Gowdy Rips Trump’s Debate Performance

You have to be able to acknowledge reality to get better.

If he debates again, he'll get killed.

Since 2016 he's shown he does not prepare, can't stay on message and looks foolish.

Gowdy is right. And it pisses me off. I support him. Why can't he respect that and come do the job he is capable of doing. He's too lazy or arrogant.
Not sure what there is to actually debate. Blaming a guy who gets ambushed for reacting like a human being when attacked seems silly to me. I know what Trump will do in office I don't need him to try and cleverly get his points across in a hostile environment.
Arrogant? I give him tons of credit for even trying to save our country when it seems many just don't care.
Vote for the ho if you believe anything she says.
Towards the end when Trump said she should go to the white house pull her people into Joe's office and get the things she says she supports done... all she could do was to chuckle...
Harris is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. But, unlike Biden, she at least has her mental faculties about her.

She should have a long sense activated the 25th amendment along with the cabinet members. It’s Gross dereliction of duty to allow Biden to remain even nominally in charge.
Trump got his diaper changed. He was emasculated and got his ass kicked.

It was fun to listen to.

You can tell just how bad it was for him by all of the complaining about the moderators and, of course, the wild conspiracy theories.
He still captured the hearts and minds of the voters. He'll be the perfect F'd U dictator and nobody will notice for at least 4 years.
Is that Trey Gowdy? If it is he was supposed to be a firebrand and do all of these things when elected. He left after a few terms in Congress. It is no easy when there are many voices and to make change you must stand tall. Even then it may have small odds to do so. Trump has tried and is trying.
one more you throw under the bus.

you people are ill and weirdly so
I'm a regular reader of the Poynter Institute's online newsletters. For one thing Poynter manage 'Politifact'....the top, or very near top, fact-checker.

Here is Poynter's take on last night's debate:

Politifact? Roflmao
I know what Trump will do in office I don't need him to try and cleverly get his points across in a hostile environment.
First you need him to get elected. That's the part that sucks. He didn't help that any last night.

I am hoping the fall out will create:

Less trust in ABC
Closer scrutiny of Harris
No more debates.

Arrogant? I give him tons of credit for even trying to save our country when it seems many just don't care.

I think he does care. But it's hard to ignore some of his more glaring faults.

Vote for the ho if you believe anything she says.

Not a chance. First, she doesn't say anything.

Second: Gorsuch/Kavennaugh/Barrett

We need him.

He can do better.
I'm a regular reader of the Poynter Institute's online newsletters. For one thing Poynter manage 'Politifact'....the top, or very near top, fact-checker.

Here is Poynter's take on last night's debate:

You lost me in the title.

The fact checking was wrong and it was one sided.

If you read this toilet paper replacement.....I can see why you are such a hack.
First you need him to get elected. That's the part that sucks. He didn't help that any last night.

I am hoping the fall out will create:

Less trust in ABC
Closer scrutiny of Harris
No more debates.

I think he does care. But it's hard to ignore some of his more glaring faults.

Not a chance. First, she doesn't say anything.

Second: Gorsuch/Kavennaugh/Barrett

We need him.

He can do better.
I suppose if he were slicker he could "do better". But all she did was tell lies and avoid direct questions, being covered by the mods who attacked Trump. To me he did just fine under those conditions and he made his critical points....especially that she is a fake or she would have already taken action on these fake promises.
Trump was already in office and did a great job....the ho couldn't even make it to the primaries when she ran for president. That's all I need to know.
He did a terrible job but she didn't move the needle either... she was caught lying all night and was smirking as Trump spoke of gold star families...
At least that is what you wish....keep on hoping. Maybe he will change....wait.....NO HE WON'T!
It ain't ovah, but she just regained her momentum it attacking the few undecideds, and he lost his hard gained momentum ... with two hours of unhinged, undisciplined, unprepared, unnecessary word vomit.
Your hyperbole is ridiculous.

I just saw a blurb somewhere that Trump may have picked up some big share of the previously undecideds.

