Weird Tim Walz says his inability to speak proper English is why people think he lied about his military service

Your gas lighting is disgusting. Now you are on the side of the uyghurs? OMG you are a pathetic piece of shit human being. You disgust me
I'm not on anyone's side.

I just realize the foolishness of getting in the middle of an internal fight.

Just like I don't get involved when my neighbors start screaming at each other.

There are 1.3 Billion Han Chinese and only 11 Million Uyghurs, so this is going to be a very short fight.
I'm not on anyone's side.

I just realize the foolishness of getting in the middle of an internal fight.

Just like I don't get involved when my neighbors start screaming at each other.

There are 1.3 Billion Han Chinese and only 11 Million Uyghurs, so this is going to be a very short fight.
Your gas lighting is just disgusting. What a pathetic human being you are. Lying for the Chinese is not a good look.
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Your gas lighting is just disgusting. What a pathetic human being you are. Lying for the Chinese is not a good look.
Not sure why you think reposting the same picture helps you.

When America sorts out the awful way we treat blacks, Native Americans, Immigrants, and LGBTQ+ folks, then we will have the moral high ground to criticize the Chinese for how they are handling terrorists in their provinces.

We invaded Iraq over weapons that didn't exist. A half a million Iraqis died.
Not sure why you think reposting the same picture helps you.

When America sorts out the awful way we treat blacks, Native Americans, Immigrants, and LGBTQ+ folks, then we will have the moral high ground to criticize the Chinese for how they are handling terrorists in their provinces.

We invaded Iraq over weapons that didn't exist. A half a million Iraqis died.
pathetic deflection I wasn't talking about Bush's invasion of Iraq. That's a whole different topic. I'm talking about your dishonesty and gaslighting about the uyhegurs in China and your defense of the Chinese totalitarian government. You are an absurdly gaslighting and a disgusting individual. I think I'll hammer home with every post how incorrect you are about the whole situation with China by using the map you deny. You are welcome to go ahead and explain further how we mistreat Native Americans immigrants and lgbtq. I doubt if you can. You are just a whining fool. Tuck your tail in between your legs and scram My Lying friend.
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pathetic deflection I wasn't talking about Bush's invasion of Iraq. That's a whole different topic. I'm talking about your dishonesty and gaslighting about the uyhegurs in China and your defense of the Chinese totalitarian government. You are an absurdly gaslighting and a disgusting individual. I think I'll hammer home with every post how incorrect you are about the whole situation with China by using the map you deny. You are welcome to go ahead and explain further how we mistreat Native Americans immigrants and lgbtq. I doubt if you can. You are just a whining fool. Tuck your tail in between your legs and scram My Lying friend.

Naw, man, as long as you keep jumping up on the dunk tank I'll keep dunking on you.

So... We had a terrorist attack 23 years ago today, and as a result, not only did we invade Afghanistan, but we later invaded Iraq because Saddam might have weapons (he didn't) and he might share them with Al Qaeda (he wouldn't have).

The Chinese have dealt with Muslim Extremists within their borders, who have launched attacks on Chinese citizens, and somehow, that's bad because, um, reasons.

I honestly do not give a fuck about the Uyghurs. They aren't my problem. China took over their territory three or four dynasties ago; it's a little late to bitch about it now.

America, on the other hand, committed OUTRIGHT GENOCIDE on Native Americans. We intentionally drove the bison to near extinction to destroy their way of life and accept going to Reservations (which were the inspiration for Hitler's concentration camps.) Yeah, we feel kind of bad about it now, but reservations are still horrible places to live.
Naw, man, as long as you keep jumping up on the dunk tank I'll keep dunking on you.

So... We had a terrorist attack 23 years ago today, and as a result, not only did we invade Afghanistan, but we later invaded Iraq because Saddam might have weapons (he didn't) and he might share them with Al Qaeda (he wouldn't have).

The Chinese have dealt with Muslim Extremists within their borders, who have launched attacks on Chinese citizens, and somehow, that's bad because, um, reasons.

I honestly do not give a fuck about the Uyghurs. They aren't my problem. China took over their territory three or four dynasties ago; it's a little late to bitch about it now.

America, on the other hand, committed OUTRIGHT GENOCIDE on Native Americans. We intentionally drove the bison to near extinction to destroy their way of life and accept going to Reservations (which were the inspiration for Hitler's concentration camps.) Yeah, we feel kind of bad about it now, but reservations are still horrible places to live.
What a pathetic individual you are, extolling the virtues of China on here. Gas lighting us on a country that is torturing a minority group. You still haven't explained to me how we are currently mistreating lgbtq, black and Indigenous people. You are just a liar, nothing else. Slink away into a hole. Lying liar

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not changed the policy it uses to justify its persecution of Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic and religious minorities in China, even after a large-scale United Nations investigation, according to an Aug. 27 U.N. update.

The office uncovered cases of physical and psychological torture, forced medical treatment, and sexual abuse. It concluded the CCP’s actions, which the regime claims are legal responses to terrorism and extremism, may constitute crimes against humanity, and warrant further investigation

Chinese Communist Regime’s Policies for Uyghur Persecution Remain in Place: UN Chinese Communist Regime’s Policies for Uyghur Persecution Remain in Place: UN
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What a pathetic individual you are, extolling the virtues of China on here. Gas lighting us on a country that is torturing a minority group. You still haven't explained to me how we are currently mistreating lgbtq, black and Indigenous people. You are just a liar, nothing else. Slink away into a hole. Lying liar

Naw, man, I'm going to make you my hobby...

You don't give a fuck about the Uyghurs, please don't pretend that you do.

Meanwhile, we still have ghettos, barrios, and Indian Reservations in this country.

Glass houses, my friend, glass houses.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not changed the policy it uses to justify its persecution of Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic and religious minorities in China, even after a large-scale United Nations investigation, according to an Aug. 27 U.N. update.

And so? China is 91% ethnic Han Chinese. Despite that overwhelming majority, it has five autonomous areas for ethnic minorities, including Xinjiang. (The others being Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Qinghai, and Gansu)

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