What really pisses me off about the election is Trump incapable of being great even when he's right

They’re rapists (and I’m not)”

Trump projects all of his faults onto others.

"They bring crime. They're rapists."

I mean...wow!

Covid. Post-debate Poor Poor Lindsey cried we were in great shape in 2020 .... Trump “got the vaccine.”
Trump wanted us to vaccinate ourselves with disinfectant and a very bright light.

He did NOT want testing. You know why? Because he was a game show host, and he thinks everything is about numbers. If you test more, you get more cases, and you don't want those numbers to go up.

This sounds like a comedy, but unfortunately this is exactly how this mass murdering dumbass thinks.

But MIT! MIT! My uncle worked at MIT! That makes ME a genius!

Tariffs. Reagan sold America that offshoring their jobs was a good thing. Trump could take the money tariffs bring to the US Treasury to reduce the deficit which would attack inflation. He grew up with Truman’s adage of well paid workers are well heeled consumers. But, he lacks Truman’s and Reagan’s balls to tell Wall St to “time to try a new tack.” Reagan wasn’t worried about Wall St, but Trump sure is.
To this very moment, Trump actually believes it is China which pays the tariffs.

MIT! MIT! I'm a genius!

Immigration. He fucking whines “they’re eating our cats.” WTF is it with these two and their fucking cat stories?
Walz nailed it. These guys are weird.

Abortion. He’s always been pro-abortion, but he needed the theorcrat vote, so he gave them the Supreme Court, and so now “they’re voting.” No, the theorcrats don’t want to vote on it.

Women? For God’s sake. WJC managed to not insult every woman who doesn’t rate her own breeding, and his wife was helping pay off the victims. Pols have been schlepping women since before Christ and this guy brags he grabs their pussies
Trump hates and fears women. Nine year olds are his speed. Women are to be subjugated or else he will date his daughter.
Trump’s Tragedy on Just a Few Issues. Failure of Character. Even when he’s right on the issues. “It is so unfair. They cheated. They’re taking YOUR stuff. They’re rapists (and I’m not)” Imo he could have been a great president, but he’s 80 years old and still whining like a punk on the playground who beat up the smaller kids “I win.”

Afghanistan - He did the deal with the Taliban than ended the war. As Carville said (and he’d know) there’s no good way to lose a war. But, Trump knew it had to be done. And our Marines took fewer casualties with him than Obama .... but we did .... give up. And we never should have tried to nationbuild in Afghan. Only W was that stupid, and Obama was too weak to end it. But Trump NEVER had the balls to tell America “it’s gonna hurt, but we gotta to it.”

Covid. Post-debate Poor Poor Lindsey cried we were in great shape in 2020 .... Trump “got the vaccine.” True. But Trump has to go maga “it changed our DNA” and embrace the Krazy Kennedy. Trump cannot stand up to Maga, which he created.

Tariffs. Reagan sold America that offshoring their jobs was a good thing. Trump could take the money tariffs bring to the US Treasury to reduce the deficit which would attack inflation. He grew up with Truman’s adage of well paid workers are well heeled consumers. But, he lacks Truman’s and Reagan’s balls to tell Wall St to “time to try a new tack.” Reagan wasn’t worried about Wall St, but Trump sure is.

Immigration. He fucking whines “they’re eating our cats.” WTF is it with these two and their fucking cat stories? He lacks the character to stand up to racists like Nick Fuentes and say “listen up, weirdo, with your name don’t give me shit. We need X# of new workers every year, and we’re gonna get em from skilled nations.” But no, he hides behind the Jew who looks like Himmler and who want’s white immigrants. And that little shit’s own family hates his racist guts.

Abortion. He’s always been pro-abortion, but he needed the theorcrat vote, so he gave them the Supreme Court, and so now “they’re voting.” No, the theorcrats don’t want to vote on it.

Women? For God’s sake. WJC managed to not insult every woman who doesn’t rate her own breeding, and his wife was helping pay off the victims. Pols have been schlepping women since before Christ and this guy brags he grabs their pussies

Are you just now learning this. An Epsilon Plus
Semi-Moron is smarter than he is.
Are you just now learning this. An Epsilon Plus
Semi-Moron is smarter than he is.
I think bendog is frustrated, like I am, that the Democrats are winning because the GOP is dead.

Dead, dead, dead.

Expecting superior ideas from Donald Trump is like expecting Stephen Hawking to win the Boston Marathon.

Reagan is spinning in his grave at warp speed.

But what is particularly troubling is the way almost every other Republican has bent their knee to this demon.

This is getting biblical.
I think bendog is frustrated, like I am, that the Democrats are winning because the GOP is dead.

Dead, dead, dead.

Expecting superior ideas from Donald Trump is like expecting Stephen Hawking to win the Boston Marathon.

Reagan is spinning in his grave at warp speed.

But what is particularly troubling is the way almost every other Republican has bent their knee to this demon.

This is getting biblical.

I totally agree. Diaper Don destroyed the Party. Reagan would have been considered, "To Liberal" for today's Party. Reagan would have shaking in anger at how Donnie hero worships Putin.
Here is MAGA does not know or care to know. Donnie views them as permanent mark. He wants their money and that is all. He has zero respect for them. MAGA is an end to a means for him, that is all.
'Trump Had A Ban Night' Conservative Pundits Declare Kamala Harris Winner of Debate.

Conservative pundits acknowledged on Tuesday that Vice President Kamala Harris got the better of former President Donald Trump in Tuesday’s presidential debate in Philadelphia, citing her success in getting under his skin.

Let’s make no mistake. Trump had a bad night,” Fox News host Brit Hume said. “We just heard so many of the old grievances that we all know aren’t winners politically.”

She was exquisitely well-prepared, she laid traps, and he chased every rabbit down every hole,” added former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), who often appears as a commentator on ABC News.
When Trump became president, I felt the Democrats were shameful in their attacks on Trump and put their loyalty towards their party ahead of the country's. It made me recall Rush Limbaugh, "I want him to fail," quote about Obama. These attacks have progressed far beyond a matter of political issues. While it started with the media, I recall how they were brutal against Dan Quayle, it has spread to a point of being ridiculous.

Upon becoming president, Trump's reaction to the Democrats gave indication he's an ineffective leader, certainly no Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton in that regard. Here was Trump as president who felt the need to lower himself down to his opponents' level and engage in their muck. I viewed it as allowing the Democrats to control the agenda, which they pretty much did as we saw during COVID.

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