Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

Yeah, Bloody shit dripping from YOUR unclean lips. Hysterical. Ha ha. Talk about depraved!
Leviticus 18:22 states, "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination"

This is in YOUR religious texts, right?
Depraved would be two men fucking like animals. Or parents fucking their offspring. Things that are against YOUR religion.

What religion is that? Stand guard over the purity of your own mind? If people did that there would be no depravity in society or the depravity that has taken root and flourished in your mind.
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What religion is that? Stand guard over the purity of your own mind? If people did that there would be no depravity in society or the depravity that has taken root and flourished in your own mind.
You're always quoting the bible like it's YOUR religion. I'm just painting you into a corner for it.
What religion is that? Stand guard over the purity of your own mind? If people did that there would be no depravity in society or the depravity that has taken root and flourished in your own mind.
Depravity like two men fucking like wild animals? Or parents fucking their offspring? Depravity like that?
Wait a minute! Aren't you the guy who keeps posting about men fucking, buggering, anal sex?

Your lips are clean? The guy who munches on Jesus flesh and blood? You almost had me fooled.

Yes, I'm the one posting that two men butt fucking each other is an abomination to YOUR God. You're the one defending it.

Your equating a religious practice to sodomy shows your true colors.
Is that what you think is actually happening? Thats is so cute! but its time to change your diapers.

Can't you smell that smell?
It's what has happened. I've exposed you for the fraud that you are. You're an angry gay male taking out his hatred of Christians in a religious forum. Everyone sees it. Everyone knows it.
Yes, I'm the one posting that two men butt fucking each other is an abomination to YOUR God.
Ahem. Are you hard of reading? I have told you many time that MY GOD doesn't give a crap about diet fashion of the sexual preferences of consenting adults. You are posting lies. Good job!

I am very impressed by the many wonderful things that YOUR religion has done for you.

Your equating a religious practice to sodomy shows your true colors.

Shit dingbot, every time a priest gets you down on your knees and you open wide to receive his mangod right into your mouth, after your bent over and lifted your skirt, is an abomination. Perv.

But I'm curious, Do you let the triune mangod get all soft in your mouth before you swallow?

Wanna share? Its your religion. Be proud!
Ahem. Are you hard of reading? I have told you many time that MY GOD doesn't give a crap about diet fashion of the sexual preferences of consenting adults. You are posting lies. Good job!

I am very impressed by the many wonderful things that YOUR religion has done for you.

Shit dingbot, every time a priest gets you down on your knees and you open your mouth to receive his mangod into your mouth, after your bent over and lifted your skirt, is an abomination.

But I'm curious, Do you let the triune mangod get all soft in your mouth before you swallow?

Wanna share? Its your religion. Be proud!
You are an angry Jewish atheist gay male. You have created an alternate reality to justify your lifestyle. You are angry and full of hate. I feel sorry for you. You have no peace.
You are an angry Jewish atheist gay male. You have created an alternate reality to justify your lifestyle. You are angry and full of hate. I feel sorry for you. You have no peace.
The empty words of a coward in retreat.

If YOUR own holy book is true then every time you defy the law of God at mass and turn to a lifeless matzo made by human hands that you worship and eat for spiritual life you die, every single time, Whee! never finding peace in death. It is a religious experience. Just not a good one.

But I am so happy for you that you are so happy with your false religion that would never change.

So for you, sweetheart, your future in hell won't be any worse than your past has already been.

The empty words of a coward in retreat.

If YOUR own holy book is true then every time you defy the law of God at mass and turn to a lifeless matzo made by human hands that you worship and eat for spiritual life you die, every single time, never finding peace in death. It is a religious experience. Just not a very good one.

But I am so happy for you that you are so happy with your false religion that would never change.
You are an angry Jewish atheist gay male. You have created an alternate reality to justify your lifestyle. You are angry and full of hate. I feel sorry for you. You have no peace.
You are an angry Jewish atheist gay male. You have created an alternate reality to justify your lifestyle. You are angry and full of hate. I feel sorry for you. You have no peace.
Excuse me dingbot, but your brain seems to be experiencing a system wide malfunction.

You need to say your prayers. Even though you never got one response maybe this time you will?

Eat a matzo, lie in the name of God, and ritually desecrate the teachings of Jesus. Keep the faith!


God will be waiting for you with a glorious crown and many wonderful heavenly presents! But only when your physical body dies..... after living like a religiously addled schnook for your entire life.

At least thats what I heard.
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Every Catholic worldwide sets aside the Law of God and gets down on their knees during every single mass to worship and eat a matzo made by human hands for spiritual life even though it cannot see, hear, speak, or walk, has no life to give, is not the Body of Christ, much less God.

You think I am making this up? Screw google. Just peek inside any church on any given Sunday.

You will see and hear 'believers' descend into a perverse orgy openly expressing hatred for God and contempt for Jesus with you own eyes and ears, if you have eyes that see and ears that hear.

Nonsense. I do not think that I am your God.

I am one, not three. I never diddled a virgin to become human. I never abolished my own laws so that "believers" who celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus and eat him can sin with impunity for life.

In fact, I never claimed to be or think of myself as any god. Wow. You can stoop as low as dingbot in a heartbeat! Very impressive for someone who just claimed "I don't like false accusations". :auiqs.jpg:

I am what I am. I am he who is.

Yes, I agree that the Sacraments are not changed into the literal flesh and blood of Christ. They weren’t ever intended that way. But magic has always been close to the Catholic Church. Black magic.
The Sacraments are a symbolic way to remember the actual atonement that Jesus gave freely to us. Here is the prayer on the Bread and we use water since we are commanded to not drink alcohol:

Prayer for the Bread: O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them; that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.

Prayer for the water: O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this water to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.
To become a priest one has to forsake natural relations with women, for life, and swear obedience to the Pope, a man, for life which amounts to laying down with him like a woman.

Am I telling you something that you didn't already know? Whats the difference? No sex? Yeah right. You looked it up on google? Wow. Didn't you first try to think but nothing happened?

Go figure.
Swearing obedience isn’t marrying anyone. You are making up the rest. And, show where the priest is swearing allegiance to the Pope.

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