating cats and dogs
On that point….but the mods weighted it very heavy in her favor in general. Very unfair debate with an objective to elevate Harris.

The Dems are now so comfortable in their bias that they make no attempt to ramp it down, or even hide it.
While I think it’s obvious that there was a LOT more that Trump said that needed fact checking as compared to what Harris said, I’ll agree that the fact that they almost didn’t fact check her at all was bad moderating. And that will come back to haunt them (and Harris by extension)

But what the American people are going to remember about last night are Trump’s many meltdowns and his many nonsensical tangents and he has no one to blame but himself for those
Exactly. What is it with their slogan “we’re not going back?”
I think it means this, for example.

We just had a tree company remove some large dead ash trees. They set up and used huge modern machines which tore up the whole area around the trees. They spent more time cleaning up the mess than taking the trees down. I used to work for a tree company back in the day. We didn't have these 'forward looking' machines and were very respectful of the property where we were working. These guys didn't give shit. That's what kamala is referring to.
One of us needs to prepare for a shock. Taylor Swift is not the political power that you think she is.

No, she has a very small demographic who, for the most part have never voted.

So, Taylor endorsing Kamala does very little good unless she urges her fan base to get themselves registered and vote
Guess it makes sense to MAGA
Starving refugees eating cats and dogs
They should just go to the ASPA shelters. No one wants those animals and many if not most are euthanized. Also, they should come to my city. Canada geese have made shitholes of our city parks. Come and git 'em.
But what the American people are going to remember about last night are Trump’s many meltdowns and his many nonsensical tangents and he has no one to blame but himself for those
Trump will be remembered for a century about his bizarre claims that migrants are eating peoples pets
Why didn't Trump make all those points last night instead of whining about the 2020 election and crowd sizes?

No, she has a very small demographic who, for the most part have never voted.
I wonder who helped him "prepare" for this. If anyone.

I guess it wouldn't matter anyway.
Trump will be remembered for a century about his bizarre claims that migrants are eating peoples pets
Yeah, I don’t think it’s sunk in to a lot of people here just how badly that’s going to haunt Trump.

Two debates with two truly shockingly bad performances from two different candidates. One had dementia and the other a level of narcissism and ego approaching mental illness levels.

We’re living in interesting times.

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