Her momentum was an illusion. She got undemocrarically appointed to the spot of party nominee (the “”Democrat” Party my ass). She got a bump. She selected a deep as her running mate. She was making the news cycles (as if the MSM wasn’t actively trying to bump her, anyway). And then her numbers relative to Trump’s seemed to have started tailing off.

Now we get to the debate. Yeah. She did relatively ok. (It’s easier when the moderators couldn’t be bothered to fact check her litany of lies. Not even once.)
And maybe she will ride another tiny bit of a wave. Maybe.

But overall, you guys place far too many eggs in one basket. She’s going down.

She’s used to that.
But all she did was tell lies and avoid direct questions,
He should have been PREPARED for that.
being covered by the mods who attacked Trump.
He should have been prepared for that.
Trump was already in office and did a great job
Agreed...up till COVID. COVID cost him 2020. That is an objective statement. Most on the left agree that if COVID does not happen...he's in.

.the ho couldn't even make it to the primaries when she ran for president.
He may have said that, he may not have. He certainly should have and he should have questioned so many things about her performace in 2020.

That's all I need to know.

This debate wasn't for you or me. We know how we are voting.

Stop being so sensitive.
Trump was not prepared. He missed several opportunities to counter Harris’s claims and slam her on some of her weaknesses. Instead, he talked about debunked conspiracy theories regarding peoples cats and dogs.

His goose was already cooked going into this debate. Now he’s well done.

The fact is that the moderators ganged-up on Trump and never fact checked Kamala. The fact is this debate won't sway any voters.
Trump was not prepared. He missed several opportunities to counter Harris’s claims and slam her on some of her weaknesses. Instead, he talked about debunked conspiracy theories regarding peoples cats and dogs.

His goose was already cooked going into this debate. Now he’s well done.

He debates as if it's one of his rallies. Repeat the same comments that get a rise from the crowd. Except, the Dems don't want crowds at the debates.

As I said on here, it's easy, you ask your team to get together a bunch of facts and numbers to compare the economy, illegal immigration, cost of living etc and you just memorize them. In fact, he could just repeat the numbers during his debates over and over until they are ingrained and natural.

He's too lazy. He wants to get the good stuff in his mind which is rallies, negotiations with nations, economic policies without understanding he first has to win the election.

The Doomsday Clock is closest to 12 than it has been in world history. These are independent nuclear experts who determine this.

Most are clueless as to what's at stake. He could have even used that above fact, make them aware of the Doomsday Clock.

Perhaps Vance will redeem the campaign in his debate. Her last 3.5 years and policies are so easy to sink but he refuses to prepare properly. He's basically a more clear minded Biden in terms of his debate prep.
He should have been PREPARED for that.

He should have been prepared for that.

Agreed...up till COVID. COVID cost him 2020. That is an objective statement. Most on the left agree that if COVID does not happen...he's in.

He may have said that, he may not have. He certainly should have and he should have questioned so many things about her performace in 2020.

This debate wasn't for you or me. We know how we are voting.

Stop being so sensitive.
Not sensitive, simply do not understand what value this has at all. She lies and is protected by the network, its on him to try and cut through all that and come out on top....its silly. He is mostly truthful, she is not. He is good, she is evil. Simple choice.
Although we all expect anti-Trump spin from a TDS afflicted stooge, like Taz, that doesn’t mean that Trey is entirely wrong.

Trump did miss opportunities. But in fairness, it wasn’t his job to be a debate moderator. The moderators didn’t do their jobs on the level (unless their jobs were to be Harris assistants).

I suspect that many people are aware of the fact that — despite a litany of obvious lies by Harris — she did not get ”fact checked” at all by the so-called “moderators.”
Yes, she was fact checked. They just didn't find discrepancies between what she said and the truth like they did so often with trump.
It ain't ovah, but she just regained her momentum it attacking the few undecideds, and he lost his hard gained momentum ... with two hours of unhinged, undisciplined, unprepared, unnecessary word vomit.
On X the only things trending overnight were "moderators", "the ABC" and "biased".

So, I'd expect this is going to turn out just like the indictments and the convictions...a net positive for Trump.

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