Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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Not only that, but Trump was asked about his “plans” to replace Obamacare, his “plans” on immigration, his “plans” on inflation and the economy

Trump offered nothing.
My son learned about Obamacare when he tried to get it. He was turned down despite being retired.
There is a reason Biden quit. And it was not to keep Democrats in office.
Democrats layed it out in no uncertain terms

Our nation cannot afford another term of Trump
That was more important than his personal political ambitions

Kamala offered a better chance at beating Trump

Last night, she proved it correct
Fine, you don't answer the question you don't get my vote.
hahahahahahahaahha let the enemy know your play. Yeah, that's what every football team does, goes on tv and tells the opposition what their going to do. Yep, that's really how much of a fking idiot you really are. take your vote with you,
Democrats layed it out in no uncertain terms

Our nation cannot afford another term of Trump
That was more important than his personal political ambitions

Kamala offered a better chance at beating Trump

Last night, she proved it correct
Voters like me and millions of Republicans won in the Trump clash with ms. Cackle.
The Taliban defeated Biden. And don't claim he won. He as president handed them victory.

Shows you can’t discuss the subject objectively. You are so intent on blaming Biden for a twenty year clusterfuk in Afghanistan

Biden was the only one to get us out.
Now you are talking
But it is 2 trillion we spent in Afghanistan over a 20 year period in Bush’s idiotic attempt at Nation Building
That included $85 billion on equipment and training a military force that lasted two weeks against the Taliban.
Let's see, Obama was president when most of that money was spent and Biden left a lot of it in military hardware when he screwed up Trump's withdrawal plan. Plus Biden/Harris managed to get 13 soldiers killed in one day during that monumental clusterfuck
My son learned about Obamacare when he tried to get it. He was turned down despite being retired.
dude, the demofks lie so much they have no depth. The piece that Trump made everyone aware of last night is that demofks haven't done jack shit for the majority of private insurance holders. Nadda. They keep going to obammy care bullshit, well Trump said last night, she has done nothing for private healthcare. Zip, zero. Gd love that man.
Let's see, Obama was president when most of that money was spent and Biden left a lot of it in military hardware when he screwed up Trump's withdrawal plan. Plus Biden/Harris managed to get 13 soldiers killed in one day during that monumental clusterfuck
notice how they avoided that? Even Trump said nothing, one disappointment from him for me.
She humiliated him.
You better clear the soot off your glasses if you believe that.

I do commend you on staying true no matter what your savior does. It's cute.
Jack, shut your big fat stupid mouth. You don't apparently read anything here. All you know is what MSNBC tells you. Why don't you read my ACTUAL review from last night of the debate in post #118, then get back to me!

Also not the polling taken in the same thread showing the debate was a virtual tie between all respondants here ewith TRump having the slight edge!

But enough fence sitters may have been swayed to Harris side to give her the election.
Another revealing lie by you. It is highly unlikely that any fence sitters unable to make up their minds after nine years of Trump after seeing the childish antics of Harris last night caught in repeated lies unable to answer the big question of why hasn't she already worked to fix any of her alleged problems in the past 4 years (but promises to fix them NOW) were swayed to her side.

I want to see her in another debate--- will she agree or Run and hide again?
Let's see, Obama was president when most of that money was spent and Biden left a lot of it in military hardware when he screwed up Trump's withdrawal plan. Plus Biden/Harris managed to get 13 soldiers killed in that monumental clusterfuck

Let’s put the blame where it belongs……Bush
He made the choice to invade and nation build instead of chasing out Al Qaida.
Obama and Trump were stuck with Bush’s decision.
Trump made a deal with the Taliban and Biden stuck with it.
Wasn’t pretty, but we got out

Never should have gone in
You better clear the soot off your glasses if you believe that.

Jack, shut your big fat stupid mouth. You don't apparently read anything here. All you know is what MSNBC tells you. Why don't you read my ACTUAL review from last night of the debate in post #118, then get back to me!

Also not the polling taken in the same thread showing the debate was a virtual tie between all respondants here ewith TRump having the slight edge!

Another revealing lie by you. It is highly unlikely that any fence sitters unable to make up their minds after nine years of Trump after seeing the childish antics of Harris last night caught in repeated lies unable to answer the big question of why hasn't she already worked to fix any of her alleged problems in the past 4 years (but promises to fix them NOW) were swayed to her side.

I want to see her in another debate--- will she agree or Run and hide again?
One question I heard a commentator state after the debate last night was this, what are scamala's values? Perfect question huh? She says they haven't changed, what are the values then you're referring to?

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