Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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Trump had facts and gave them. She had lies and told them.
He yelled, screamed, talked over, raged, spouted conspiracy theories and a shit ton of lies. No substantive policy comprehension. His best policy answer was, "I have a concept". :auiqs.jpg:
Harris told one lie. And four or five other points that needed context or expanding. Trump's lies were north of 30.
The Guardian? FFS, you may as well link MSNBC.
OK, so how about Fox

Trump had facts and gave them. She had lies and told them.

Trump's failing was in not presenting his points as clearly and as well as he should have. He is just not a good debater, does not prepare well, or just really hated being there (or all three). Bottom line is that debates are just words. I measure candidates by what they do.
  • Trump gave us the best four years we've had in the modern era.
  • Harris has given us 21 million illegal aliens, $7.00 gasoline, 40% inflation, empty store shelves, unaffordable housing, roiling crime, children abuse, attacks on women, perversion in our schools, government spying, censorship and oppression, and wars on two continents.
She humiliated him. I do commend you on staying true no matter what your savior does. It's cute.

Then the only conclusion you can draw is he lost..big time.
His only saving grace here is that most people have already made up their mind.
But enough fence sitters may have been swayed to Harris side to give her the election.
The fence sitters seem to be breaking for Trump. Probably because of the raft of lies Commiela vomited, and the deplorable moderators.
I once was a Democrat. Tulsi Gabbard was too.
She will explain why we left the Democrats.
The 85 billion was the total spent there that went down the rathole.
Now you are talking
But it is 2 trillion we spent in Afghanistan over a 20 year period in Bush’s idiotic attempt at Nation Building
That included $85 billion on equipment and training a military force that lasted two weeks against the Taliban.
Trump's failing was in not presenting his points as clearly and as well as he should have. He is just not a good debater, does not prepare well, or just really hated being there (or all three). Bottom line is that debates are just words. I measure candidates by what they do.
  • Trump gave us the best four years we've had in the modern era.
  • Harris has given us 21 million illegal aliens, $7.00 gasoline, 40% inflation, empty store shelves, unaffordable housing, roiling crime, children abuse, attacks on women, perversion in our schools, government spying, censorship and oppression, and wars on two continents.
There is a reason Biden quit. And it was not to keep Democrats in office.
Both candidates tried to prove that the other would be an awful President. They both succeeded.
Yes Trump was asked about his "plans" for mass deportation, asked to "talk us through how this will work" and immediately ignored the question and began rambling.

Not only that, but Trump was asked about his “plans” to replace Obamacare, his “plans” on immigration, his “plans” on inflation and the economy

Trump offered nothing.
Now you are talking
But it is 2 trillion we spent in Afghanistan over a 20 year period in Bush’s idiotic attempt at Nation Building
That included $85 billion on equipment and training a military force that lasted two weeks against the Taliban.
The Taliban defeated Biden. And don't claim he won. He as president handed them victory.

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