Gowdy Rips Trump’s Debate Performance

Your hyperbole is ridiculous.

I just saw a blurb somewhere that Trump may have picked up some big share of the previously undecideds.

Her momentum was an illusion. She got undemocrarically appointed to the spot of party nominee (the “”Democrat” Party my ass). She got a bump. She selected a deep as her running mate. She was making the news cycles (as if the MSM wasn’t actively trying to bump her, anyway). And then her numbers relative to Trump’s seemed to have started tailing off.

Now we get to the debate. Yeah. She did relatively ok. (It’s easier when the moderators couldn’t be bothered to fact check her litany of lies. Not even once.)
And maybe she will ride another tiny bit of a wave. Maybe.

But overall, you guys place far too many eggs in one basket. She’s going down.

She’s used to that.
Nate Silver has him at 62% chance of winning.

He should not debate again.

He needs to get on message now.
Trump was not prepared. He missed several opportunities to counter Harris’s claims and slam her on some of her weaknesses. Instead, he talked about debunked conspiracy theories regarding peoples cats and dogs.

His goose was already cooked going into this debate. Now he’s well done.

I used to respect Trey Gowdy, but to see him in this clip call for Trump to feed into the confirmation bias of the rubes by calling out the name of someone killed by an illegal immigrant is a really, really sick tactic.

Illegal immigrants are much more law abiding than US citizens. Americans could take a lesson from immigrants on lawful behavior, especially since their candidate is a prolific lawbreaker and violent person.

At least five people died and 140 cops were wounded during Trump's coup, and Harris should call out their names if Trump dares to smear immigrants.

All of their blood is on his hands. They were all sacrificed on the altar of the Big Lie.

Fuck Trey Gowdy. Shame on him.
That is our reality. We have to fight through it.

He needed to come better prepared. The playing field is NOT LEVEL.
Yes. The field is obviously not level.

Yes. He absolutely should have come better prepared.

It may even be fair and accurate to say he “lost” the debate (although not nearly as badly as the libturd pundits would have us believe).

Nevertheless, there is still a lot of time on the clock. What is needed now is a concerted effort to get the actual message out there. And the message is clear.

Trump CAN do it. He HAS done it. We WERE better off.

Kamalalala can’t do it. She hasn’t done it. And after over 3.5 years of Biden/Harris, we are much worse off.

She lies as her official campaign position. She will say or do anything to get elected. But once elected (God forbid), she will revert back to her far left wing roots. Then, we’re all gonna get fucked.

That message needs to permeate every Trump event and ad. It will cripple her because it is the truth and all of her lies combined won’t be able to hide that fact.
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Oh but that regime is full of evil...permeating into our schools and churches with their evil. And their hatred of America
Everyone gets a POV.

That I am willing to accept.

If she likess the things she wants.....he should invite her to move to Cuba. Why screw it up for the rest of us.

She (and Obama) wipes her ass with the Constitution.
Yes, she was fact checked. They just didn't find discrepancies between what she said and the truth like they did so often with trump.

She lied her ass off and you can’t point to even one instance of her being called to answer for any of them by the moderators.
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I don't think I would use the description "not prepared." Trump has all the facts at his disposal and was as prepared as he can be. He simply failed to make coherent points when called on to do so. He often rambled about matters that were irrelevant and unimportant. Even when he tried to make a valid point, he did so in an extremely clumsy manner, so much so that the point was usually lost.

Certainly he was given an arsenal of "zingers" in the days preceding the debate, but there must have been a hole in his quiver because he only make two or three of them, long after the impressionable audience had changed the channel.

His performance was awful.

But I will still vote for him enthusiastically, based on his policies.
Trump lacks discipline. Always has.
We may be past the point of popularity from political agendas. We unfortunately may be in the Evita/Imelda Marcos banana republic era. Many people in local to federal elections can attest to that for their advantage. The Presidential election no different now. Kamala is a banana republic type of leader. Joe was and still is.
We may be past the point of popularity from political agendas. We unfortunately may be in the Evita/Imelda Marcos banana republic era. Many people in local to federal elections can attest to that for their advantage. The Presidential election no different now. Kamala is a banana republic type of leader. Joe was and still is.
Trump is the one that wants to censor ABC because he didn’t like being told he was lying.

That’s the banana republic shit we are trying to avoid
Yes. The field is obviously not level.

Yes. He absolutely should have come better prepared.

It may even be fair and accurate to say he “lost” the debate (although not nearly as badly as the libturd pundits would have us believe).

Nevertheless, there is still a lot of time on the clock. What is needed now is a concerted effort to get the actual message out there. And the message is clear.

Trump CAN do it. He HAS done it. We WERE better off.

Kamalalala can’t do it. She hasn’t done it. And after over 3.5 years of Biden/Harris, we are much worse off.

She lies as her official campaign position. She will say or do anything to get elected. But once elected (God for his), she will revert back to her far left wing roots. Then, we’re all gonna get fucked.

That message needs to permeate every Trump event and ad. It will cripple her because it is the truth and all of her lies combined won’t be able to hide that fact.
I am not saying he "lost" or that it really changes anything.

The one thing about Trump....you know what you are getting.

Harris is an empty suit. A ghost with nothing substantial.

In the last few days as the polls have been slipping for her....her side has gone off the rails. I hope they continue.

I am not sure the election today would look any different than Nov 5th.

It's that polarized.

The most damning commercial is the inflation (with her "we are so proud of Bidenomics").
Trump is the one that wants to censor ABC because he didn’t like being told he was lying.

That’s the banana republic shit we are trying to avoid
And he's never hyperbolic and he never exaggeates.

You guys somehow think you are electing a monarch ?
I am not saying he "lost" or that it really changes anything.

The one thing about Trump....you know what you are getting.

Harris is an empty suit. A ghost with nothing substantial.

In the last few days as the polls have been slipping for her....her side has gone off the rails. I hope they continue.

I am not sure the election today would look any different than Nov 5th.

It's that polarized.

The most damning commercial is the inflation (with her "we are so proud of Bidenomics").
Plus she is drunk and on Xanex all the time.

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